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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Not with us and neither for that matter in Spain.... In Danmark it seems that it was especially the J 57 that caused trouble....
  2. Considering the experiences the Danes had with the F 100, I think the Dutch are quite happy that this is a real what if....(but sure looks pretty!!!!)
  3. VJ Day

    Very mixed experiences with that. My brother was president of the National Remembrance Committee for a couple of years and knew some Japanes ambassadors who did very well in these matters (but part of it off the record) . In Japan however things are different in lots of cases..........
  4. VJ Day

  5. ....passed away today, just 44 years old... RIP Your Highness
  6. Prince Friso of the Netherlands...

    Thx guys..... Prince Friso was buried today (August 16th) ..... Not in the Royal Tomb in the New Church in Delft but at Lage Vuursche, near the beautiful litlle Drakensten Castle where he spent a very happy childhood and where his mother (former Queen Beatrix is going to live in a couple of months) Beautiful and moving ceremony, end of an era.....
  7. It's not so difficult..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czechoslovak_border_fortifications
  8. QF-16C

    Makes one wonder when there will be QF-22's and QF 35's ........
  9. Beautiful, pity that we didn't have them, though - even if they had been around in 1941 -42- I don't know if they would have made the difference.... Hurricanes however had been shipped to the Neth. East Indies and delivered in crates but there was no time left to assemble them, let alone to do some pilot training....A Hurricane would be an "almost what if."........... Apart from that, I don't know how well these early Spit's and Hurricanes (Merlins) performed under tropical conditions...., Post war, no 322 Sq operated Spitfires during the "Politionele Acties" ("police actions") against the Indonesians on Java but that was in standard (ex) RAF camouflage....
  10. Member Map

    FUN !!!!!!
  11. New Japenese Destroyer

    That can surely take a LOT of Zero's... :)
  12. Somehow reminds me of the old Cuttlas....
  13. Those were the days my friends...... Well, maybe not exactly the same, but I saw the same CH-53 dropping an old VW Beetle from a comparable altitude in the grass just beside the runway at Deelen AB at a KLu Open Day a long time ago. The wreck was used as a target for dive bombing Harvards during the same show, one of the scoring a bulls eye through the miraculously still intact rear window with a "bomb" contructed from a disused fire extinguisher.........
  14. Post random things thread

    OK, so there is this flight from the Continent to the UK, and somewhere halfway the captain takes the microphone: "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now nearing the United Kingdom and because of the time difference between the Continent and the United Kingdom, I propose you all put your watch back 50 years..... " (sorry UK I love you all over there )
  15. Thx guys, nice memories !!
  16. Would be a nice "what if" if the Dutch would have followed the Belgians with the replacement of the F-84F's and T-33 in the '70's. The BAF got the Mirage V and the Dutch the NF-5A although the KLu and the BAF had first agreed on the Northrop....
  17. B-17 Crash

    Sounds strange, but WHAT a beautiful place Simon... making the monument even more impressive..... R.I.P.
  18. Coming out of the civilian closet

    Good luck mate !!! Guess you can be proud of yourself !!
  19. Always wondered how correct the max. ranges of the guns are (firing backward means a relatively low absolute speed of the bulltes/grenades, making them dropping quickly) and at least in 1th gen. I think the ranges are far too great. Of course it is all a matter of relative speed, but I never got it completely clear, also not from pilots...
  20. 5,000,000

    Thanks guys, good job !!
  21. Going back in time.....

    Lots af people make the real pics, real works of art. For me just this one, time warp, in pristine condition, like it just flew in, on the operational flightline, Volkel 1983 or Volkel 2013....???

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