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Everything posted by Derk

  1. EURO 2012

    Spain: brilliant game, well deserved. Italy: deep respect
  2. Straits of Mackinac...

    Great pic's, great place... Those huge inland seas must really be something special, would love to visit them some day..........
  3. EURO 2012

    Think they deserved this...
  4. EURO 2012

    Well played Italy, incredible change from the way they acted a couple of years ago, great turnaround and Germany was well and truly beaten...
  5. Incredible and lovely Henrik, those memories will be with you forever !!
  6. Catastrophic wildfire

    Looks horrible... good luck there Typhoid !!!!
  7. My son is getting married tomorrow.

    Am I still in time ???? Congrats just the same........... (and thank you Widowmaker...)
  8. Ha, ha, it's a "Tornado-ized" TSR 2 !!! Great stuff !!!!!!!
  9. EURO 2012

    Italy played a refreshing sort of football, liked it, England just couldn't cope with it... Extremely fair match for a change!!!
  10. Hm Henrik, this is slippery ground..... A few real fanatic islamists can terrorize a whole moderate majority into into puppets of a fundamentalist regime... They play their own rules I'm afraid ..... As an example, right on your and my doorstep : were all the Germans right away Nazi's in the beginning ?
  11. ....especially as it used to be all over the place with several bases in Northern France populated with big RCAF wings and another 50 or so flown by the BAF. There were huge dogfights in those days and with it's big straight wings it was outclassing the RCAF day interceptor Sabres Mk VI at high altitude .....
  12. Hi, hi, so in other words the Israeli newspapers use Combatace as a source for pictures
  13. Congratulations Cadetebra

  14. Ugly skies at Cosford Airshow 2012

    Great, especially the Gnat !!
  15. Interesting guests

    They are great !!! The ME 262 has non afterburning J 85's.... (they were among others used for the Hansajet)
  16. Is Stary Getting old?

    Ha, ha, "Stary" means "old" . But (again) congrats anyway my friend , stay mlody 4ever !!!
  17. A guy over here constructed this in his attic.......... (excusing himself that there was no room for the complete nosecone...) !!!!!! All I ever got was the gunvisor glass....
  18. EURO 2012

    hi, hi, :mda:
  19. EURO 2012

    Germany was better and the Dutch pathetic....
  20. 60 years ago...

    Ugly incident, typical for the paranoid attitude and agressive way of thinking of the Soviets in those days.... The nearby island to where it happened looks like paradise to me.....
  21. Nice to see some of our NF's again !!! The Turkish Stars are flying them as well.....
  22. EURO 2012

    Well, looked like the Poles had something like a whole divsion of police marching into the stadium at the end of the match..... But I liked the play well enough !!!!
  23. Useful Sites for Modelers

    http://www.aviationmegastore.com/ and http://www.scramble.nl/main.htm

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