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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Thanks Lindr !!! Houdoe, Derk
  2. Veterans Day

    It was pure coïncidence: I was waiting at a traffic light at nearby Wassenaar, listening to a CD with Glenn Millers "In the Mood", when police turned up and blocked the road. And from the right out of the woods, at full speed, came a beautiful column of WW II vehicles, opened by Indian and BSA motorbikes with a siren running, jeeps, Dodge command cars, light trucks, heavy GMC en Ford Canada trucks, a halftrack and so on, all manned by soldiers and officers in original uniforms, creating a sort of instant time warp that lasted for minutes because at the same spot the people of Wassenaar welcomed their liberators in 1945 .... It was moving and people came out of their cars and applauded...... The whole thing belonged to "Keep them rolling" Keep them Rolling, Ardennes, a Dutch preservation society with very authentic and very well maintaind stuff. They had probably assembled on the nearby Royal Domain "De Horsten", where Crown Prince Willem Alexander lives, and were on its way to the Veteran Days in the Hague. Our good friend Muesli -himself a veteran- is very much involved in that manifestation. Not very well known, the Dutch have about 120.000 veterans from WW II, Indonesian Freedom War, Korea, New Guinea, Libanon, Sinaï , Cambodia , Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. It is a very big happening with thousands turning up and with the Crown Prince, the Prime Minister, the Defence Minister and the C.in C. attending. Wish all the veterans a great day and thanks guys for what you did for our country (and other countries as well) Houdoe, Derk
  3. Hey ID(io)Ts , ThANkS a lot on behalf of the dwindling number of SF 1'ers, who, like old soldiers, never die but just fade away... Fine job, and Aleks congratulations !!! Houdoe, Derk
  4. JK Rowling unveils Pottermore website

    Hope to see her in our favourite hang out place in Killin/Scotland in about two weeks..... Houdoe, Derk
  5. How about this one.............. Houdoe, Derk
  6. Ha, ha, how about te idea to drop it loaded with fresh s**t...... In that case a new toilet would have been acceptable... Houdoe, Derk
  7. Rabbinical Court to execute Dog

    Religious idiots, no better than Taliban, same mindsetting Derk
  8. Beautiful, funny that they even use flares on sportsplanes..... Looking forward to our KLu Open days at Leeuwarden in September, program looks good already.. Houdoe, Derk

    Houdoe, Derk
  10. Would have been a great waste to have dropped a serviceable toilet on these assholes...... Houdoe, Derk
  11. You forgot to mention the main threath/calamity: cleaning activities of the wife....... Houdoe, Derk
  12. You forgot to mention the main threath/calamity: cleaning activities of the wife....... Houdoe, Derk
  13. Damn pity we sold all of 'em (to the UAE and Greece) Houdoe, Derk
  14. Dambusters Digger

  15. Dambusters Digger

  16. Kabooom !!!!!! WOW...... Houdoe, Derk
  17. Another Natural Mushroom Cloud...

    Could make a pretty big mushroom omelet with that one (or a zillion pizza funghi's) Houdoe, Derk
  18. ECM boxes yes, but no chaff/flare dispensers. For those have a look at Ravenclaws Starfighters (at least the German Navy had them) For further dispensers (downloadable as separate items) and also tanks have a look at NF 5A or F5A/ F5C, don't know the exact dimensions but both the wing and central pylon tanks are quite small. And how about F86 tanks ? Houdoe, Derk
  19. Wrong B**ch

    ... having had such a tart as boss during it's lifetime.... Houdoe, derk
  20. the lowest of the low

    My amateur opinion is that it is ABSOLUTELY UNPROFESSIONAL, it's improvised (maybe to impress some female onlookers?) , risking lives and equipment. During a meticulously planned airshow routine it's something else. Both the KLu F 27 demo by capt. Boy Soons / capt. Jan Reffeltrath and the F-104 demo by capt. Hans v.d. Werf in the seventies and eighties had been completely screened and calculated by the NLR Aviation Laboratory and approved of. During take off they climbed just a few feet and retracted gear, pulling up steeply at the end of the runway, all parallel to the crowdline at a safe distance..... Houdoe, Derk
  21. How about a Yankee Vulcan..... Houdoe, Derk
  22. My Memorial Day Tribute......

    To my father, who endured unspeakable hardships as a slave labourer in Japanese prison camps at the Birma Railroad and survived to be my father. Died in 1968 as a late victim of what happened to him during the war. Derk
  23. A refreshing point of vieuw by Macalena...... Another bomber - or more important another crew- that returns home, meaning another plane available for dropping bombs on Germany ?. On the other side , at least theoretically, it may have shortened the war, thereby saving lots of lives, not only of soldiers but also of civilians (also in Germany !) and most of all of prisoners. Every day the war was shortened saved lives, especially since the Germans executed people up to the last minute of the war and in the concentration camps people died like flies. I do wonder if Franz Steigler knew anything about that. Was it really pure chivalry or was he fed up with Hitler and his bastards.....? Houdoe, Derk
  24. 70 years ago...

    Those must have been dark and desperate days in Britain and in Germany as well. I have a fascinating book about the rediscovery of the Bismarck and indeed everything points to the fact that she was scuttled. Obviously it would have taken heavier stuff than torpedo's and 38 cm guns to sink her........ Sistership Tirpitz was eventually sunk by Tallboys at Tromsö...... Houdoe, Derk

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