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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Think Cliff did very much the right job: : much needed major reduction of empty weight and fuel quantity (with something like 40% resp. 70 % !!, amounts were in pounds) to the right values , corrected fuel system and much reduced( ATAR 9K50) engine power...... Some other smaller tweaks as well (had a PM with Veltro with something like this in 2009 as the Mirage IV was launched very much overweight and corrected it for myself ). Maybe the CG position needs a litlle adjustment (I use 0.,00, 0.00, 0.00) Hou doe, Derk
  2. AFAIK atitude can't be changed for every waypoint but for cruising to and from the target you can adjust things in the missioncontrol.ini under [altitude] , given in meters above sea level and under [waypoint] the attack alitude can be set (at least in SF1 and WOE) Hou doe, Derk
  3. Happy Birthday Marcfighter!

  4. OK, this is getting a bit OT, but give this one a try for sweet memories..... http://soesty.webs.com/soesterbergab.htm And one last thing: I was at Soesterberg on Nov 21 1984 (purely by coincidence) when the last 5 KLu F104 G's made a farewell flypast over the base on their very last flight, meaning the end of Starfighter ops. in Holland. Maybe you saw them too, Hou doe, Derk
  5. No BVR capability before the AMRAAM, which has been carried however in since1998 by some Block 15OCU's (during the KLu deployment to Villafranca in the Yugoslavian conflict) untill the introduction of the MLU later during that year. The OCU's APG-66 radar lacked the mid-course update capability of the later APG-68 of the MLU, so AFAIK the effective range of the AMRAAM must have been halved. The capabilities of the F16 with dumb bombs were relatively good (winner of NATO bombing competitions in Scotland) and of course there were cluster bombs, so, apart from the stand-off capability, the need for an expensive very precise weapon was not that great during the Cold War. Smaller conflicts like in Yugoslavia changed that and the fear of collateral damage meant new requirements. The TV and infrared Maverick had been tested on the KLu F16's during the '80s but not ordered as the use of the weapon required very specialised training which would be taking up too much time and interfere with other tasks (like A2A.......) During Deliberate Force in Yugoslavia in1995, a requirement was formulated after all, but there was no possibility to obtain the AMG-65G at such a short notice, so the AMG-65D was used as from October 1996 instead. During Allied Force 32 of them were fired with great effect and it is still in use, though the combination of Lantirn pods and LGB is preferred and in use since 1999 (probably considerably less costly in use) Hou doe, Derk
  6. 2010 FIFA World Cup

  7. Small world, I know the place and I was born in Zeist.... What was your job at the base ? The Wolfhounds are still remembered very positively over here and there is lots of fine websites and books about them. I've been at the base dozens of times. At an open day in the '60 s I sat in the pit of an F102 and they explained a couple of things and a couple of years ago I made a 2h. flight in an F27 Troopship from there. Tha base is closed now, but most of it will be left intact (including the main runway and the main shelter area) and they are going to concentrate the Air Force and the Army Musea into the Dutch side of the field where there are 7 fine T2 hangars available. At the fomer Camp New Amsterdam some buildings remain in use by the Dutch Defense Ministery. Hou doe, Derk
  8. Well, the Eagle Days !!! I've seen about everything that was stationed at Soesterberg, starting with the F86F's through the F100C, F102A, F4E, F15A, F15C untill the end. Did you live on the base or in the village ? Untill 1963 my grandparents lived just to the west of the base, near the entrance to Camp New Amsterdam, Hou doe, Derk
  9. Sometimes one misses the lightswitch somewhere underway, so here we go from the beginning: -download the JAS 39 Gripen zip in the SF1 download section (be sure to have the 1th generation one for WOE) to any map (preferably a new map) - unzip the file, you'll get a map called "Gripen" -open that map and you'll find a new map called "Gripen" -open that map and you'll find a map called "Gripen _Final" -open that map and you'll find the map called " Gripen" and some read-me files. Read those in any case !!!!!! -open the map "Gripen" and you'll find a map called "JAS39C" - drag THAT map into the WOE directory objects/aircraft folder - do exactly what is in the read-me's with the contents of the sound- and weapon maps . Don't bother with object data cats or things like that...... Should work..... Good luck another bloody beginner a long time ago........
  10. Stupid question, but what is missing in the pic in your opinion ? Hou doe, Derk
  11. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Last time that happened it took 80 years to sort things out and the Duke of Alva didn't help....... Hou doe, Derk
  12. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    'Gut gemacht Jungs.... Hou doe, Derk
  13. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Sure, absolutely dramatic and disastrous for poor Ghana which deserved victory with a penalty kick in the very last second of the match. They missed and after that lost the series of penalty kicks and the game. And Luis Soares - who got a red card for actually stomping the ball out of the goal with his hand in the last second- does not play against Holland next week.... We'll see Hou doe, Derk
  14. Happy Birthday Slartibartfast

    You mean 300cc of good beer ......... Congrats Derk
  15. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Sorry Silverbolt... There was an article in Het Financiëele Dagblad (the Dutch Financial Times) today comparing the values of the teams in terms of total transfer prices of the players, and Brazil came up to something like E 275.000.000,= and the Netherlands totalled about E 140.000.000,= One of our players doesn't even have a team/club since the end of this season and quite a few of them are just simply playing in the Dutch league. Sheds a certain light upon the behaviour of players and lots of comment in this thread Think the Irish paper produced a very good analysis, not only about the English team and Premeir League but also about the Germans and their policy We'll see. Guess the Dutch will remain in an underdog position Hou doe, Derk
  16. Would be fun !!!! Saw it live with 32TFS at Soesterberg ......... Hou doe, Derk
  17. Thx so much Veltro !!!!! And by the way: who is the girl ???? Hou doe, Derk
  18. Vielen dank Michael !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  19. Happy birthday, Mrs Bastardi !

    Great, have known it for vears with a Dutch guy in it !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  20. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Yeah, and let's have some Monty Python instead, pretty damn fine, very woody !!!!! [ ] Hou doe, Derk
  21. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    There is another one: spit at least once ever 30 seconds, meaning a total of about 180x22 = 3960 per match as a minimum and in average 0.792 mouthfulls per m2. If not so the match is considered invalid...... Hou doe, Derk
  22. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Germany vs GB (sorry, England....) was another very big case in favour of electronic umpiring, so that clean goals are counted instead of ignored, even if it would not have resulted in a British victory. The FIFA is as rotten as MiGbuster describes and it seems that only the president, a crook named Blatter (he bribed 20 African countries each with E 50.000,= to vote in favour of him), is against an extra electronic umpire. The principle of that is working like a charm in international field hockey, where also a lot of other experiments with the rules are taking place. The offside rule was abolished years ago and a lot of changes have been made with the penalty corner and an incredible increase in dynamics and tempo was created in changing the rules of the equivalent of a free kick: the player is allowed to keep the ball for himself instead of having to pass. The result is a far more attractive game ........ With soccer the last change of rules must have been BC..... Hou doe, Derk
  23. Korean War

    Dutch battalion, manned by a lot of WW II and Indonesian campaign veterans Hou doe, Derk
  24. Deutsch-Sprachkurs

    Gute sache dass wir so viel Kipf nach Deutschland exportieren, das wird ein Riesengeschäft !!!!!!!! Volker, du hast ungezeweifelt auch Kipf gegessen beim Tankstop am MVK Valkenburg...... Hoe doe, Derk

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