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Everything posted by Coupi

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  2. Ok! Our friend Nyghtfall created several very good added parts with A-4 Shyhawk. These could help your beautiful project! For example:
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  4. I like the SEA skin! Many thanks...
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  6. Hello, Very beautiful stuff! I can't wait! Otherwise... In order to hide your parts from cockpit do you have tested this line in the "cockpit.ini" file ? For example: [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=Cabina_MiG-21UMb OpenCockpit=FALSE (or TRUE) Position=0.000,2.150,0.575 Offset=0.00,-0.10,0.00 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0
  7. Hello! Please... What is the status of this beautiful Mirage 4000 ?
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  9. Thanks a lot! In order to illustrate your stuff about the B707! Remember...
  10. Hello, I've this V1 Mod created by Cocas: V-1.7z Best regards, Coupi
  11. Gterl Vosges Map Upgrade

    Thanks a lot! Very beautiful!!! The landscape and... ... the front!
  12. Hello! Why not a new J-35 Draken ! The current mod is good but "old"... Coupi
  13. Hello Geezer! Fast first test from an all new fresh FE2 install (W10/GTX1070): very beautiful stuff!!! Raw screenshots, very immersive! Coupi
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  15. Hello, I have a question about the "ground object role" function in SF2. Do you think the GroundObjectRole=BALLOON exist ? First Eagle 2 gives us this entry. Thanks for advance, Coupi.
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