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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Hey, thanks Champions (and of course Tracker and Pappy). Just a tiny bit of extra info on the readme: the 15 P2V-7B's for the MLD initially had a solid nose containing 4 20mm guns with 200 rds per gun. A Neptune actually shot down an Indonesian Dakota in the New Guinea conflict. There was also a fight with a very skilfully flown Indonesian B25 which escaped when the Neptunes guns jammed, and for the record, the Neptune was completely outrun by an Indonesian C130..... On the other side the Neptunes did very well in air to air training against the KLu Hunters at Biak, completely outturning the jets again and again, earning them the title "Nepfighter" In air to surface actions a schooner was sunk with gun- and rocket fire, an MTB was damaged and close air support for Marines was given with rockets and 500 pound bombs as well as the guns. Long range night recce missions with penetrations as deep as 450 naut. miles into Indonesian were also flown . Back in the Netherlands the Neptunes were reconfigured for antisubmarine duties. Hou doe, Derk
  2. Tintin & Military aviation

    We call him "Kuifje" after his hairstile. They are wondefull cartoonalbums with great characters like captain Haddock and many more and indeed very nice and accurate drawings !! Hou doe, Derk
  3. A Bridge too far- Ambush scene

    Hi OvS. It's called "Theirs is the Glory" and I guess it's downloadable somewhere on the net in the mean time. Youtube has fragments. I got my copy years ago at an Air Force Open Day where the Airborne Museum Hartenstein had a stand. My eldest brother had obtained a special foldable paratrooopers bike years before that and gave it to them. The museum was extremely happy with it, as it was 99.9% original (except for a tire plug) and I got one of the last copies of the movie (limited edition of 750).... Hou doe, Derk
  4. Great, looking forward to it !! Hou doe, Derk
  5. Hey Henrik, Are these from Danmil ? Bought a couple of issues a long time agop with the F-104, Draken and F-100. Interesting excercise to compare Danish with a couple of dialects we have in the North of our country. Knowing what it was all about, I could read it quite well..... Hou doe, Derk
  6. A Bridge too far- Ambush scene

    Actually it is the second movie about Market Garden. I have a copy of British movie made in 1945/6 in Arnhem and Oosterbeek in the middle of a lot of the original wreckage and ruined buildings that had not yet been completely removed cq rebuilt at that time. . Very sobering experience...... The whole thing is still very much alive over here, with General Sosabowski and his Polish Parachute Brigade getting a posthume and belated "Militaire Willemsorde" two years ago (quite a slap in the face of Montgomery actually). It is the highest and very rare Dutch war decoration. Furthermore, every year there is a large memorial ceremony at Oosterbeek War Cemetary, including fly by's and parachute landings on the original landing grounds. Although in rapidly diminishing numbers, lots of veterans return to the scene and some of them even make the parajump again (together with a somewhat younger soldier of course...) Hou doe, Derk
  7. In memorium-my cat Mack

    Great, congrats, life is better with a cat around....... Hou doe, Derk
  8. Shooting at Ft Hood Texas

    Horrible..... Condoleances, Derk
  9. In hospital at the mo

    Get well ASAP !!! Hou doe, Derk
  10. Too much Vodka or Brandy

    Fantastic Henrik, must have been a gouvernemt facility..... Hou doe, Derk
  11. Thanks for taking the trouble to do it for SF1/WOX too !! Hou doe, Derk
  12. Hey Cliff, Good job with the tanks, pics say it all: RF-104G KLu in action..... And for good order, this is how it was done after the RF-104G's were retired..... Thanks a lot, Hou doe, Derk
  13. What is the Russian word for "drag" ?? Hou doe, Derk
  14. And for a RNethNavy one as well for a French one.... But thanks anyhow, a long standing wish coming true !! Hou doe, Derk
  15. Cats Happen

    Even the smallest cat is a work of art.......... Derk
  16. Google Find

    Funny, been in both places........ Hou doe, Derk
  17. "You're not cool!" blog

    Thanks for the tips, found another very interesting side of this forum this way. It amazes me how good some of you are at writing a sensible story or making clear an opinion in a well balanced way. In short : cool !! Derk
  18. Brazil Mi-35, finally painted

    What's the cost of the paint training ? Hou doe, Derk
  19. In memorium-my cat Mack

    Our 4th, 5th and 6th child say "woof", "miaauw" and "woof" respectively. For the rest my good friend Muesli says it all !! Hou doe, Derk
  20. Greatest Air Raids

    Vulcan Black Buck mission to the Falklands, at least the longest bombing raid in history and the one using the greatest number of tankers (grand total of 28) to get 21 1000 pounders on Stanley airfield...... Hou doe, Derk
  21. ECM may have made the difference. As from July 1975 a total of 66 ®F-104G's of the RNlAF were equiped with the Sanders ALQ-126 multi band track breaker ECM set, mounted internally. Sure makes a difference, in a post in the KB about making the F104 a "national" (in this case Dutch) aircraft, Wrench describes how it can be modified. The Orpheus / Starfighter combination was a good one, very low and very fast. Hou doe, Derk
  22. that's us

    Nothing non alcoholic in real Heineken (one of their breweries is 5 miles down the road from here) Hou doe, Derk

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