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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Jaguar and Lightning had overwing stuff too.... (in other words véééry British) but less drag than this.....
  2. A compact cockpit style desk

    A REAL big screen would be nice !!!!
  3. Great vids, the only diappointing thing is that the Mirages did not depart the scene flying between those twin towers in the second clip ......... Maybe a tight fit but with a knife edge it should be possible......
  4. Lego Cool

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!! My brother will love this (not because hr plays with Lego, but because he teached Propulsion at a technical college.............)
  5. Another little remark: had trouble getting it off the ground. Made it a bit lighter at 2477 kg (something like that in Wikipedia) instead of a somewhat hefty 3480 kg... (not that it matters that much but at least it becomes airborne in my WOE version)
  6. You have i t now Paulo, well done !!!! (and of course Muesli for his original job !!!)
  7. Guess thats it Paul, only the pattern on top of the engine cowling remains (if possible...) Houdoe
  8. Thanks Henrik , thats nice , more or less knowing what it's all about , having a couple of Danmil's and having some knowledge about a couple of dialects (no offence, but it helps !!) I don't have too much trouble in reading Danish..........
  9. Are these from Danmil Henrik ?
  10. Thx Kevin !! Doing some more WW II stuff lately, nice addition !!
  11. Impressive Artillery piece

    Impressive gun indeed, incredible piece of machinery, well drilled crew, and to stay in the mood, I just spend the last 30 minutes looking at " It ain't half hot Mum" also about artillery in India, couldn't resist it....
  12. Probably to give the pilot a speeding ticket. AND do an alcohol check........ And of course the papers (insurance and tax etc.) have to be checked AND , because the moment the plane lands it is no longer a plane but a car, so the pilot must have a drivers license.......
  13. Wow, mentioned in despatches ...... thx Paul, it was a pleasure, but it's YOUR job my friend !!! HOUDOE ....
  14. The whole RSAF and most, if not all of its planes were designed around this unique and highly interesting dispersal concept. Zoom in for instance at Satenes airbase NE from Trolhättan at the Vännern Lake (been there during a holiday) at Google Earth. You'll find at least 3 road runways at road no. 44, with nearby roads in the woods flanked by dispersal parking spaces under camouflage netting, all of them connected to the main airbase by roads that can be used as taxiways.Two more small airfields near Lidköping also with dispersals and also connected to the road net. Everything within 30 km of the main airfield and belonging to the same complex.........Lots of bases had these dispersed runways. Impossible to take out a Swedish airbase by air attack !!!! Especially the Viggen with its low landing speed and unique and very powerfull thrust reverser was very good at using these facilities....... Take a look at a Youtube airshow demo of a Viggen and you'll understand why........ :good: Jonathan should be able to tell a lot more about it..... edit: and looking at the movie again it may very well be that they actually used one of the Road 44 strips .....
  15. Yep, I know they are from Muesli, flying them very happily in SF1. Never saw a grey one but there were a few with US style navyblue tops and sides and the underside in (again) very light green. Houdoe, Derk
  16. Hey, great movie, really great flying and full of nice drama (and a nice onboard tomato ketchup device too...) Obviously no "bird ingestion in the engine", otherwise no thrust reverser and the lenght of the landing strip would have been a problem I guess. I remember the tag "Bränsle" from the days I owned a SAAB , drove 2 good old 96 two strokes in succession, my first cars, wtith Bränsle (fuel) gauges in the dashboard......
  17. Having a lot of fun with Baltika's UK/Ireland only terrain with the scenario that part of the islands have been invaded or taken over another way by the Commies. And how about the two fine Kiwi maps ? All great stuff, , guess Japan could be handled the same way ....
  18. Well done Israel !

    Hope it's not considered (too much of) a political item: military service for everyone in Israel, no exception for zealots, fundamentalism gets a kick in the ass..... Good decision, well done guys !!!
  19. Hi, hi Paul, better keep your girlfriends out of the way ....
  20. Surrounded By Losers

    There are even more dangerous and leecherous people, no good self created litlle gods, those earning top salaries in all sorts of vague public or semi public institutions in the complete industry that they brought into existence around social welfare (and foreign aid too for that matter) :angry2:
  21. Ooooops, sorry Paulo, will look into it....... Nice job anyway !!! At first sight I guess the gray top is a little more bleuish and far darker (although wheatering plays it's role) and take a look at the gray at the top of the engine cowling. The rest of it is definitely light green (like on the Aussie one) instead of gray. Also take a look for a 100% beautiful model at http://members.casem.../Seafury_en.htm. (except that I would have the green somewhat greener, see the MLM pic). Will see what I have further (if necessary...)... Houdoe, Derk
  22. Feel almost guilty, happily playing along, "stuck" somewhere down the road that Streakeagle descibes, still enough to do, still discovering things every now and then, maybe missing out on a lot of things, but apparently missing a lot of trouble too .......
  23. Phull Phrottle........

  24. It's Slartibartfast's BD!


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