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Everything posted by Coupi

  1. So... it's better in order to intercep... "redbirds"!
  2. Hi ... Top Secret! Pierre
  3. Hi! Thank you very much for these... Eastern Eagles!!! Pierre.
  4. Hi Paladrian! Is-it the same issue for your MiG-21 Cockpits? I love your cockpit... Pierre
  5. Hello boys! Tested in my system (Windows XP/DX9) and... it's Ok! Thank you for your famous F-15C/E Mod! ... Pierre
  6. Hi! Good! Dear Spinner... ... and an Eagle over Israel from the cockpit!
  7. Hi! Beautiful Wings... over Europe! And... a Super... Tomcat! Soon?
  8. Hi! Thank you very much! Super... Pierre
  9. Hi! Yesterday, I found it! F-4E_ATTITUDE.bmp is needed. I've extracted it from SFP1. Bye Bye
  10. Thank you for your famous mod Paul ... effectively my SF2I produces "white ghosts" in cockpit! Pierre
  11. Hello! Yesterday, I decided to "work" on a Flogger cockpit with different elements found in CombatACE site... ... and I have chosen: - MiG-21UM Cockpit, - Russian HUD Fighters, - Mirage Factory Flogger M, etc... After mixing them... I would like know your opinion about my test. Thank you Pierre.
  12. ... Hi! For instance, I use TK indications for guiding me...
  13. ... Hi! I've the same issue with my SF2 Israel install (NVidia 8800GTX GPU)... I try and I try again to solve it but... I love... MiGs However with MiG-21MF cockpit it's Ok for me! Bye Bye...
  14. ... another one... "taken" around... 1981!

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