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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Do any of these words embarrass you?

    Yeah, we have PythonsAce forum, very woody... .. Hou doe, Derk
  2. Do any of these words embarrass you?

    Trouble is that for the next hour or so I'll be vieuwing Youtube's of Monty Python......... Hou doe, Derk
  3. Do any of these words embarrass you?

    And now, for something completely different: the larch...... (but I do think it's very tinny, and not woody) Can we have a LOT more of this ? Hou doe, Derk
  4. Same here, thank you Stary for a hell of a job and Canadair for the tweaks !!! Hou doe, Derk
  5. Beautiful pics. I always find it amazing to see planes that are still in operational use in a musem, like the F15 and the Tornado. OK, they may be time expired or written of for any reason, but just the same I have the feeling that a type belongs in a museum only after it has been retired..... Hou doe, Derk
  6. Lcdr Dorian Grey REALLY remains young after a couple of hundreds of years............ A bit like Buck Danny !! Hou doe, Derk
  7. 70 years ago: Here they come !

    Historically no bicycle troops invlolved at Ypenburg, though individual soldiers or litlle groups may have requisitioned bicycles in Rijswijk and Voorburg (suburbs of the Hague, just to the west of Ypenburg). The squadron of Douglas 8A light bombers (comparable to the Fairey Battle) at Ypenburg got airborne but were quite useless as fighters, though they were very manoeuvrable and succeeded in destroying a couple of Germans. They were all shot down. The Fokker D XXI's of 1 JaVa got into the air too and shot down 5 or 6 enemies. Some were shot down and others destroyed on the ground at other airfields after running out of fuel and ammo. Old Fokker C5 and Koolhoven FK 51 biplanes were camouflaged and parked outside the airfield and were not flown during the initial attack. More info at Wikipedia Hou doe, Derk
  8. Must be quite a kitchen !!!!!!!!!!! (hope it will produce lots of tasty stuff) Hou doe, Derk
  9. 70 years ago: Here they come !

    Amazing, didn't know that, but no armour whatsoever at Ypenburg (just a couple of Landsverk armoured cars) and the bicycle troops were mostly with the Light Division southeast of Rotterdam. But anyway, the days in May 1940 were the beginning of 5 long years of hardship, terror, deportations, murder and other killing, including the "Hunger Winter" of 1944/1945... The whole thing is still very much alive over here and that will remain so, with new facts, books, pics and stories coming out very frequently, especially on local history. And I am living not very far from the Hague, right in the middle of a lot of history....... Hou doe, Derk
  10. 70 years ago: Here they come !

    O yes, and for the rest too he really behaved like a typical politician (fragment in Dutch from Belgian TV, but very understandable for everyone...) Hou doe, Derk
  11. 70 years ago: Here they come !

    Happily the Dutch were not completely taken by surprise as our military attache in Berlin had a very usefull contact in the German Abwehr (intelligence service) and at least parts of our forces were on alert. As for the airborne assault, indeed the bridges at Moerdijk, Dordrecht and Rotterdam were seized, but in Rotterdam the Germans were contained till the surrender of the town on the threat of bombing , AFTER which the Luftwaffe devastated the town centre after all with 900 people killed.... (resulting in the capitulation of the country) For the rest it was "a bridge too far" ...... The airborne assaults on the Hague and the surrounding airfields turned into a disaster for the Germans, as all the 3 airfields were recaptured (the fighting at Valkenburg airfield taking place practically on my doorstep) and 1500 prisoners were taken and shipped to England before the capitulation. The capture of the Queen and the governement completely failed. Furthermore about 220 of Ju 52 transports were destroyed on the ground an in the air and could not be used in the planned invasion of Britain. It took the Germans a lot of time to rebuild their parachute army and they could only use it again in 1941 in the assault on Kreta.... Hou doe, Derk
  12. Though Polly Grey seemed to have had his doubts about the monarchy (he called HRH Prince Bernhard a "motherf.....r" in those days and got busted to sergeant for that), he positively HATED MiG's (and commies for that matter), and he despised the fact that during that time all sorts of socialism, Stalinism, Maoism and other sorts of mental failings started to occur in the minds of a lot of people in Holland, so being used as Comrade Polly Greyski on the tail of a lousy MiG is an extra insult...... Hou doe, Derk
  13. Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but in the data.ini under "airbrakes" type "RightupperAirbrake" instead of "RightpperAirbrake"..... Gives you a working right upper airbrake and stops the yaw to the right when using airbrakes. Hou doe, Derk
  14. Viper 12: shot down, Viper 13: just made it, Viper 14: same fate, Viper 11: safely home........ Murderous missions in Europe too in the '60 s... Hou doe, Derk
  15. Beautiful, but isn't the speed somewhat on the high side (Flanker using AB....) ? Fastest Badger on earth ... Hou doe, Derk
  16. It's Kilo Uniform Tango that it went Tango Uniform !!!! Good luck Kevin !! Hou doe Derk
  17. And the railways in Germany as well as in some occupied countries,were very much designed and build for military purposes with many so called "Strategische Bahnen" (strategic railways), built to a high standard with huge marshalling yards, moderate grades and lots of viaducts and tunnels. Most of it has been broken up but some of it is still used today..... Hou doe, Derk
  18. Happy Birthday Ravenclaw_007

    OK Volker, lets keep this to 49 forever, shall we ? Herzlich kongratuliert !!! Und hoffe das es dir wieder gut geht !!!!!!!!!!! Hou doe, Derk
  19. And YOU are playing with it !!!!! (wat voor merk?) Hou doe, Derk
  20. Prachtig !!! Never understood why the French didn't adopt the twin missile launchers...... Hou doe, Derk By the way, how long before your little Sen will have his first electric train set ?
  21. The NHI 3 Kolibrie, ramjet powered, started up by a 50cc Puch 2 stroke moped engine (same that I have).......... Simple can be beautiful ...... Hou doe, Derk
  22. Happy Birthday Muesli

    GEFELICITEERD !!!!!!! 39 forever ??? Hou doe, Derk
  23. ME (ich), and I realize that I belong to the sort of people of the lesser kind, morons, idiots, douchebags etc. etc. but I don't mind Moving over to gen.2 ? In time we'll see, and maybe there will be a 3th or a 4th generation or a complete new game ........ Hou doe, Derk

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