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Everything posted by Derk

  1. ..................................................
  2. Hi Cliff, thx a lot for your edited files. Doors are ok now, but the flight model doesn't enable much more than 5 G's or so, giving the F-35 F-104-like turning capabilities and making it extremely sluggish in pitch....... Tried to put in the original wing/ outer wing/stab figures, that restored the original flying performance but f.cked up the doors again. Is there any possibility of combining your doors remedy with the original flight model? Saw the F-35 performing with quite a lot of agility at our KLu Open Days, pulling a lot of g's.......
  3. Dutch Lightnings......

    Our first two F-35 were in the country for a couple of weeks for familiarisation and noise tests. They also took part in the Airpower Demo on the RNlAF Open Days at Leeuwarden Airbase on June 10 & 11 in front of a total of more than 280.000 spectators. Together with 10 MLU F-16's they performed a spectacular base attack with near sonic high speed passes, flares and explosions on the ground........ Great stuff!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jez31XaWn6I
  4. Frisian Flag....

    Ending this week, 2 weeks of intensive training from Leeuwarden AB with 8 x F-16 BAF 4 x Mirage 2000 FAF 6 x F-18 FinnAF 10 x EF2000 GAF 6 x Tornado GR4 RAF 6 x F-16 PolAF 14 x F-16 RNLAF 8 x F-15C/D USAF AAR vanaf Eindhoven 1 x KC-767A ItAF 1 x C-135FR FAF 1 x A310MRTT GAF 1 x KDC-10 RNLAF Nice footage, F-16 vs F-15 https://www.facebook.com/Luchtmacht/videos/1005698789466314/ Grtz Derk
  5. Do you mean F-5N or NF-5(A), the most formidable of the F-5A's with roller map, stronger engines, manouevering flaps, radar altimeter, BT9 bombing computer etc etc, something half-way to the F-5E?
  6. A Cool Dog and a Cool Bird

    Another cool dog & bird........
  7. Capt Eric "Winkle" Brown

    Always loved his stories and experience.... Thx Captain !!!

    Whole thing looks perfectly normal to me....
  9. Dutch Police Training Eagles to Take Down Drones

    You can take it for granted that the Dutch Police take the welfare of the animal very seriously. The "interceptions" take place within sight and if the drone is too big or dangerous, gunfire or other options will be used.
  10. David Bowie passes away at 69

    Another icon gone...
  11. On a somewhat different note: great memories on the Tu-104 when Aeroflot started flying to Amsterdam/Schiphol back in the '50's: saw F-100's and Hunters doing practice intercepts on the Badger look-alike in the airways (engaging AB in the F-100 gives a very nice effect on the contrails) but the real funny thing was that it regularly wandered all over the place and flew by at maybe 2000ft because of "technical problems" and through binoculars one could see the Russky in the glazed nose with his camera's taking pics of just about everything..... Those were the days comrades !!!!!! Nice job anyway Veltro.... and BTW: I work as a volunteer museum giude at our new National Military Museum at your good old Soesterberg homebase with a lot of 32 Sq stuff still in place (F86, F110, F102, F4 and F15 and most of Camp New Amsterdam, including the Zulu hangar...)
  12. I love the F11 tower vieuw and do some aerobatics. I wonder if there is a possibity to get the jetsounds audible from a greater distance as they disappear quite abruptly at relatively close range.... Couldn't find anything in the KB or didn't look under the right tags.... Derk
  13. I would like a puppy, a kitten AND a pony.......
  14. Didn't try it yet, but if it works it should be what the Draken has always needed. Is trhis along the lines of the old modification where te F4 pit was turned into a Viper ?
  15. Kim-Jong-Un Tweets out

    The banana's are a very good idea...
  16. Movies

    Kelly's Hero's....
  17. Less than a week remaining

    Hm, at least seems we're lucky with the weather................
  18. F-35 at Green Flag 2015

    All this is great, but what would the serious alternatives for the F-35 be, both in capability and costs, and how long would it take to get them? At any rate our MLU's are getting VERY long in the teeth with fatigue problems, rising operating costs and available in dwindling numbers, forcing us to make choices if there are any realistic ones........
  19. Soaking up the sun....

    Dangerous beauty !!!!! Always wondered how it would have compared with the F-111....
  20. My Apologies to French Members......

    I like France all right but for me Napoleon was an asshole and a butcher, whatever qualities he may have had. His brother on the contrary was King of Holland for a while and was a very decent chap...... Too decent appearantly because he had to return to France on order of the Emperor.....
  21. Well, gues the same goes for the KLu and BAF guys......
  22. 71 Years Ago Today

    Had a nice chat in the museum last week with an old navigator of Coastal Command. Operating Halifaxes from Tiree. they flew the weather recce over the Atlantic on June 5th 1944 on which the advise was made to General Eisenhower to proceed with the invasion..... The margins were very narrow........
  23. A-4 Skyhawks get upgraded

    It may be subsonic but it's got very supersonic missiles...... :)

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