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Everything posted by Derk

  1. There is indeed framing on the model Kevin, but not on the real thing... (only on the T2 trainer variant). And I used it for the "front frame" struts only, not on the bow..... (OT: wonder if we could make it working on the F 104 pit too, for the Draken) Hou doe, Derk PS: I would like to state again that the F1-just like all your other creations , Veltro,- is a wonderful addition to the game !!!!!!!!!
  2. Woeha !! Found it in the archives of SimHq. It is an old trick originally invented by Armourdave and dug up again by tflash, in which a cockpitinstrument is added which makes the frontstrut in the F4 pit disappear. (in the same way the canopyframe was removed too, which gave an unrestricted F16 like vieuw, usefull too in the beginning with the MiG 29) http://simhq.net/for...tml#Post1610476 As far as I know the F1 has a one piece windscreen (trainer version has a conventional 3 piece one) and from the inside of the cockpit things look better. All credits to the original inventors !!!!!! Gonna do some playing with it too.... Hou doe, Derk
  3. This... is lame

    There are little Hitlers everywhere........ Hou doe, Derk
  4. Hey, don't worry a bit, you're the top , and it flies verrrrrrry well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. :good: And things can be adapted very easily in these games. Please go on with your superb work. Whenver you come over to Holland (sentimental journey), I'll buy you a lot of beer:drinks: :drinks: :drinks: in het Zwaantje in Soesterberg ............. Hou doe, Derk
  5. How about airframe life ? Hou doe, Derk
  6. Might as well bring the internal fuel back from 6540 kg to 3054 kg ( reduce the amount per fuel tank from 1635kg to 768 kg ) and reduce the empty weight to 6358 kg Guess both items will make quite a difference, though except for the powerfull engines the FM is nice enough as it is and it would be a pity if the whole thing would have to be rebuilt ... And a question to Wrench: a loooooong time ago you had a tweak by which the framework in the windshield of the F 4 pit could be removed (in two steps). Can't look it up now as I am in my office, but it might be a nice addition in this case as the F1 has a single piece windshield.... But a sweet plane it is Veltro, thanks a lot Hou doe, Derk
  7. Assholes.....:angry2: Derk
  8. Sexiest(Coolest) Plane Ever

    HAWKER HUNTER !!!!!! , not on the list but the only one with real beautiful breastwork !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  9. Danke für die sovielste MiG Michael !! Hou doe, Derk
  10. I wonder about the "Transport" thing. Never saw anything turning up that way during normal use. Changing the mission to "Strike or "Reconnaisance" however produced results with flocks of AN-12's and even Mainstays appearing...... . Is the transport mission included in the game at all ? Hou doe, Derk
  11. In Memory of 'The Few'

    I cherish the movie and the monumentous book by the team of After the Battle that I have in my possesion...... Hou doe, Derk
  12. And could you please wrap everything up separately and nicely, because it is all needed for presents and I want a discount too as well as a 30 year warrantry and I find it too expensive anuway even if it's for free... (how do you call this: consumentism or consumerism ?) Hou doe, Derk
  13. IFE over March ARB

    Birdstrike ? At Volkel the pilot at least dropped his wing tanks and AFAIK made an unassisted (no brake cables) landing. . Saw everything happening right in front of me (together with about a 100.000 others........) They had to cancel the whole Airpower Demo because of possible FOD for the following 10 F16's..... Hou doe, Derk

    Ola Espagna, FELICIDADES !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  15. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    O yes, forgot one thing: a big applause for South Africa for organising a splendid World Championship !!! :clapping: Hou doe, Derk
  16. The F16 is very good value for money for smaller air forces, executing a lot of tasks very good, but a further developed F17, without all the heavy Navy stuff and with more up to date engines would have been a very interesting proposition.... Hou doe, Derk
  17. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Hmmm, as I said (and as the coach of our team and some players actually said) : the best team won, so why all the whining ??? As for the referee, there will always be disputes about descisions and maybe he should have given even more yellow cards or even red ones, but I honestly think Spain (or others on behalf of Spain) should not have too much to complain let alone to play the role of the poor and helpless victims . They played well and that's that. "Theather" is part of the game nowadays (alas) and the Dutch were definitely not the only ones to act that way... There is no such thing as lillywhite innocence in modern football, as there is far too much money at stake..... So Spain, get on celebrating, you're entitled to it, be proud and happy, and cut out the crap. And I am VERY proud of our team (ok, being a very small country too and for what it'd worth look at the number of votes we got ) Hou doe, Derk
  18. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Well done Spain, congrats ( but we won the 80 Year War......) HOU DOE, DERK
  19. As a whole the airshow circuit is less interesting since the beginning of the '90s, also in Europe, where the variety of countries and airforces is quite a bit greater and the distances that have to be covered are smaller. Lots of planes were retired (almost all the former Warpac stuff as well as a lot of Cold war gear) and of course there are enormous budgettary strains. If you look at the RIAT, it's quite a bit less than what it used to be (though still a great show) and the airforce open days are also a lot more difficult to fill up. Airforces have to cut their flying hours too (RNLAF minus 5000 hrs next year) and generally prices for fuel, maintenance etc.etc. are going up. Added to that we have the economical crisis...... I think it's a general picture. Hou doe, Derk
  20. Waddington 2010

    "The aluminium overcast ......" Hou doe, Derk
  21. Does anyone here ride Horses?

    in the US & Canada they ride Western style, where you use one hand - the other hand being free for holding a gun for instance -, Forgot one thing.... one hand free of course too for a botlle of beer or booze ........ Hou doe, Derk
  22. Does anyone here ride Horses?

    AFAIK (wife & 2 daughters do horsebackriding) in the US & Canada they ride Western style, where you use one hand - the other hand being free for holding a gun for instance -, as compared to the English style where you use two hands on the reigns. Did both of it during holidays in Canada 2 year ago and I liked the US style better. Takes different sort of training for the horses. Over here the predominant way is the English one but in a few stables you can ride Western style. Hou doe, Derk

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