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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Swanp Ghost

    Great job, fascinating story !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  2. Starfighter Affäre!

    Eine Mirage F1 mit J79 GE-19 Triebwerk wäre vielleicht interessant gewesen... Werde ich im Spiel mal ausprobieren....... Hou doe, Derk
  3. Starfighter Affäre!

    Wir hatten NF5 A's, etwa halbwegs zwischen F5A and F5E. Im vergleich mit dern 'E etwas weniger Motorenleistung ( aber etwa 9% mehr als die F5A), etwas leichter, schon überschallfähig in Horizontalflug in Meereshöhe, noch keine LERX-flachen aber schon gerüstet mit den halbautomatischen Manoeuvrierklappen am Flügel (die eigentlich ursprünglich für die NF5A entwickelt würden und später durch Northrop einfach geklaut wurden für die F5E....) Beim NF5A in der Downloadsektion würden diese Modifikationen im Data.ini mitgenommen. Im manchen Flugbereichen war sie die F5E ebenbürtig ...... Hou doe, Derk
  4. It's the old story. In the SF1 download section there is an improved F16A block 10 by Xevilpetex that has- compared to the cockpit that comes with the old C models- a sort of improved 2MFD pit that at least goes some way in the right direction (for a Block 10 it's not the right pit but that doesn't matter as the excellent TMF pit can be used). The HUD is reasonable complete with bombing aids and the MFD at the right is fully functional. l asked Xevilpetex about it as I got myself a pit with more or less the same properties, but he seems to be out of touch:blink: Brains and Storm had something on the C pit too a long time ago but afaik nothing came out of that. My link Hou doe, Derk
  5. Ouch...

    A good landing is a landing you can walk away from........ (F.O Prune ???) So what ? Hou doe, Derk
  6. Simple: the value at sea level is typically 1.000, decreasing to 0.000 in for instance 9 steps of 3048 meters as follows: 1.000, 0.802, 0.604, 0.496, 0.381, 0.288, 0.206, 0.147, 0.105, 0.000. This means that at 27432m altitude the theoretical engine power is zero. Increasing the values , for instance from 0.496 to 0.896 and 0.105 to 0.405 and the values in between in a sliding scale, you increase the engine power at higher altitudes, giving you extra speed in the thin air and thus extra altitude capability for sustained flight, depending on the characteristics of the wings of your aircraft. And in a zoom climb the engine will keep going longer, giving you extra energy in the ballistic trajectory. You can also increase the number of steps, each step with a value increases the altitude where your engine is still delivering power. Don't forget to back up your original data.ini before you make the changes. The example given is from a J35J Draken. I did not try this out with the Draken, but I remember a flight model of an F104G with a typo in it, giving spectacular high altitude performance, as well as a case with the F5E where it was the other way round: it lost engine power about 10 meters from the ground... Have fun, Derk PS: this is my opinion about the whole thing. To be really sure you should ask the modding and FM gurus.............
  7. As far as I know you can also manipulate the AltitudeTableData in the data.ini where the decrease in engine thrust with increasing altitude is made up. Increasing the values later in the table should increase engine thrust and your (air-)speed at very high altitudes, giving you the possibility to sustain controlled flight. Of course wing loading and other wing characteristics also play a role. That's one of the reasons the Vulcan flies well at 60000+ ft and the same goes for the U2 Hou doe, Derk
  8. Spanish air museum

    The SAF gave away quite some Viggens. The Aviodrome Museum at Lelystad -primarily a civil aviation museum- asked for one. They heard nothing until after 5 years, completely out of the blue, a guy called Nicolas Sandström called and asked when one could be delivered ....... He turned out to be the pilot and flew the Viggen in within 2 weeks after calling !!!!! It was a somewhat sad occasion for him as it was the last flight of this example, but on the other side it was saved the fate of most Viggens: being turned into beercans. At Google Earth a couple of years ago dozens of Viggens could be seen being scrapped:sad: at Halmstadt Airfield on the SW coast of Sweden....... Hou doe, Derk
  9. Take a Mach2+ fighter to 36000/40000ft with full external fuel, drop your tanks, accelerate to top speed, gently pull into a 45 deg. climb and see what happens.... (Lightning and F104 are good at it) Good luck, Derk
  10. Migbuster is right, extract it from the object.cat. I did it for SF1, WOI and WOE. Don't know how it is for SF2 Hou doe, Derk
  11. Time Out.....Lets All Relax a Bit

    Yep, except I'll go for whiskey. Is that allowed ???? Derk
  12. ..._

    V for Victory ... :salute:Derk
  13. Venom FB 8 and Venom FB 12 Hou doe, Derk
  14. Mille grazie Alex !! Derk
  15. I know Paul , you're doing a great "real" job !! Hou doe, Derk
  16. Almost thought you produced another KLu "what if" . Funny thing is that for the same reason the Dutch started using orange triangles in 1940....... Hou doe, Derk
  17. Look into the aircraftobject.ini : you can set the number of bombs dropped per bombrun, the number of rockets fired (all through the "release count") and the lenght of the burst fired by the guns ("cannonburstlenght" in A2A, "releaseinterval" in strafe/ A2G), thereby limiting the use of ordnance by your wingman and the other flight members. I set the release count for bombs at 2 and my wingman indeed uses 2 bombs per run. Makes it possible to use your wingman on more than one groundtarget. . If I am mistaken in this please correct me...... Hou doe, Derk
  18. Didn't come with the Mayflower

    Great..... I had the privilege of experiencing something like that a long time ago. A guy I knew married and his parents did not invite his (field)hockey team for the official party (which was a very aristocratic affair, at least in the eyes of the parents), except for one teammate who was in the officers school of the cavalry at that time. He was requested to appear in his ceremonial uniform, a spectacular piece of kit, including a sabre etc. So the uninvited rest of the team, including the coach - a high ranking diplomat - went to a shop that rented out costumes for theater plays etc. and everyone dressed up as fancy admirals, generals, marshalls etc. and one guy turned up in battledress, fully equiped with everything (including camouflage netting and gas mask and an empty anti tank rocket launcher) except his gun. You should have seen the faces of the parents when we invaded the party......... Everyone else liked it very much, so we stayed for a few beers and left..... (and had a lot of beer afterwards at our hockey club !!!) Hou doe, Derk
  19. But it is what I thought after all: Swedish Venoms were all two seat nightfighters, that's why somehow the single seater did not fit ..... There is a Sea Venom nightfighter available at Skunkworks but that does differ from the land based version Hou doe, Derk
  20. Hey vriend, you're right, they had 60 Venoms according to Svenska Jetjakt. I was mistaken, thought they only had Vampires (J-28)..... Hou doe, Derk
  21. "What if'je" or is it a Vampire ? (but pretty just the same....) Hou doe, Derk
  22. Fly pasts and take off at airshows and an (almost) touch and go at a grass(!) airfield during an airshow in Belgium. Absolutely shattering noise. Also a flypast with the Red Arrows at RIAT long time ago. Anybody ever flew in it ? Hou doe, Derk

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