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Everything posted by Derk

  1. This, sir , is a very interesting historic item. Happened about 25 km from where I live. A lot more Ju's on the beach and at nearby former Valkenburg airfield, just a few kilometers from here....
  2. 12 12 2012

    And 12-12-2112.........
  3. Flying the J 32 Lansen

    Great, saw it on FB too. Makes one want to take a hop in the Lansen on the sim !!
  4. Great footage and fantastic music, "Semper Vulture", especially written for the 25th anniversary of the BAF OCU at Kleine Brogel AB (thanks Pierre "Schaffy" Schafrath. retired F104G & F16 crewchief and friend at FB) Have fun !!
  5. This would be great. Was a nice discussion lately here on CA about how and when the RNZAF would get back its fighter component and this would be a fine option, but a rather what-if one....... Good news anyway that the Kiwi Skyhawks will be flying again (albeit at the other side of the Pacific...)
  6. Yep, beautiful, Spinners Gripen is great too (BTW when are we going to have a what if RSAF B52 in splinter camo from him?). It is a modellers nightmare in any case and I'm entitled to say so, even if I only got an 1:72 AJ 37 in this camo.... Any idea what is going to happen to the retired A's? They cannot have that many flying hours, would have been a good bargain for the RNZAF I guess......
  7. ...like this one..... http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=6VAuPPufNro
  8. Great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Just to keep you guys motivated !!!! Origial BMW radial FW 190, P47, P51, Me 109, separate & in formation
  10. For those still in posession of the G 222 (very nice model) just a few tweaks. Since it is a very lively performer- see it doing barrel rolls, loopings, very steep climbs and Immelmann-like manoeuvres at an airshow- the sloppy performance /FM of the model could use a few things:correct empty weight is 15.400 kg (instead of 17859 kg) and internal fuel is 9724 kg (instead of a whopping 19188 kg). Total weight reduction of some 12 tonnes makes a difference and now it flies like you can see it flying.... (saw it myself at Gilz Rijen AB). Few more little thingies: elevators should have ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE, change over to CleanExhaustEmitter and get rid of the WingtipVortexEmitters (or reposition them) Have fun, Derk
  11. Tja, da waren es nur ganze drei Stuck...... http://www.the306sqn...en-serials.html Die M103 mit dayglow war eigentlich schon keine RT mehr: es waren mittlerweile RF 84 eingetroffen und die 2 übriggebliebene RT wurden als single seat Trainern verwendet. Während die Periode beim 306 recce Squadron wùrde die TP code verwendet, spàter als Teil der sogenannte Basis Fotovlucht Deelen und nach entfernung der Kameras als Trainer gab es die M code. Wann die RT´s mit Camo geflogen haben ist nicht ganz klar. Houdoe, Derk
  12. Guess the Israeli's must have had a lot of fun with their MiG, in that version more or less a supersonic sports plane (as I saw it mentioned in India)....
  13. KLu flew some RT's too, could look it up if you're interested
  14. These 3 models are an absolute must for SF2NA. Understood that TK is working on them in order to bring them out as DLC's and I think he is secretly developing a completely new and advanced seperate game around them, so modders, TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE !!! I am VERY much looking forward to the results and it will certainly cause me to start playing SF 2 .....
  15. Long live our good old NF-5 WITH a working ejection seat... (although not that often needed with 2 engine safety)
  16. Braucht noch jemand ne F-4F ICE?

    SF einbauen und FLIEGEN, in einem richtigen cockpit
  17. Basically goes for the F 16 too.......AFAIK....
  18. Wait, that's not water!

    Oh dear... but it DID douse the fire didn't it ?
  19. From the Facebook page of the JAS 39.. BTW: on Facebook there are absolutely great member pages on the Lansen, Draken, Viggen, RSAF Historic Flight and the RSAF as well,nice members with lots of (ex) pilots and crewmembers, nice stories and fabulous pics & movies......
  20. Sure man, you ARE one of the nice members :biggrin:
  21. Too good to miss, fabulous shots, great flying, lovely music. And for the tweakers: get rid of the 2.5G wingtip vortices and set the canard vortices to a lot of G's .......
  22. Northrop Strikes Back...

    .... yep, and they painted a mock up with Dutch roundels and a fake serial (actually the D serial was from the F-104G) hoping to attract orders from the F-104 users in Europe......
  23. Britain has invaded 172 countries!

    You can safely add most of the countries named: every time a British soccer team comes to play, the "fans" effectively invade the country, doesn't matter if you call it a raid or an invasion: normal life stops...... :blink:

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