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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Happy Birthday, paulopanz

    Gefeliciteerd, Derk
  2. No fly Zone over Libya...

    Same here !!!!!! Stupid fools....... Houdoe, Derk
  3. My rocket is bigger than yours...

    Incredible !!!!! Derk
  4. Still like the one without the opaque frames better. Maybe a little darkening of the HUD glass will make you feel less naked Houdoe, Derk
  5. Like it very much !!! Thanks, Derk
  6. Liked the F3 very well :good:from the day I saw a very early F2 demonstrated at the International Ait Tattoo at Greenham Commons back in the '70 's , and we really have a worthy flying souvenir here at SF thanks to Bobrock...... Houdoe, Derk
  7. No fly Zone over Libya...

    Whatever the situation is, it IS quite special now (and somehow a weird feeling too) to fly CAS, air defence surpression, strike, armed recce etc over the Lybia Terrain that Wrench gave us some time ago........ Houdoe, Derk
  8. No problem either with Fubars old MiG 29 pit based on the Phantom pit (can still be downloaded in the cockpit section) Houdoe, Derk As for the F104 pit: pity, would have been nice. Maybe the F 105 after all ? And concerning Anita: those were the days !!!!!!!!!
  9. Tried it out but there seems to be no separate possibility to remove the front frame only, leads to the F16 style thing. Felt rather exposed in a Hawk 127..... Houdoe, Derk
  10. off to iraq

    Best of luck !!! Derk
  11. God Forbid

    UK Ministry of Silly Walks ????? Houdoe, Derk
  12. Never Enough came up with the thing I forgot (which one of the two items to use) and said it all: use the FrontFrame item only, . AD's trick was originally deveoped for the very early F 16's and indeed later used again for the MiG 29. It's probably a lot of work to find out how to implement this trick on for instance the F104 pit or some others, but interesting just the same. Lots of single engine jets around with or without radar with one piece windscreens and (if I remember it correctly), very late in the career of the F4 in the USAF, some of them were tried out with new single piece windscreens too ........ Houdoe, Derk
  13. Those were the days my friend: REAL pilots, REAL carriers and REAL planes..... . Houdoe, Derk
  14. Very interesting! Yes please send me all the files you have. Try out this for a start, (only thing is, don't remeber exactly which one of the two additions moves the windscreen frame but it's easy to find out..) http://simhq.net/for...tml#Post1610476 I didn't try very hard but never succeeded in pulling the same trick with for instance the F104 pit or maybe the Mirage pit or the F105 one (has nice vertical indicators like the Draken) and it would save you the trouble of removing the instrument set for the second engine.. A classic Western radar equiped single engine pit with a one part windscreen would be a nice addition....... Houdoe Derk F_16_cockpit_view1.html
  15. It was a gunkill !!!!!!!!!! Houdoe, Derk
  16. Even shot down a MiG 17 with a Bronco.... Houdoe, Derk
  17. Great news Ordway, an old wish coming true . Remember there is also the trick to get rid of the windscreen framing (the Draken basically had a single piece screen, I'll send it to you if you like) and would there be a possibility to get rid of the second set of engine instrruments? The only problem that would remain is the F35 pit of the Danish Drakens which had no radar, but then only a small number of then were built.... Houdoe, Derk
  18. Happy Birthday Sony!

    Daar ga je JP !!! Derk
  19. At night it's always colder than outside Houdoe, Derk
  20. Massive Earthquake in Japan

    Hm... I do not drive a Toyota, I really do not buy Japanese products if not necessary, when I see an older Japanese I do wonder if his father or grandpa maybe hit my father in the face and starved and tortured him almost to death at the Birma railroad, or struck my mother with a cane for not properly bowing for the jap emperor in the camps at Java... Furthermore when my Dad died in1968 at the age of only 65, they found out it had to do with what he had to endure during the war........... BUT: it is absolutely saddening to see the devastation in Japan right now, I feel extremely sorry for all the people involved and I'm inclined to do everything I can to help them. The war is over, bombed to a nuclear end at Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945, Pearl Harbour has been revenged, it's over and done with for me........ Right now it's humanity that is at stake and we should do everything we can to help the poor and innocent victims in Japan, we should unconditionally stand with them and I have a deep, deep respecty for the way they handle things..... I am thinking about them and if I had been a religious person I would have been praying for them . Derk
  21. The Avon powered Mirage was a very good idea. Actually one flew as a prototype for the RAAF http://forum.keypubl...ad.php?t=104405 and it seems it is still in existence.... A missed opportunity............ Houdoe, Derk
  22. The Iowa class battleships could deliver a total of 10.800 kg in half a second second if the target was close enough ........ Houdoe, Derk

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