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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Danke vielmals Michael !!! Hou doe, Derk
  2. Song from the motherland

    And for this they're gonna get a big wet kiss from Uncle Josef !!!!!!!!!! Hou doe, Derk
  3. Nice skin, thanks !!! For the record: the Transworld Team flies F- 104G's but the skin works without problems on the standard TW Starfighter. Removal of the Italian roundels should not be a problem either, giving a fair representation of the Transworld F104 !! Hou doe, Derk
  4. I like the Cagliari lighttower and the smoking steam engine !!!!!! Hou doe, Derk
  5. Sure was !!! It looked like the pilots of the Finnish Air Force in those days took a special pleasure in some sporty flying around their home field , because a couple of days before I saw the MiG performing, there was some "fun flying " bij a Draken over and around it's Rovaniemi home base, further north. No airshow routine but a couple of fast low passes, some barrel rolls and and high G curves and a short landing. Probably a shake down flight after repairs or an inspection, but also impressive..... Hou doe, Derk
  6. Purely by coïncidence I saw your Finnish MiG 21F in action during what was obviously a rehearsal for an airshow at Jyväskylä airbase in the summer of 1977, on my way back from a trip to the North Cape. I was the only spectator on an otherwise rather empty airfield. At that moment it really was a sort of supersonic sportsplane, lightly loaded, smokeless, very agile, very fast and very impressive !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  7. Saw those F4D's from Lakenheath in action, doing A/G work on the RAF Wainfleet All Saints ranges with gun pods in the '70's. First time I saw and heard the Vulcan gun, very impressive !!! Hou doe, Derk
  8. Just about where and on what terrain Sundowner ? Looks very good !!! Hou doe, Derk
  9. But ! Who the hell is Average Joe ?!

    In the Netherlands: "Jan met de pet" (John with the cap) = man in the street, the old standard low wage worker, always wearing a '30's style a cap Hou doe, Derk
  10. AFAIK except for the Swedes, the whole West uses knots, feet , feet/sec etc. Hou doe, Derk
  11. Hmmm Red Arrows...

    OK, to keep everyone happy: www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNL6mSRZHjQ&feature=related : the Reds and the Blues flying together....... Hou doe, Derk (guess they DID have some beer together after the show...)
  12. Disagreeing on some mathers does not mean there is no respect. The place over here where the American dead are buried (Margraten) is a great cemetary that is very well maintained with remembrances every year (pres. Bush was there together with our Queen an couple of years ago) and the US role in WW II is no discussion point at all, also for the younger people I for myself am glad that the US bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki put an end to the war, because my parents would have been murdered by the Japanese without them and I simply would't have existed.... In general we are thankfull over here -just 200 miles from the former Iron Curtain- for the US support in the Cold War and for example 32 FIS at Soesterberg is very well remembered in Holland with a lot of sympathy. And although a lot of measures in the war on terror are discussed over here, we do agree that there was reason to react after 9/11. The point is that those who disagree are always the noisiest but they don't necessarily represent the general opinion. Because of our involvement in Iraq it is quite possible that there will be a cabinet crisis in the Netherlands very soon, but that has more to do with faulty procedures where the gouvernemnt at that time failed to inform the parliament in a correct way and maybe the legal side of the invasion, but not with the actual sending of troops or the removal of Sadam..... I think Europe and for that matter my own country, being an old independent and democratic country, is entitled to have an own opinion. Criticism is in lots of cases on details and even individual people but does not mean disrespect for the US (or any other country for that matter) And for the record: Chavez is considered an unspeakable a..hole and the T ban are religious fascists, also over here !! Hou doe and be happy in the US Derk
  13. Actually quite a lot is below sea level, including Schiphol and Zestienhoven airports, but except for the no longer existing base of Ypenburg near the Hague (0 to -3m) the altitude is Valkenburg 0, Eindhoven 22, Leeuwarden 1.2, Soesterberg 13-20, Volkel 22, Gilze 15, Twenthe 32, all according to High/Low vol 2 1997, and de Peel 26, Deelen 45 and Woensdrecht 14 according to Google Earth, all in meters. I guess making a terrain of Holland in true altitudes (with a lowest point of about 7m below sea level) is really extremely complicated and unnecessary because the height differences are relatively very small. Putting the whole thing a few meters above sea level would be quite enough and some maps are in existence, including Ansons. One thing: the main runway headings are mainly N. East- S.West (and not North - South like Volkel in one of the terrains....) and in most airfields there is a lot of Luftwaffe WW II heritage. Some of Gepards bases would be great. For that matter of altitude, I don't know how the Dead Sea area in Israel is simulated. Gonna have a try on that ..... Hou doe, Derk
  14. Even more booooooooooring : F16A (mostly MLU), F104G, Hunter, F84F, F 86K, NF5A, all from our own Kluchtmacht........ Some Mirages, F8E FN, Tornadoes, and UK and German F4's, Hou doe, Derk
  15. Try "F104 Volkel" in Youtube and your friends will have among other stuff some big nice movies about a jubilee of 312 Squadron (one of the nuclear strike units) in 1982 and some more nice shots over Germany, taking off, landing etc. It's really going back to the good old days !!! Have fun, Derk
  16. Hello Mike, Nuclear alert from Volkel still operational nowadays with F 16's. Forget Google Earth, ridiculous deal with MoD. Bases visible with Bing Maps, including parked F16's, and at several routemap sites Several WIP's but no terrains yet with Leeuwarden, Twenthe, Deelen, Soesterberg, Valkenburg, Ypenburg, Woensdrecht, Gilze Rijen, Volkel, Eindhoven and de Peel (and the same goes for our neighbours from Belgium.......) Hou doe, Derk
  17. Absolutely stunning !!! Had a small scale Monogram set of the Centuries a long time ago ........... Hou doe, Derk
  18. German Navy used Kormorans on their Starfighters, shouldn't be too much of a (fictional) problem....... Hou doe, Derk
  19. Guess there aren't that many planes left. I have the "Complete Book of Fighters" by Green & Swanborough containing some 1700 (!) fighters but probably some 90% are not important, developed by completely unknown designers in very small factories, WW I or pre WW II and were either only prototypes or produced in very small numbers. As the Third Wire sims are not focused on these periods maybe the number of possibilities is relatively limited......... The more modern models are rather fewer. But at least the well known planes are very well covered I guess. And thank you very much for them !!!!!!!! Hou doe Derk
  20. New shoes

    Great for our Queens birthday celebration....... Hou doe, Derk
  21. Dobryi vecher tovarishch, dlya vas voina zakonchilas !!! Hou doe, Derk

    HNY folks...... Derk
  23. See my post of August 17th: Robert Prest "F4 Phantom" .... It's not free but rather old so it shouldn't be too expensive Hou doe, Derk
  24. Apart from that, I think that your airbases should be the standard in ANY WOE based terrain.... They are brilliant and do give the NATO / WARPAC atmosphere that I miss very much in the standard airfields, which may represent a couple of big US airbases but are looking rather uneuropean... Hou doe, Derk
  25. In one week's time

    The sunbathing topless girl and the palm tree.... Hou doe Derk

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