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Everything posted by Derk


    Looks indeed like the F-5C, nicknamed Skoshi Tiger, but basically a version of the basic F-5A Freedom Fighter..... The later F-5E was called Tiger.
  2. What helo is this?

    Ts the camouflaged prototype for the new model 1945 Jeep :)
  3. Well Stary, at least to me a pub reminds me of a lot of beer or a couple of good single malts, a lot of friends, music, etc. etc., in other words THE place to start just about anything..... :):):)
  4. Hate to (probably) disappoint you all, but I didn't even make the transition to 2nd gen. Do not remember exactly when I bought the game, must have been in 2003 or so, and I wanted it because it contained the F 104G and I still love it. SF2 to me looks more and more like a can of worms, still in SF1 an almost unlimited amount to fiddle, tweak, modify, research on planes, etc.. In other words I still find it fascinating. It is a bit like an older car, where you know what's going on deep inside and how to handle it. Still finding out new things, still being surprised by something new, like it's a living thing. And it has deepened my knowledge of aircraft & aviation. Guess I'll stick to it for the moment and a long time to come..... And,ha, ha, TK can't do a thing about it, in no way he's going to spoil anything.........
  5. http://www.f-16.net/...rticle4523.html Always expect the unexpected.... goes even for 3000+ hours Viper drivers. The official accident report ( AIB report, included in the link ) makes interesting reading !!!!
  6. F 16 Oskosh crash

    Well Toryu, in the case of the BAF F-104 it was very light, only some 650 pounds of fuel left. It HAD to land however, no fuel for a diversion from Brüggen to Laarbruch, Wildenrath or Volkel, even an overshoot and a second attempt would have been hairy...............
  7. ....and this was "only" a 500 pounder........ http://vimeo.com/48399328
  8. Munich, after almost 70 years ...

    Imagine the havoc caused by let's say a 500 bomber raid, each carrying 10 of them 500 pounders............. The Schiphol bomb was removed and will be detonated in the polder about 5 miles away. Like in Germany a lot of unexploded ordnance is still found over here, leftovers from actual bomb attacks but also in a lot of cases stuff that has been jettisoned in emergency situations. Holland was the main transit area for the attacks on Germany and AFAIK some 7000 Allied and German planes came down here, a lot of them not salvaged yet
  9. Munich, after almost 70 years ...

    ...and for the record (coïncidence...): another one found today right in the middle of Schiphol Airport a few miles down the road from here.... A number of European flights cancelled.
  10. Someone sent this to me long ago ...

    Of course the Marines are the best.... (being helped by Chesty Puller)
  11. F 16 Oskosh crash

    The story is from "Veilig Vliegen", an air safety magazine distributed within the KLu (you cannot subscribe to it) from at least 25 years ago. I bought a couple of examples at an Open Day (still must have them somewhere but I don't know where) and they sure make interesting reading, demonstrating convincingly how true Murphy's Law is. The article did AFAIK not go into the actual cause, but it most probably had to do with faulty i.e. asymetrical deployment of one of the leading edge and/or trailing edge flaps. I dont know if it was a completely flapless landing as the take off/ manoeuvering setting in the F-104G could be used up to 520 kts (!), but in the Phantom book by Robert Prest a 180 kts landing by a BAF F-104 very far down a slippery runway in a heavy snow shower ended succesfully within 3000ft (albeit with brake chute). Good brakes !!!
  12. Identify this Aircraft

    OK, time is over: Miles M33 Monitor high speed target tug... (powered bij 2 definitely non British Wright engines....)
  13. Neil Armstrong Dies

    Thank you Neil, you gave mankind something to look forward to....
  14. Identify this Aircraft

    Brave try, but nope......
  15. Identify this Aircraft

    Well, let's see if someone else has a clue until 24.00 hrs Zulu.......
  16. Identify this Aircraft

    all right then, how about this one.. .
  17. Brasilia Seen from The Sky

    In the third pic I recognise the twin buildings where reportedly a lot of glass was broken by a high speed pass of some Mirage 2000's lately....
  18. Identify this Aircraft

    Mc Donnel XP 67........
  19. Identify this Aircraft

    Need some time Gunrunner but I'll show up.....
  20. Identify this Aircraft

    Martin Mauler.......
  21. Identify this Aircraft

    Hurel Dubois HD 34. One still visible at Google Earth at Creil AB in N. France.... And as fror the Scimitar: is was a development of (among others) the Supermarine type 508........
  22. Kiwi A-4K Skyhawks to fly again

    We had a lot of fun with this subject last Apri/May in these forums: http://combatace.com/topic/71554-option-for-rnzafs-new-strike-fighter/
  23. F 16 Oskosh crash

    Pilot error is sometimes an escape for accident boards. In the F-104 days in the KLu a pilot discovered that below something like 300kts the plane started unctrollably rolling to the left. So with great airmanship he made a very high speed landing above 300kts, missed the arrester cable, sheared of his brake chute but- the F104 has VERY effective brakes- brings the plane to a stop before the end of the runway wth smoking tyres.. Verdict: pilot error: using the brake chute above the Vmax for deployment causing damage...... Things were settled afterwards, but just the same......... In the case of the Oskosh F16 obviously and probably very rightly no further problems for the pilot, but if really necessary it looks like he could have been- in the style mentioned above- blamed for landing quite fast and - for what it's worth- not using his airbrakes........
  24. 70 years ago: A Canadian disaster !

    A major diaster indeed, the victims should be remembered, the culprits named and shamed !!

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