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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Don't forget our vets

    Very well said: "Freedom isn't free......" As a child of the Cold War, thanks to all veterans for what they gave for a lifetime of peace for my wife, daughters and myself.
  2. HDR......

    Gives the world a flightsim-like touch..... Houdoe. Derk
  3. New Beast

    Same here, driven by steam
  4. A few old edits

    Beauties !!! Where were they taken, Leuchars, Coningsby, ....????
  5. Top Gear

    It's great fun, they are living legends, very popular over here !!! Houdoe, Derk
  6. Looking at he pics (the last ones are already a great improvement as far as I feel it), maybe the bulged tailbase could be slightly less rounded i.e. somewhat more squared towards the top and a little bit more slender towards the end . This is in fact pure "whining" but it is a matter of feeling i.e.perception: small details like this CAN make a difference in the total impression of what is otherwise an absolutely AWESOME :good: model !!! Houdoe, Derk

    Gefeliciteerd old timers !!!
  8. First of all, the chicken crossed the road in order to avoid a long detour, which would only be succesfull in case of a dead end street anyway......... Houdoe, Derk
  9. Men & advice column

    Thanks to Muesli and FB:
  10. New book ....

    Dash One....
  11. think this is worth sharing

    Impressive and very much worth sharing .........
  12. Remembering The Fallen

    On Christmas Day 1941 the RNN submarine Hr. MS K XVI was sunk in the South Chinese Sea with the loss of all 36 crewmembers. Mrs Katja Boonstra, daughter of of one of the crew has led several expeditions in 2003 and 2004 in order to locate the wreck, but they were unsuccesfull. In the process she got in touch a couple of years ago with the son of the commanding officer of the Japanes sub that torpedoed the K XVI. They became good friends and they developed a lot of activities since then. They went to Ireland and got in contact with the commander of the British sumarine that torpedoed the Japanese sub later in the war and he joined them. Together they gave lectures and presentations all over the world on the subject of war and peace and former enemies. Today, after almost 70 years, the wreck of K XVI was found....... The circle is closed now, the members of 36 families now know where their loved ones are and the world has another seamans grave ..... Rest in peace
  13. Polar Bear in a blizzard

    Grrrrrrrrrr !!
  14. Searching For A Good Bank

    You meant "cents" of course ....
  15. Halifax....

    .... another 6 man who died for our freedom...... (they almost made it to the end of the war..........) A mere 3 weeks before the German capitulation in Holland, Halifax NA347, 298 Sq. (RAF Tarant Rushton) was shot down by Flak on April 12th 1945 on a weapondropping mission for the Dutch resistance. Crash site in the dunes near Vogelzang, was there this morning for deer spotting.
  16. Baseball.....

    .......seems we became world champion..... Houdoe, Derk
  17. Baseball.....

    Sure, but didn't follow it. It's a surprise for everyone (except the team itself it seems) Beat the Cubans twice..... Always considered the US and Cuba as the absoute masters of the game.........
  18. Yes, and it can reach Mach 2 with it ...... Houdoe, Derk
  19. Two Englishmen teach us about jets!

    Where would the world be with aviation today without British contribution....... Houdoe, Derk
  20. Scooters.

    Great !!! Saw the Scooter only once in the air: demo of an Australian (!) A-4G at the International Air Tattoo at Greenham Commons back in the '70's at the occasion of a jubilee of Queen Elizabeth (the carrier Melbourne was in Southampton for the occasion) . Great impressive little thing !! Houdoe, Derk
  21. Ooops a jet pranged in China...

    Well timed ejection..... Saw one in Belgium (capt. Duvivier, BAF Mirage V, Sanicole airshow) that ended very sadly...... Houdoe, Derk
  22. I LOVE BANANA BOMBING !!!!!!!!! Houdoe, Derk

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