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Everything posted by Coupi

  1. F-104G... over US desert ! Skin by Soulfreak
  2. F-104... stall and recovered flight from 40000 ft to 17000 ft !
  3. With several edits of the .ini files (and skin) and starting from the TMF F-16C model... we could create this "V". However we need a specific cockpit !
  4. Updated Eastern Front Terrain

    Beauty... full !!!
  5. Hello, I didn't these bombs... great ! Thanks !!!
  6. F-1CR00004.JPG

    Top !
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    ... Can't wait this one !!!
  9. CF-5A flight with the new FM v0.96 by Baffmeister ! And new cockpit layout ! Many thanks !!!
  10. Hi, Do you have try to run the uninstall exe ("uninst_SF2.exe" for example) from the SF2 core install ?
  11. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Es notable, lo mas interesante !!! .
  12. I hope we could fly this F4 (and/or Mk.III)... over SF2 terrains ! Best regards
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  14. In the Navy... I like this skin created by Nyghtfall !!! Thank You for your mod !!!
  15. New Aircraft

    Thanks a lot !!!
  16. Israel Air Force 1956... the Meteor F.8 flight ! Thank You Jarek !!!
  17. I use the NVIDIA video capture from the GeForce Exp. suite.
  18. F-16A Block 10 Demo... around 1981 !
  19. The several files I've modified are not mine ! I've picked and reused them here and there from my different SF2 installations... for test only.
  20. Jarek, I plan to create a specific SF2 install to fly your beautiful and highly accurate helicopters ! Job time and real life take time this week......... Best regards, Coupi.
  21. Hello ! This effect should it be created for each cylinder escape ?

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