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Everything posted by Derk

  1. My KLu adventure

    Been away for Carnaval (Oeteldonk) , well done Jorik !!!!!!!!!! Hou doe, Derk
  2. JAS-39D Great Picture!

    In the end the plane is less expensive........ Hou doe, Derk
  3. The trouble buying Swedish stuff is often that offset orders may be a problem, as well as export licenses of US parts used by SAAB and last but not least the standarisation within NATO as well as the economic ties with the US. As for the Gripen, I guess that buying foreign hardware would have been a greater waste of tax money (matter of employment too) With the video of Agneta in mind I can imagine that in the mean time you are with 9 million Swedes....... ("up, up, up.." could mean a lot) Hou doe, Derk
  4. Spinners converted a couple of Drakens to 2 gen. (what-if's with RAF skins). Maybe question of adding Swedish skins and Agneta as a pilot?? I absolutely love the SAAB's. Time and again the Swedes - with a total of only 8 million people- succeeded in producing advanced, formidable, top class combat planes within budget and spot on time, in other words first class management too. . I love the F104 too, but a couple of J35's - maybe J79 engined- would have been a good choice for our KLu ........ Hou doe, Derk
  5. Hangar Collapse from Snow

    There aren't that many jet powered taildraggers..... Hou doe, Derk
  6. My KLu adventure

    Did you notice the incredible number of vieuws your thread has: 12.604 including this one ................ !! Clear that everyone is with you !!!! Carry on, veel succes, bier staat koud....... Derk
  7. Starfighter Affäre!

    Kann mich vorstellen dass es in Deutschland nie ruhig werden soll über den F104. Bei uns hat es aber gute Dienste geleistet: Aufklärer, (Nuklear-) Jagdbomber und Interceptor (nur bitte keinen Air Superiority) und das alles überaus zuverlässig............ In 22 Jahre gab es 43 Abstürze, womit das Flugzeug sogar noch sicherer war als geplant.......... Hat auch mit Ausbildung zu tun gehabt Ich hoffe dass es in Holland wie in Norwegen (siehe Youtube) einen wieder ein fliegender Starfighter geben wird !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  8. Das macht Spass, bei uns in Holland gibt es auch sowas, genannnt "Double Dutch" (wie das viel zu kürzlebige NF5A Demoteam aus den '80 er Jahren). Meine Töchter haben so ein Büchlein mit fantastischen Wahnsin drin und es sieht eigentlich erstaunlich ähnlich aus. Habe auf Deutsch kaum Mühe mit zu lachen !!!!! Ausserdem gibt es bei uns so ungefähr dasselbe mit dem Deutsch: "De locomotief werd van de uitbetering teruggesteld" (die Lokomotive würde vom Ausbesserung zurückgestellt) u.s.w Hou doe, Derk
  9. urbandictionary.com

    I shall NOT take part in this thread....... Hou doe, ............
  10. Thank you very much Baltika and the others for another fabulous terrain. In my perception the most impressive we've seen up to now. It REALLY feels like a mix between Canada and Norway and I could spend hours diving and turning through the valleys and around the mountains (except being bothered by all sorts of nasty Flankers and Floggers)..... It's like playing golf: it's the game that matters but the scenery adds a lot !!!!!!!!! Hou doe, Derk
  11. Always interested in F16's. Beautiful new one, thanks, must have been quite a job with all those tweaks. Just one question (seems to be unable to attach a pic): I have another pilot aboard, sitting in the middle of the fuselage with his legs sticking out of the bottom. Same problem with the FACH Viper. Any idea ? Hou doe, Derk
  12. It had to be me...

    Guess must have been something like this...... Hou doe, Derk
  13. The skin is absolutely beautiful !! But the plane is in fact the F16A. Maybe you could also try to represent the F16 MLU's delivered to your country over the past few years ? That would fit quite well with the available TMF airframes. Thanks anyway Derk
  14. OK, here's the new kid on the block........... Nice !!!!!!! Hou doe, Derk
  15. You 'll find the "structural factor" in the data.ini here and there, more about it in the "test pilot mod" posted here lately. Destroyed quiet some aircraft by overstressing (FA-18, Mirage 2000, Draken) It is an interesting item to do some experiments with.... Hou doe, Derk
  16. Canadian joke

    Adoe, kasian !!!!! (menggelikan.......) Derk
  17. 0-200 in 6 seconds

    I have a friend named Bob with a wife that DOES need some weight monitoring......... Is the 200 in knots, mph or kmh...... Hou doe, Derk
  18. Hey Wazzup

    Before you do ANYTHING, read the knowledge base first and then EVERY readme file you can find..... Hou doe, Derk
  19. John Travolta flies supplies to Haiti

    This says it all....... Hou doe, Derk
  20. Random Pic Time

    Goes for society as a whole, but especially for civil service Hou doe, Derk
  21. John Travolta flies supplies to Haiti

    What has Scientology to do with this and why are they mentioned ???? I agree with Captaine Vengeur. Guess that Travolta is OK but this church thing is disgusting..... Hou doe, Derk
  22. That's the last time I have to go Shopping

    A very realistic scenario !!!!!!!! Hou doe, Derk
  23. Noch einmal vielen Dank Michael....... Hou doe, Derk
  24. Yes , don't mind being inferior..... Derk

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