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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Thank you Veltro, another nice adventure...... Houdoe, Derk
  2. To all you who love Dogs

    , ok, here is some more; Near this spot Are deposited the remains of one Who posessed beauty without vanity Strength without insolence Courage without ferocity And all the virtues of man without his vices This praise, which would be unmeaninfg flattery If inscribed over human ashes Is just a tribute to the memory of ....................... at the grave of the Newfoundlander dog of Sir Walter Scott, very famous Scottish writer and poet..... There is a statue of the dog at the west entrance of Princess Gardens in Edinburg I have got two such dogs............ Wooof, Derk
  3. Wish Her Luck

    Best of luck !!! Derk
  4. Now THAT is a nice and very original plane !!! Hou doe, Derk
  5. Interesting stuff ..... http://bbs.keyhole.com/ubb/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1313573 Hou doe, Derk
  6. LMFAO!

  7. Thanks for your concern Baltika. As said it's absolutely not your fault, especially as you gave ample warning. The little test was at my own risk. Far more important is that we have a fine new terrain !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  8. Fantastic... We've got a MK IX flying over here as part of the Dutch Historic Flight and it's a beauty , with a great and well documented history too and usually flown by a retired general at airshows. My brother supplied an oil pressure meter for it. Looking forward to this one !! Hou doe, Derk
  9. GAU-8 meets VW type1

    It's a peacefull meeting.....Two more meetings: at the start of the KLu 75 year anniversary air show at Deelen in 1988, they would not begin the show unless all the public was behind the fence along the display runway. As it turned out an old VW Beetle was parked far in front of the fence with an lone "spectator" in a chair right beside it. He would NOT leave despite all sorts of warnings. In the end a big German CH 53 turned up (was it you Volker?) and some heavily armed military police. The spectator resisted and was removed by a lot of force. The car was taken up in a sling by the helicopter and then dropped from about 500ft at the other side of the runway......... Great fun !! The Beetle "lost "the first meeting (with the heli) but was still in one piece. An hour or so later during the show a couple of T6's (Harvards) dressed up as Thunderbolts and FW 190's (for the movies "A Bridge too Far" and "Soldier of Orange") and equiped with makeshift - but working -bomb racks, using empty cylinders of fire extinguisers as bombs, did a demo in which they dive bombed the car. Without any sort of bomb aiming equipment an old ex KLu pilot put his "bomb " right through the rear window (that was miraculouly still intact) of the Beetle . Bullseye !! Beetle lost the second meeting too but was still recognisable as a Beetle...... The 400.000 (!) spectators had an experience never to forget... Wonder how a not so peacefull meeting between the GAU 8 would end...... Hou doe, Derk
  10. Hmmm folks, computer sort of back in bussiness after a day's hard work en reinstalling XP (yes, it still exists) and a lot of trouble in getting wiresless internet back. Not perfect yet, but we are making progress. Maybe a new machine after all, but in the mean time it is a sport to keep this one operational..... We could not find the real cause of the troubles, but it had to do with the shutting down + restarts after the lock ups. No bugs or anything in the Iceland terrain as a direct cause as far as we could see. The hard lock ups are dangerous though and can cause damage , as it is not possible to close down the computer in the correct way ..... Gonna be VERY carefull to fly CAS / Antishipping, even with the modified ini...... Hou doe, Derk
  11. You did it Alex, great job !!!!! :good: Thanks, Derk
  12. `Thanks Baltika...... For the moment using my daughters laptop (she's in Ozziie anyway). Guess it's gonna be a new compu cause it looks like a crash, but it may very well have been an unlucky coincidence. Will keep you informed, Hou doe, Derk
  13. Hey Baltika, Same problem as you have. Even so bad that my (also very old ) machine completely ceased operating, won't even start up anymore.. . Posting this from my wife's computer. Guess we should warn users from trying to fly CAS/Anti ship cause it might be dangerous......... I'm going to mail my computer engineer and try to get him to look into things tomorrow. Don't know exactly by the way what patch I'm using... Started gettin squared off tree's etc. so I guess I (partly) went back to earlier configurations. One thing is that I very seldom get planes on the ground, but I don't care as for the rest everything functioned OK, Hou doe, Derk
  14. One has to stay low in order to evade the incredible numbers of SAM'S. The MV Julius Fucik must have been loaded to the brim with missiles & launchers ..... . Flew a couple of very nice missions !!! Slainthe to you friend !!!! Derk
  15. Thanks VERY much Baltika. And I'm getting a lot of mileage (in WOE). great addition !! Hou doe, Derk
  16. Rotary beats Fixed anyday!

    I don't care......... Now I understand why the fast jet pilot is considered ... (the "G" word).......... Hou doe, Derk
  17. Second that .... Hou doe, 'Derk
  18. THE f***?

    What do you need an SU 27 for ....? Hou doe, Derk
  19. Thanks X-Ray, gonna try them out ... Hou doe, Derk
  20. Polen am Bau!

    Fabelhaft !!!!!!!! Derk
  21. Ahh comrade, another great achievement of our beloved socialist system against the counterrevolutionary capitalist agressors, proving once more the superiority of the socialist society of workers and farmers, led so brilliantly by the glorious Communist Party.... That will teach the capitalist swine revisionists a lesson !!!!!! Heil Stalin (oooompf, sorry, please don't send me to the Gulag camp, please.....) Derk
  22. 80 years ago

    Here's to Auntie Ju:drinks: , zum Wohl !! Hou doe, Derk
  23. Best Video Promo Ever

    !!!!!!!!!!! Derk
  24. Parts of a whisky distillery, at last !!! Hou doe, Derk

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