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Everything posted by Coupi

  1. Hello ! Very beautiful !!! I like ! Last weekend I took this standard hangar at the Armée de l'Air BA 120 Cazaux air show. If this can help.
  2. Remember my friends... Once upon a time the Expansion Pack 3 (planned ?) for SF2 ! Found from the version.ini file of the game.
  3. Next step... an update of the game ?
  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  5. Thank you Ravenclaw Spang SAM killers... alert !
  6. Several informations here...
  7. This would be great to fly the "Hog" !
  8. Hello Denis, May I help You to work on hit boxes and collision points ? What are the "pivot points" ? Best regards, P. Edit : Hit boxes & Collision Points.7z
  9. ... I've found this link : http://www.krasnayazvezda.com/terre/materiels/transport_troupes/btr40.php Best regards, P.
  10. Interesting... I hope TW keeps in mind (somewhere) the original SF2/FE2 community ! Six years ago... the last July 2013 SF2 update.
  11. What if... in 1943 ! Many thanks Ed !
  12. With the courtesy of Veltro2k ! Early skin test of his Me 262B-1a "Nachtjager" project ...

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