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Posts posted by Coupi

  1. Thanks for the comments guys :salute: My first scheme will be a SEA vietnam variant .. of course this is actually the F-5C variant with the flight refueling receptacle on the port side .. so I'll probably model it in.


    Would anybody be interested in seeing some of the modified (Canadair, Dutch variants) variants?


    Will post some screens later on in the week when I've finished the basic templates.




    ... Sophocles, :salute:


    Are you interested in documents about the F-5C, the famous "Skoshi Tiger"?


    CF-5 and NF-5 variants? + 100000... :good:


    Best regards,



  2. expect to spend several hundred hours hand-tiling a lot of areas, expecially coastlines -- just wait till you get the do the cities (to say nothing of building the targets ini) Insert Evil Laugh --> HERE <--- :lol:



    I also have a s**t-load of new IME transition tiles (that you'll most likely be needed -and other folks as well-) that'll be released sometime soon when I finish the Eastern Med terrain (Libya/Greece/Crete/Egypt/w.Turkey)


    Cool!!! :drinks:

  3. the tiles go in the main TE folder, for example... (since I have many of them, broken down by tile type...)


    C:\Terrain Editors\WoI_Only_TE\*name-of-tile.bmp*


    texturelist.ini can go in either, but I usually have it in the terrain folder, since I use so many custom-made tiles...


    C:\Terrain Editors\SF_Persian Gulf\PersianGulf\TextureListPersianGulf.ini


    Hello Wrench, :bye:


    Thank you very much!!!


    I'll give you news as soon as possible... :grin:



  4. Hello,


    Yesterday I prepared the whole "IsraelME bmp tiles" (and converted tga files) and I found a "texturelistWoI" from Thirdwire but...


    ... Grrrrrrr... I can't texture so I've a question! :heat:


    Please could you tell where I must place the "Bmp Tiles" and the "texturelistWoI"?


    In the TE folder? In my AfricaSW folder? I've a doubt!


    Many thanks...


    Coupi. :bye:


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