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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Ha, ha, left wingers can be swing wingers too.....
  2. VERY interested in that one, after all these years maybe an old problem is solved. Working avionics too ??
  3. Whining: very nice skin but the RDAF doesn't have Block 30 's
  4. SFB 2011

    Beautiful !!
  5. Matter of taste but I'm flying it with an MB-339A cockpit (single piece windscreen)... But the Hawk is a great little thingie anyhow !!!! Houdoe, Derk
  6. Epic savings win.

    Right front blinker unit for my car, E 44,= through the dealer, E 10,95 spare part by internet.......
  7. In my shed this weekend

    I wanna have a shed for Christmas......
  8. Totally OT...My New Petfood Store

    On behalf of Jessie & Lilly + Sijtje: WOOF, MIAOW !!!!!!!! Good luck with the shop !!!!
  9. Gay Flight Attendant

    All right, another one: passenger to a (maybe a bit robust-) stewardess: "Hey, since when are we served aboard by peasant women? Answer: "Since we transport cattle sir ......"
  10. Non-US Movies About War

    Soldaat van Oranje ("Soldier of Orange")
  11. A very thought provoking Video

    This vid has it's function, doesn't matter if you like it or not. Sure sounds a bell, it's against corruption, bribery, it's against bulls**t (like whale catching for "scientific purposes" by the Japanese for instance ), it's against commercial killing of almost extinct species, it's against killing good people etc. etc. But first and foremost, whatever you may think, it's simply pro life, pro nature and pro Earth . Let's enjoy life, nature and Earth and let's be carefull with all of them . For me that doesn't automatically mean it's propaganda for green nazi's (who I dislike as well) and all sorts of little people who are against everything anyway
  12. Like the Viper pic best !!!
  13. Ultra Dutch.....

    When we have a coldwave over here, people go out with hundreds of thousands, maybe more than a million, on the many frozen over lakes, canals and waterways we have, including of course lucky me and two of my daughters ............. As Dutch as can be............ (the Kaag Lake, just 5 minutes from where we live...)
  14. I Like CombatAce Because....

    ....because all the beautiful pics of women and nice fluffy animals..... AND because it's always such a surprise what turns up in two weeks........
  15. Thanks my friend, what a beautiful job !!!! As for the screenshots: I guess the old hands that flew our F104's in the later years leading up to 1984 are VERY jealous fort the Lima Sidewinders. I also love to use the all-aspect capacities of the later Sidewinders, making the G a pretty effective interceptor, but in real life the pilots had to work very hard for kills with old fashioned Juliets........ The newer missiles were immediately confiscated by the squadrons that had converted to the F 16....... Houdoe to you too Derk
  16. 70 years ago: Operation Cerberus/ Donnerkeil

    It was an amazing feat, so full of coïncidences, sheer good- and bad luck. Stirred up a lot of Luftwaffe activity in our country too.....
  17. So CND means the pilot is more or less suffering from a hangover........ ??
  18. kim jung un

    He should hold it the other way round and pull the trigger......
  19. OT Cops Revenge

  20. Amazing how the ideas about "the definite camo" have been changing ever since the invention of the warplane. Same goes for the scheme that is most visible and stands out the most: nowadays trainers in the RAF and our KLu are painted black all over instead of all sorts of glaring dayglo red, orange yellow etc. Of course the role of the Viper (maybe a change to more A2G work) is also deciding... At least it keeps the discussion going !!
  21. Rafale wins Indian MMRCA contract

    ....... but I wouldn't be surprised if the Froggies will earn back the initial price savings in the spare parts bussiness the coming 20 years or so.....
  22. Rafale wins Indian MMRCA contract

    Good show for the French, they needed it but i.m.h.o. also deserved it. In the future possible advantages in commonality if the Indian Navy needs new shipboard fighters, in the mean time reasonable all round performer and more multi role at the moment than the Eurofighter..........

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