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Everything posted by Coupi

  1. Hello, Please, Did the F-5A use the same gunsight reticles as those of the CF-5A ? Coupi.
  2. Hello, I'm not sure ! These 2 entries ? [Engine] ReferenceName=Rolls-Royce Merlin II 1,030-horsepower (770 kW) 12-cylinder engine SystemType=PROP_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=1 SLPowerDry=770000.00 //1267689.83 ThrustAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 ThrustPosition=0.0,2.443,0.0 ThrottleRate=0.5 AltitudeTableNumData=10 AltitudeTableDeltaX=1524 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=0.896,0.935,1.000,0.982,0.965,0.740,0.623,0.355,0.000,0.000 GyroscopicInertia=0.00 SpinnerNodeName=Spinner StaticPropNodeName=Prop_Blades SlowPropNodeName=Prop_Disc FastPropNodeName=Prop_Disc01 SlowPropRPM=300 FastPropRPM=1025 MaxPropRPM=1750 IdlePropRPM=300 BSFC=0.01 ExhaustEmitterName=CleanExhaustEmitter ExhaustPosition=0.0,0.096,0.07 FireSuppression=TRUE MinExtentPosition=-0.332,0.782,-0.658 MaxExtentPosition=0.332,2.148,0.361 MaxPowerAnimationTime=0.1 MinPowerAnimationTime=0.3 ConstantSpeedProp=False NumBlades=4 PropDiameter=3.45 MomentOfInertia=0.3 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableNumData=11 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableDeltaX=0.2 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableStartX=0.0 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableData=0.023,0.40,0.70,0.80,0.86,0.87,0.87,0.87,0.87,0.86,0.85
  3. I like SF2 but... Thirdwire would have been interested in its PC game future a lot sooner ! Last update... July 2013 !!! And now Thirdwire attemps to replace the concern with hope of the faithful community about the evolution of SF2.
  4. Hello, Many thanks to You ! I will add rivets and I will resize the templates from 2048 to 4096. Best regards, P. Used mods : Revamped Yak-28s by Lindr2, KS-3/4 seat by 76.IAP Blackbird and Yak-28B cockpit by Stary
  5. Hello, I'm trying to create a template for the Brewer... At this stage I don't know if I should add rivets or secondary structure lines ! What is your opinion ? P.
  6. I would like to fill the new panels I've created...
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. Super Hornet in action !
  9. Low speed and high angle flight dynamic !
  10. Hello Eric, I like your new skins !!! About the TMF F/A-18D (compared with your F/A-18F) in my install, the behavior of the rudders ("toe in/out" function) is not the same ! Rudders "toe out" position with the Hornet and "toe in" position with the Super Hornet during the similar flight phase... What do you think about this from your experience ?
  11. Top !!! Thank a lot... I need to build a new post-WWI FE2 version in order to fly every of these beautiful planes !
  12. I'll think about you! Take care of yourself !!! Sincerely Yours, Pierre.
  13. Old SFP1 good guy... flying interception mission from SF2 game !
  14. Test ok ! Short video... thanks for you help !
  15. Hello guys ! Very interesting stuff ! Thanks ! I'm testing your updates and fixes... however I don't know why my plane (Su-33) goes through the deck when I want to take off and I land in ! The Flanker is ok when it operates from the Ulyanovsk. Best regards, P.
  16. US Wings over the... Faroe Islands ! Thanks a lot !!!

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