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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Dont mess with Marines

    ...otherwise his injuries would have been a lot worse........!!!!
  2. At last, we did it...

    Hi, hi, edited, started to write JSF and then changed my mind...
  3. Brazil chooses Gripen

    Well, congrats to SAAB, they have been doing well lately !!
  4. Hi, hi, sooooo "What if"... we never had A models....
  5. F-111 TAC Pack

    I didn't really look into it yet, but the SU- 24 has an F 111 pit with a CCIP included into a Russian HUD (thats why I asked it) :):):)
  6. Spectacular but probably very expensive....
  7. F-111 TAC Pack

    Is there any way to incorporate a conventional bomb aiming mode in the electronics? For the rest this is sheer joy, great job !!
  8. F-16MLU RNLAF

    They sure make 'em pretty. It's an ACT mission from Leeuwarden AB over the Waddenzee estuary and the Frisian Islands.....
  9. Nelson Mandela has Died.

    I think this sums it all up. We'll meet again Sir !!!
  10. You SURE gave us First Gen oldies a VERY sweet new pack of Aardvarks man, awesome stuff , thx !!!!!!!!
  11. Lesson learned: don't you EVER forget your matches......
  12. Polish Navy doesn't have carriers, otherwise you could re-enact, including the girl my friend !!
  13. Smartphone controlled Paper Airplane

    Does it work with toilet paper too ?
  14. Well, where the Danes mastered the Hun, they would succeed with the Thud too I guess (and what terrain is it Spinners?)
  15. Great, can we have one on the KLu Open Days next year ?
  16. Never get drunk in India....)))

    OK folks, it's a hoax, so we can safely get drunk again all over the world, let's do so tonight !!!
  17. Bravo Veltro, your Dutch is still remarkable !!!! En kom nog maar een keer hoor, die lange Nederlandse meisjes zijn er nog steeds !!!
  18. Hey Veltro, what have you got with our Fokkers, is it because of your time spend at Soesterberg (where the D XXI, The G1 and the T5 used to be aroud a lot? You almost force me to buy SF2 (while I am not at all done with SF1/WOX yet)....
  19. Biggest Mistakes of WW2

    The biggest mistake by the Germans wast that they did not count with Spike Milligan: read "Hitler and my part in his downfall" and after you recovered and stopped laughing, you may as well read "Rommel, gunner who....?", "Monty, his part in my victory" and last but not least "Mussolini, his part in my downfall..." Very enlightening literature.....
  20. The Russian Police Choir - 'Get Lucky'

    Well, as long as they are singing they are not arresting gays or Pussy Riot girls or Greenpeace people......
  21. Beer as Payment for clean streets...

    You forgot to mention that it is Amsterdam, that explains everything. And everything is possible here, but it simply looks like a workable slution and there is a lot of strange situations anyway over here (though not the sort of things some people in right wing USA seem to think )... . And by the way the people running democracy in this town may not be alcoholics but indeed, they sure behave like drunks now and then ....
  22. I don't often Cry

    Great !!
  23. Fiddling around and tweaking is as much fun as flying.... Eliminated most of the bugs in the FM of the FMk VI, but I think the F100 cockpit is out of place... What pit would you guys use as a replacement (apart from the obvious F4 cockpit)

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