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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Northrop Strikes Back...

    Hi,hi, D-5305 was supposed to be a Dutch number.....
  2. To all the American members here....

    Congrats to the US of A, also for voters turning up in such great numbers !!!!
  3. http://www.military....rKcc_g.facebook.. because it's on your beach...... edit: AND one of your Herc's.....
  4. While taking off in the SAAB J29F Tunnan, I overrotated somewhat , once airborne retracted the undercarriage and the flaps, cut the afterburner and climbed away. In external vieuw the plane showed what looked like a condens trail from the fuselage while In the cockpit the needle of fuel gauge visibly moved in the direction of zero.... Repeated the procedure and the same thing happened. Tried it out further and indeed ran out of fuel (dead stck landing, fun) Well, still discovering things in SF1, never experienced in the game what was obviously a fuel leak , anyone else ???
  5. Nothing special SayWhatt, but the cause may be that the J-29 model has only one big non self healing fuel tank and the min-max extent positions may have to do with it. Either or not catching fire is probably hidden somewhere deep in the system, didn't tweak anythimg on that and didn't search for it. Don't know where the fuel vapour trail comes from.... [FuselageFuelCell] SystemType=FUEL_TANK FuelTankID=1 MaxFuelAmount=1742.7 SelfHealing=FALSE FireSuppression=FALSE MinExtentPosition=-0.55,-0.19, 0.16 MaxExtentPosition= 0.55, 1.67, 0.55
  6. help me understand something, Navy uniforms.

    In our navy it was a matter of climate. Before WW II lots of ships in the former Netherlands East Indies, after WW II up to 1960 in New Guinea and nowadays still stationed in the Netherlands Antilles and operations in the Gulf of Aden, all tropical area's. A white uniform is cooler to wear as it doesn't absorb the rays and with that the heat of the sun. In home waters no white uniforms for our navy. As an example, when we had our P2H Neptunes stationed at Curacao, painting the top of the fuselage white made a difference of 15 degr. Celcius inside....
  7. Hi, hi, the MLD would have loved this but it would have costed the ships navy a couple of frigates, so NO chance... In the end the same ships navy succeeded in getting rid of the freshly modernized P3CUP III Orions and Valkenburg NAS in exchange for a small number of cruise missiles(!!!), which of course was an absolutely idiotic idea which wasn't realized, and they lost their couple of frigates just the same in successive defence cuts...
  8. Strike Fighters Android Review

    Nice & instructive revieuw FC !!
  9. Vipers can crawl!

    Oooops, afraid the ECM landing is Leeuwarden. Wonder what's more expensive, the ALQ 131 or the designator (or recce) pod....
  10. Vipers can crawl!

    Hi, hi, years ago a Norwegian Viper driver forgot to lower his landing gear at our good old Soesterberg AB (when it was still open) during a visit to Veltro's old bunch of Indians......... . No further problems except for a severely scratched fuel tank and a litlle dent in someones reputation after a go around and a conventional landing .......... (and fot the rest the beer was rather cheaper at the 32 TFS mess than it was in Norway so everything was allright in the end )
  11. I did, Jane;s USAF, some great features....
  12. Guess you're right, but the Iranians have their share in it too
  13. On a happier note than crashing Syrian helo's: found back this litlle treasure of the great BAF demo team with Steve Nuyts and Palmer de Vlieger. Try it out on your sim.........
  14. Ha, ha, famous pilots too... Leo van den Born retired from the KLu in 2007 as a Major General , having flown NF 5, F 104G and F 16's, further jobs included Det. Com Villafranca during Deny Flight over Yugoslavia, base commander and Dep. Co. ISAF, so in the end everything turned OK after the wild Sardinian weekend... As for the Belgians, Bill Ongena was a living legend too...
  15. Speaking of Taliban or insurgents: the voices in the background give me an eerie feeling.......
  16. Incredible Video!

    Ha, America NW terrain !!! Must have been fun to do that, ever saw the Axalp in Switzerland ?
  17. Very nice addition for a very nice piece of history of a couple of European countries. Great lookin' KLu T Bird (but wish I could have contributed a few thingies though....... )
  18. Fastest Austrian ever........
  19. ....always wondered why a number of Lansens couldn't have done that job, though it may have been a matter of timescale.....
  20. .... except for the J 34 Hunter, but that was also a thing of beauty,,,,,,,,,,

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