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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Historic KLM DC-3 in Milan Linate

    PH-PBA is owned by the Dutch Dakota Assiciation and adopted by the KLM. They are flying a lot of celebration flights this year, see Youtube. Used to be the personal plane of Prince Bernhard. DDA tragically lost its first Dakota PH-DDA due to an engine quitting coupled with a failure in the propellor feathering mechanism.No one survived....... My brother in law was the chief crash investigator, took about a year to find out what the cause was. Flew a couple of times in that one, including my bachelors eve (got married the next day....) Beautiful machine, thanks for the pics !!! Houdoe, Derk
  2. Frühe BRD Luftwaffen Zahlen gesucht

    Habe noch ganz alte Decals in eine Art Büchlein. Werde mal nachschauen.. Houdoe, Derk Edit: "Die neuen Kennzeichen der Luftwaffe" 1:72 von Plasty Airfix 001, werde morgen ein paar Scans machen. Weiss nicht ob die Zahlen alt genug sind, auf der Vorderseite steht auf jeden Fall eine F104...
  3. I would turn it the other way round: fortunately just about everything that flies and is usefull in this game (SF1 / WOX) has been created !!!!! Not much left to fill in in my opinion..... (but still a lot of tweaking to do, but I like that !!) Great big thanks to all the modders for their sterling work over the past years !! Houdoe, Derk
  4. Gonna try out THIS ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks anyway !! Houdoe, Derk
  5. We mourn the loss of an old friend

  6. Great book, together with attack aircraft and bombers of the West. Gunston is very outspoken ,fun !!! Houdoe, Derk
  7. Always thougt that its a shame how the gouvernement sends up fine pilots to fight in SUCH flimsy machines.......... Houdoe, Derk
  8. Pics from Jönköpingskalaset

    Ha, ha, in Holland we are poking fun at the Germans for the same sort of things: "Dreigekuppeltevierzylinderverbundheissdampfschnelzuglokomotive" is one..... (für meine Deutsche Freunde: die Bayrische S 3/6) Houdoe, Derk
  9. Yep, works out quite well and as I commented there especially the F 35 is quite nice.. Cockpits are a problem though. Matter of taste but in my opinion there should be a one piece windscreen, single engine, with and/ or without radar. Hard to get by.......... The F 105 pit would be a nice idea but maybe the trick with the F 4 pit can be applied where the front struts are removed: http://simhq.net/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/1610476/Searchpage/3/Main/185951/Words/Viper/Search/true/F_16_cockpit_view.html#Post1610476 (this did not work out with the F 104 pit but maybe it does with the Thud pit). Another option would be the removal of the second set of engine instruments in the F4 but it seems that that was impossible. In the mean time I use the A5 pit (no radar, one piece windscreen and a HUD) for the F35 (Denmark) Yet another option would be a variant of the Fulcrum pit, which resembles very nicely the the very flimsy sort of struts of the Draken pits (probably IN the cockpit, not part of the windscreen), maybe some engine instruments can be removed there as well as the radar in the case of the F35........ Houdoe, Derk
  10. The D and J models should probably not pose too much of a problem though for the D the shape of the cockpit differs. The Danes used the (formidable...) F 35 ground attack variant and work was done on that one in the first gen. I have it flying around nicely...... Houdoe, Derk
  11. I have had it for years. It makes interesting reading, all the more so since Hacket is a good storyteller and an ex BAOR commander who was very much in the middle of the Cold War. He is not very optimistic about the outcome with nukes used on Birmingham and in retaliation on Minsk and a huge area of Germany and the Netherlands overrun by the Soviets (and one can imagine what happened to the population in those territories...) Houdoe, Derk
  12. Pics from Jönköpingskalaset

    Good ! Try it out Yuri..... Houdoe, Derk
  13. Frightfully damn pretty, definitely very woody old chap.... Houdoe, Derk
  14. The Rant

    Another Sidewinder here, same age, doing fine.... Houdoe, Derk
  15. Let's see with what our German friends will come up with. Have to leave for the weekend but will look into it on Sunday night, several websites with thousands of pics and documentation available. And how about you Ale? This Rollferch website is GREAT Soulfreak !! As far as I can see the launcher rails were slightly canted out maybe 10 to 15 degrees (90 degree angle to the circular shape of the fuselage), also on my 1:32 Hasegawa models. Scan sunday if still necessary Houdoe, Derk
  16. Pics from Jönköpingskalaset

    Beautiful !!! It is because of guys like you that I hardly ever take pics: others are so much better at it !!! Houdoe, Derk
  17. KLu Open days 2011

    Nice airshow coming up next week at Leeuwarden : Finnish Hornet, Polish Fulcrum, Italian Typhoon, 3 different F16A demo's + Turkish F16C, Apache demo, Hawker Hunters (incl. team Viper), Magister, F 16 airfield attack + air/heliborne assault, Red Arrows, Patr. de France, Patr. Aquilla, Chinook, Lynx, A 109 etc. etc. and what other surprises there may be ...... And:(traditionally) it's for free Have a look at http://www.defensie.nl/luchtmachtdagen/deelnemers/vliegshow/e....... Houdoe, Derk
  18. Idiots like that should not be allowed to keep a dog....
  19. .... except that they act STUPIDLY in the handling of a battlewagon......... Houdoe, Derk
  20. Funny, answering your own post.... Anyway, another - earlier- Cold War ECM case: from 07-1975 until 06-1980, 68 of our KLu F 104-G's were equiped with internal Sanders AN-ALQ 26 'multi band track breakers" (jammers). No flares or chaff dispensers.The set seems to have been quite effective: though not supposed to be used during excercises in order not to give away anything to spying Russians, one pilot "accidently" activated the stuff and in his own words "hell broke loose" with the unsuspecting radar and air defence units..... The German Navy (and I guess the Luftwaffe too) used underwing ECM pods (AN/ALQ 167) with AN/ALE-40N chaff/flare dispensers and the Canadians at least used radar warning gear. Houdoe, Derk
  21. Thanks, just what I needed, Houdoe, Derk
  22. Just a little bit OT: what were your experiences concerning manoeuvrability comparing the Block 15's against the C model? Our 306Sq alias 148 FS (the KLu OCU), flying MLU's moved from Springfield (Ohio) back to Tucson where they share the ramp with 152 FS and 196FS flying Block 42's and Block 25's respectively. The A models, with or without the ALQ-135 , according to the KLu detachment commander, consistently outmanoeuver the C models i.e. are the better dogfighters.... Rather less powerfull but a lot lighter is the story but I wonder if it really makes that much difference.... Houdoe, Derk
  23. With my daughters (then aged 9,8 and 4) in the car on the way to the hospital in the Hague, where my wife had undergone surgery, it was on the radio that "a smalll plane had flown into the WTC in NY" . In the hospital on a tv screen I saw in live the second plane hitting ...... I remember saying that "there must be 50.000 people in those buildings........." The world had changed and would never be the same again. Had to explain a lot to the kids....... Derk And for that matter: I remember vividly the history teacher at the end of a highschool party announcing "a black day for the Western world: President Kennedy was shot tonight and is dead" and my American girlfriend at that moment (she was on an exchange program) bursting into tears........
  24. This is a VERY interesting thread !!!!!!! All the stories about the F 16 during the Cold War really give us an insight in a lot of things !!! Thanks everyone , especially Busdriver with his first hand experience in A models, which we still fly today, albeit in MLU disguise i.e. a sort of F16A block 50/52!! Houdoe, Derk

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