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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Quite high enough to fly straight into.......... Hou doe, Derk
  2. Tornado

    When on holiday for the 7th time in 14 years at Loch Tay in Scotland we made a discovery during a walk at dusk at the Glenogle Pass Moving........... Derk
  3. Plane Parachutes do work...

    Funny thing, before seeing this, I litterally just put down the phone after a chat with a bussiness relation about planes with chutes and I have recently flown a Cirrus for an hour or so that has the same system........ Sure gives you a safe feeling Hou doe, Derk
  4. Two New Flight Simmers entered the world!

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hou doe, Derk
  5. Welcoming home the Boys and Girls

    Beautiful !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  6. Wow, thanks Baltika. Was in Edinburgh the day you wrote this, Hou doe,. Derk
  7. Frightening damn pretty pictures !!! Hou doe, Derk
  8. 65 years ago

    And that is exactly what I am missing from the Japs. Even today schoolbooks on history are denying atrocities, convicted war criminals are honoured by the highest officials in shrines etc. etc. It is a bloody shame. Derk
  9. Maybe I did not look far enought into the KB, but is there a loadout.ini mod for the TMF MiG 29's for the Bunyap Weapons Pack ? It's just the lazy me asking it...... Hou doe, Derk
  10. That's the spirit Svetlinnh :clapping: , (but you must be totally out of touch with booze and loose women:grin: ) Hou doe, Derk
  11. Thanks Svetlinnh for the tips:good: , sure adds to the knowledge of the whole thing. The TMF Fulcrum is a fine piece of machinery, but to get things really going ,one is more or less forced to take the TMF weaponspack. That is very good stuff too, but it also means I have to change a lot of other things too and loosing lots of tweaks and extra's I added to the Bunyap pack........ I'll look further into it, maybe the packs can be joined, whatever . We'll survive though and I'll manage somehow, also because there is good info in the existing ini. Hou doe, Derk
  12. Well, at least it keeps one away from booze & loose women........ Hou doe, Derk
  13. 65 years ago

    That would have been an interesting option, but it would probably have killed the emperor too, thereby blocking at least a way out of the conflict . Loosing face is a most horrible thing in the Far East and the continuation of the Japanese empire under Hirohito was in the end one of the things that made the surrender bearable for the Japs. Hou doe, Derk PS: I am still happy to be alive
  14. Who's the boss?

    What do you say? " YESSIR" or "Oui Madame" or " Oui ma Commandante" or simply "Mon Dieu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Just the same it is good to see competent women in the right places (even if they are jolie!!!) Did she fly combat missions ?? Hou doe, Derk
  15. Thank you Allenjb42, nice "what-if" !!! For the record: before the war all air activities took place in the Luchtvaartafdeling (Aviation division) under the army and the post war airforce became Koninklijk ( Royal) afaik in 1953. Hou doe, Derk
  16. Airshows Near You This Weekend

    Hey, that was quite a good tip. Saw about the last 1 1/2 hr online. As always there was something I never saw before and probably will never see again: dogfight MiG 29 vs Gripen, LA 59, and an airfield attack Hungarian style with Gripens and Hinds. :good: The absolute top however was a VERY curious demo by the BAF F16. Nothing wrong with the demo, on the contrary, it was perfect as usual , but the accompanying music was a song by a VERY heavy metal band, describing VERY explicitly some VERY rough sexual activities that can VERY much not be explained here any further. Wonder if they used it at the airfield too......... I am VERY sure I will never see and hear that combination again:rofl: :rofl: Hou doe, Derk
  17. It's not only the UK. Under the new minority gouvernement being assembled over here, I would not be surprised if we lose half our F16's, Leeuwarden AB and a postponement (if not cancelation) of the acquisition of the JSF. For next year flying hours will be reduced by 5000 hrs. Involvement in Afghanistan has come to an end and for a lot of tasks a couple of Cessna 172 will do, towing a banner stating that we welcome any intrusion of our airspace and everything will be paid for,as long as the intruders keep to the speed limits and do not say nasty things about people with a different sexual taste. In the mean time all sorts of politicians will go on thinking up new rules (usually stating that it has to be done because of the European Community) , so very effectively increasing the number of civil servants, all to be paid out of the money saved on things like defence...... Spending has to be reduced, I agree, but the gouvernement in my perception never really looks into the mirror,for instance streamlining a couple of huge ministries and a lot of other things that can simply be cancelled without anyone noticing the difference ... Hou doe, Derk
  18. 65 years ago

    Sorry Michael, the simple fact is that in case of an invasion of the Japanese mainland prisoners would be killed does not have to do with the will to go on fighting. A relatively small number of fanatics would have been enough. Same happened in Germany and in occupied Holland, where there was fighting and there were killings and executions almost up to the day of surrender. And in case of the prisoner camps, the Japs made the prisoners dig ditches around the camps with machine gun emplacements at the corners. Would have been very easy to kill the people and bury them quickly ....... And then there is the partly religion driven will to die for the emperor that has to be taken into account, as well as in my opinion the fact that the defence of the homeland is different from what was going on in China.... I still do not regret - very selfishly -that the nuclear bombs were used Hou doe, Derk PS: I agree with you that Dresden was a shamefull blunder and absolutely senseless in the greater picture.
  19. Great:good: , would be nice to have Veltro !!! Hou doe, Derk
  20. 65 years ago

    Millions of lives were saved (no invasion of the Japanese mainland) and many more millions of people would not be alive today, including myself. But for the bombs the Japanes would have killed all the European civilians they kept in Indonesia and Malaya/Singapore in case of an invasion. Preparations for that were being made. Apart from that, the prisoners would not have survived for much longer because of starvation and illnesses. My mother, 2 brothers and my sister in Java and my father in Thailand would have been DEAD , ergo I would not have existed....... I pity a lot of innocents that were killed in Nagasaki and Hiroshima but countless more innocent lives were saved. I shall not go into what I think about certain fractions in Japan nowadays, but if I can I still do not buy Japanes products. And I completely agree with von Paulus that the world was forced into living together instaed of against each other, whit a lot of benefits for all of us. Thank you America Derk
  21. French skins anywhere ? Of course used in combat by Israel but more than 100 in French service during the heydays of the Cold War..... Hou doe, Derk
  22. flying firefighters

    Those guys are fantastic !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  23. Another one...........

    Kongratuliere !!!!! Hou doe, Derk

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