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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Thanks Michael, interesting things !!! Houdoe, Derk
  2. The Royal Wedding

    Why should they remain unmarried ? (OK, come on, you do have a lot of good arguments ...... ) Houdoe, Derk
  3. The Royal Wedding

    Lot of truth in this post !!!!!! Ok, lots of people may not like monarchies, but if you consider the alternatives....... In our country there are anti-monarchy groups too, but most of them agree that Queen Beatrix would be damn good president... Houdoe, Derk Derk
  4. Nam Vet get's harrased on Bus

    Fully agreed ! Houdoe, Derk
  5. The Royal Wedding

    Another pro vote from here Henrik !!! I like our Queen and Crown Prince all right . Houdoe, Derk
  6. Nam Vet get's harrased on Bus

    These guys are both nuts. The veteran is not less nuts because he's a veteran..... Houdoe, Derk
  7. UK Harriers retired

    Hope they will find a good home for them...... Houdoe, Derk
  8. Okay, can anyone understand the following?

    Yes, you're getting old (and so am I) Houdoe, Derk
  9. Bad day...

    Edit: damage between E 7.000,- and E 8.000,= , meaning that basically it's a total loss. Strange as it was not a big bang at all: skidded against a tree at such a low speed that the airbags didný even activate...... and it was a VOLVO, having the reputation of being very sturdy.......... Sad thing, liked it very much, can only afford a much smaller car at the moment
  10. Pearl Harbor

  11. Bad day...

    Bad day for me too: wrecked my car yesterday in the fresh snow. Not as expensive as the Flankers, but just the same..... Houdoe Derk
  12. Final F-111C flights today.

    Bye Varkies, thanks for a great time and many fantastic encounters, Hou doe, Derk
  13. Airplane! Movie Quotes

    Tower: "Say again.." Pilot: "Again..." (title of book by Martin Leeuwis, full of this sort of stuff) Houdoe, Derk
  14. Just Wondering

    Total about 100, 1:72 mostly, and some 1:32...., enough for a nice Cold War airshow line-up:heat: Houdoe, Derk
  15. How Long is Two Weeks?

    How about two weekends, sounds a lot better..... Houdoe, Derk
  16. How Long is Two Weeks?

    There can be 50 weeks between one week and the other one........ Houdoe, Derk
  17. From Brisbane Australia: can't wait till I'm home to try it out !!!!! Flying out here tomorrow night........ Hou doe, Derk
  18. Just popped in to say hi

    Fine new terrain. Any campaigns WIP ?? Houdoe, Derk
  19. Great answer and very instructive !!!. Wonder about one thing: in the years we operated the NF 5 in the KLu, there were wonderful demo's flown all over Europe during the season (with special paint jobs and smokewinders) where the empty central pylon tank was always used generating lift during the long and spectacular knife edge passes that were part of the program. It must have added quite a bit to the available lift.and thus may have reduced the sideways AoA and probably the necessary amount of rudder. Have you got any idea if increased rudder authority was used ? In any case it was always stated that the NF5 was very well suited to knife edge flying. What I do know is that it posed considerable strains on the airframe and the demo plane was changed every year or so for that reason....... Hou doe, Derk

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