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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Secret Service Serviced by Service Professional

    Wow, one could buy ALL Thirdwire games PLUS a really nice electric model train set for USD 800,= (and keep one's job...)
  2. 10 Years with Combat Ace

    Very impressive, thanks to all of you !!!!!!!!!
  3. Silverbolt's Birthday!

    HB2U Yuri...... (already did that on FB )
  4. Pre Falklands Harrier Docu

    Thx !!!!
  5. Red bomber rear gunners

    Interesting, have to think that over because your speed is added to the speed of your bullet which I think should in its turn increase the range of your guns..Another thing is air resistance which is of course heavier for the "attacking" bullits. Will talk it over next saturday, going to a meeting with a lot of old pilots at the Dutch Historic Flight at Gilze Rijen AB, there is bound to be someone there who flew gun armed Hunters and Sabres in the intercept role in the Cold War days,
  6. Red bomber rear gunners

    In the game the range of the tailguns is often more than double that of the normal range of the fighter guns . Readjusted that..........
  7. My Pound Puppy is gone

    Get yourself a new one asap: it is the best compliment you can give to the one that passed away.........
  8. Real Life (tm) troubles

    GO IWAN !!!! Have the best time ever over there.... As for the Golf: it is a less than 4 promille increase in kilometers for the car, so it will manage...... And: you will NOT be coming back as a stranger to your own & my country, be sure of that !!!!
  9. How about roundels on the stabilators too ????
  10. Dear Activist

    .... yes, and do not define people who are signalling things in a basically positive- and constructive way as activists or professional protesters.......... Having an opinion about Israel does not mean that one immediately is antsemitic, pro Palestine or another brand of fanatic anti Israel activist......../:grin:
  11. Dear Activist

    But I guess Israel could be an even more perfect democracy .......... (but/ and this is meant as a compliment as for the rest you're very right Nesher...)
  12. Hawker Hunters in Hawaii?

    You sure you were on Hawai and not at the River Thames Beach in London ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawker_Hunter_Tower_Bridge_incident
  13. Golden oldies

    Thx Sundowner, this is sort of a goldmine !!
  14. OT -- Cats

    Time for another reminder....
  15. Happy Birthday to

    Slainte gentlemen !!
  16. The "MUD FIGHTER"

    Yep, that must have been it, great fun !!!!
  17. Though not exactly a cruise missile, there is a Firebee available, maybe you could use that one ?
  18. The "MUD FIGHTER"

    Which movie did it act in ???
  19. OK, name of the Defence Minister is Hans Hillen, new CO KLu is Sander Snitger (ex NF 5 "Double Dutch" team member), so just phone them as soon as the budget negotiations are concluded one of these days (it will be on internet).....
  20. It brings one in the mood for a holiday......
  21. Blue Impulse budget cuts

    This is BRILLIANT !!!
  22. .... and in lots of cases it is the use of fuel that would otherwise be dumped (cooking oil) or be made out of waste (biomass) that is produced anyway and would normally be burned off in order to get rid of it. That is something else than using up vast areas of land to grow stuff to produce fuel. Mixing available quantities with the normal fossile fuels is already a step in the right direction......

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