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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Baaij mooi Michal !!! Hou doe, Derk
  2. Best comment up to now , one to remember !! Hou doe, Derk
  3. Thank you Loborojo Hou doe, Derk
  4. Swedish Air Museum

    It's what they call a "Avstandskamerakapsel" , containing a camerasystem for long range oblique pic's, It existed beside a separate night recce pod AND the specialised SF-37 and later on AJSF- 37 recce Viggens ("S" for "Spaning" = reconnaisance) with nose mounted onboard systems. The Draken has an IR sensor under it's nose (J35F and J35J only) Hou doe, Derk
  5. Swedish Air Museum

    Very nice date's !!!!!!!!!! (though maybe the Viggen is a bit chunky...) I would love to go there some day, not only because of the aircraft but also for the shelters and underground hangars and a look at the very interesting Swedish airbase concept as a whole, though as far as I can see on Google Earth, Save does not have emergency runways (had a look at Sateness for that on a holiday a long time ago, good vieuw at Google Earth) Hou doe, Derk
  6. My new wheels

    I would go back to the dealer for free new license plates............ Hou doe, Derk
  7. New wonder of the world

    At least the men were wearing hats (that remained on their heads) ....... Hou doe, Derk
  8. Caption Competition :)

    OT: Banks don't need to study anything to deny loans.................. Hou doe, Derk
  9. I've said it before in these forums: "F4 Phantom, a Pilots Story" by Robert Prest, second hand easily obtainable. A great look at the RAF in the '70 's and the European NATO scene as well as the the UK Phantom's . Don't know if it's available as an e book, but ABE books, Amazon and E Bay have plenty available.... It's really worth having, being written by an operational pilot. For reviews just Google it up + some extra assesments on the book and the British F4 on http://www.pprune.org/archive/index.php/t-326506.html Hou doe, Derk
  10. Wow, (and even for series 1)........ Thanks a lot Spillone !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  11. Caption Competition :)

    "Hey, thought you liked dogs and I see pussy's all over the place !!!............ Hou doe, Derk
  12. It's Ezer Weizmann's Spit...... Hou doe, Derk
  13. A Question For The Germans...

    Thanks Michael, will tell my friends from back then. Obviously we did not meet real 110% ers, except on the way out at Marienborn when a very young Grenzschutz soldier wanted to turn our car inside out (they really demolished the interior in such cases, removing every panel, all the seats etc. etc.) when he saw our filmcameras and soundrecorders. His superior though ordered us to turn on the soundrecorder instead and immediatley started beaming when he heard our recordings of hard working steam loco's at the Harzquerbahn. We had to tell everything and he said goodbye with a big smile and a firm handshake, leaving the soldier frustrated as hell...... Both are probably nice and quite citizens now. It was va banque at the borders... Hou doe, Derk
  14. Right so, be sure to see your dentist before you go fast low down........ (sorry, no other intentions in this statement ...... ) Hou doe, Derk
  15. .... but on the other side losing speed VERY quickly if pulled really hard, just like Mirages, Drakens and even MiG 21's up to a certain extent. Instantenious turn rate very good, sustained turn rate rather less spectacular..... Other effect of low wing loading is relatively good handling at very high altitudes. Try out the Vulcan at 60.000ft+ in this game for a taste of that ...... Hou doe, Derk
  16. A Question For The Germans...

    Very interesting answer Michael. Have been in the DDR in the '70 s and our experience was that it was possible to have quite open conversations with people , including SED members. I am convinced that we must have been in Stasi archives, as on our first trip (by train) one of our friends was a Navy pilot and his father was retired chief of naval Intelligence in the Netherlands. Later we found out that we had been screened by our own Dutch intelligence service before the trip. Furthermore we were hunting for steam locomotives so we visited a lot of stations ("strategic targets") and made the train trip on the line Probstzella - Meiningen (i.e. border country). On our second trip (by car) we spent a very strange Christmas night in Meiningen with a Russian, an SED party member and two other Germans, where everyone spoke out quite openly..... (and had a lot of fun) and for the rest we spent more time along borders (with Chechoslovakia and Poland) As in those days you had to report in advance where you were staying it must have been quite easy to put us in rooms with listening devices... After die Wende we made inquiries and they told us we were not in the archives. Still don't believe it !!! Hou doe, Derk
  17. Bloody Close Shave!

    Beautiful engine: Duke of Gloucester, only one built, at that time a disappointment, retretrieved from scrap yard by enthousiasts and rebuild with a couple of changes in the exhaust and the firegrate with spectacular results. It turned out to be the most powerfull express engine of Britain and in this form far superior to a lot of diesels........ The trainspotter was a fool to keep filming a lot of very standard coaches instead of following the engine. The driver of the DMU that came by should by all means have used his whistle or horn and must have seen the station with a lot of people on the platform........ Lucky ending, will not happen at an air show !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  18. If you need anything on 306 Sq, let me know, Hou doe, Derk
  19. This looks like a very sensible analysis and a fair assesment of the pro's and contra's of the whole thing without the SF1 / WOX bashing that seems to be SOP these days..... Thanks MigBuster !! Hou doe, Derk
  20. " Mustard after the meal" as we call it , but great fun finding out..... http://www.thunderst...m=12&gallery=38 http://belmilac.wetp...%3A+FR17+-+FR34 Guess your nose numbers should be positioned a trifle higher up Hou doe, Derk (Belgian neighbour)
  21. Never survived a midair...... Hou doe, Derk
  22. A Huge Thank You

    Thanks, and when you point your finger at someone - also in a positive way -, there's always three fingers pointing at yourself: you can be very proud of your hard work........ Derk
  23. agility of MiG-23

    Great vid, love the Flogger.... About 26 seconds for a 360 at low level i.e. some 14 degr/sec. Guess indeed a lot better than the older versions but still not spectacular. Saw an Hungarian MF demo at Eindhoven AB and it sure was impressive !!!!!!! And those were the days at European airshows: look at the line up on the ground on te vid ........... Hou doe, Derk

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