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Everything posted by Derk

  1. I've got a working (BE)one too, no problem....
  2. I blame the X-Factor!

    Britain 's got TALENT !!!!! (and VERY rough language......)
  3. As for the RNZAF Strike Wing...... Kahu's..... ....on the way over South Island....... .... with our own escort service.... ....on the lookout for trouble .. ....with some help of RN Phantoms...... .........joining the Kahu's on the way back home ...
  4. As I Get to Say Once a Year....

    What about the Turkish turkey's ?
  5. Ha, have fun trying out this one at 60.000 + ft !!!!!
  6. Happy Birthday hgbn

    A vrtual beer to you Henrik (and see FB )
  7. Ha, ha, same here, downloaded the Kiwi F16 and still tweaking the A4K and having great times over the beautiful NZ terrains......
  8. Check Out These Idiots....

    Poor little Adolf..... Over here we still have people with A.B.A as initials (Adolf-Benito-Anton, named after Hitler, Mussolini and Mussert, the wartime Dutch Nazi leader) but they were born during the war. Such a combination nowadays is refused, as well as other naming after WW II criminals, at the civil registration office..... ..
  9. Depends..... use of AB is not a problem in Israel as you never need it for a long time and there's lots of airbases you can land on... In NZ prolonged use of AB will -relatively- bring you not very far........... Houdoe, Derk
  10. After installing BF3 Skyrim no longer starts

    Hey Stary, how about going back to basics at gaming with good old DX ball....
  11. See too: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/55384-g-limit-and-damage-for-aircrafts/page__pid__408034__st__0&?do=findComment&comment=408034
  12. Drdoyo

  13. The F20 is readily available for SF1.........(see dl. section)
  14. Funny, coincidence. After the NZ Skyhawk clips lately, yesterday I "assembled" a nice A4K from a couple of different Kahu's available for use in the wonderful New Zealand terrains and did some flying with them, including intercepts . And it made me think today, exactly the way Brains does: any idiot in any sort of plane from wherever he may come can do a LOT of damage to New Zealand in 9-11 style. The country lies totally open to that sort of thing. The Australians may be able to help but are hours away........ What will the NZ reaction be to an unidentified radar contact that is not answering radio calls and bores straight in ? EVERY western country needs an interception capability - even if it is an A4K- nowadays with terrorism right around the corner..........
  15. Its Life or not...

    If there is water maybe there is even beer , means a lot more life.....
  16. Well, it depends. Of course the airfields are populated with great WW II stuff (giving a sort of Final Countdown sensation), but operations with modern jets are quite possible. Skyhawks, Harriers, A 10's but also F 16 's and F 18's can operate from short & primitive runways if necessary. Lots of Russian stuff was built with runways like this in mind and the US Marines know their way around too.. Gepard undoubtedly knows quite some emergency airfields with grass runways in the former DDR that were used for jet operations. Also there is a number of other beautiful terrains with a WW II background which are far too nice to use with prop stuff only And so what, this whole game is one great big "what if" thing anyway..... Houdoe, Derk Edit: F 16 and I guess F18 too need paved rwy because of FOD risk of course, but there's no FOD in the game
  17. USMC to buy UK Harriers

    A stupid move gets a happy ending !!!
  18. A Declaration To CombatACE people

    ....and a MOST impressive ceremony it is !!!!!
  19. A Declaration To CombatACE people

    There is a yearly Veterans Day in the Hague (next one June 30th 2012) in which our friend and member Muesli is VERY active and the fallen and other victims of (especially ) WW II are remenbered at May 4th every year with ceremonies in every town and village and a 2 minute silence in which trains, trams, buses and a lot of other traffic also stop. Also, on the next day May 5th there is still a veterans parade at Wageningen, but that has been transferred for the most part to the Veterans Day in the summer. There is a separate ceremony is at August 15th every year to remember tthe end of the war in the Pacific and the war victims in the Far East (former Neth. East Indies) . My brother, having spend part of his youth in prison camps at Java, was very much involved in that one, until last year as the president of the organising committee. And then, of course the Battle of Arnhem is remembered in big style with a diminishing but still considerable number of British and Polish veterans. (untill last year a number of them still made parachute jumps over the Ginkelse Heide, one of the original dropping zones) On the one hand not neary enough is done for our veterans (of which Muesli is one) , on the other hand , there is at least a couple of occasions where something IS organised........ Houdoe, Derk
  20. Politicians again.... New Zealand was actually on the list for F 16's too.....
  21. Brownings fire again...

    Brilliant !! The quality and durability of those parts is amazing, especially if you take into account what the average calculated age of aircraft in wartime was (number of flying hours before being shot down or other kind of loss). A lot of excavations took place in Holland by a special unit of the KLu. A HUGE number of allied and axis planes crashed here during the war that came up when land was reclaimed in the former Zuiderzee area in the '70's and '80's. I went to a presentation by the commanding officer Col. de Jong, and he he came up with dozens of stunning cases of stuff still in perfect working order after so many years...... Houdoe Derk
  22. Things lik this are the reason pilots have to do such a lot of training... Now one sees the usefullnes of a pilots license with a lot of flying hours, simulator hours, practice landings etc A job very well done !!
  23. Tragic..Red Arrows Pilot Killed

    Condoleances for family, friends and the team, what a tragic season for the Reds. May he rest in peace. I really wonder what happend, zero zero ejection seat, just one safety pin, was he strapped in yet, obviously it didn't happen during take off, but was it on the runway or at the platform ? Time will tell but I do hope everything will be cleared....

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