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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Found a british guy i like

    Hamas stinks, like any other fundamentalist stinks. Though Gaza may not be a real glorious page in the history of the Israeli Army, they probably did their best and at least there was a lot of justification in the invasion. But Israel also has a fundamentalist problem and I am afraid I don't like what's happening on the Westbank, where very real trouble is brewing and where fierce hatred hate is being created . Don't know how it will end ........ Hou doe, Derk
  2. You guys are magicians !!! Hou doe, Derk
  3. Adieu ......... The word actually means something like "till God", giving it the beautiful meaning of the belief that we'll all meet again very soon. He'll be waiting for everyone, won't be long......... I'll light a candle for you !! Condoleances for the family and for you guys of TMF too. Rest in peace Derk
  4. Range time

    Just a pity that the range isn't the range anymore... AFAIK the Swiss Air Force doesn't do air to ground work any more so Axalp (coveniently close to Meiringen AB) is probably just a scenic place now..... Hou doe, Derk
  5. Cats Happen

    Catz rulez, catz are cooool, a dog is a foooool , (but very nice to have around as a friend ) Hou doe, Derk
  6. Cats Happen

    Now I may be small but I have mighty friends and sometimes even heavier reinforcements from the outside so I don't need them lousy handgrenades or toy machine guns..... Hou doe, Derk
  7. Cats Happen

    How's your kitten doing Firehawkordy ? How about a pic.... Hou doe. Derk
  8. Wasn't that low with one exception but people should be behind fences. Wonder what the tower people had to say as it wasn't a single pass but 4 or 5 . If it was too dangerous they should have cancelled the thing after the first pass. If the pilots disobeyed instructions from traffic control they should have been busted. Have seen even USAFE planes doing lower passes over grass runways (F111F / Keiheuvel Airshow) in the eighties with people standing quite close behind fences. Dangerous ? Hou doe, Derk
  9. I DO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (for more than 20 years and that includes three beautiful daughters !!) Hou doe, Derk
  10. The more trees on airfields the better, lots of woodland airbases in Europe !!! Hou doe, Derk
  11. The RNlAF 306 Sq has been flying dedicated RF-16A's since 1984, making thousands of flying hours during operations in Kosovo and Bosnia and lately Afghanistan. Initially they were equiped with the Oldelft Orpheus pod taken over from the ®F-104G for pre- and post strike low level reconaissance. In 2000 the MARS pod for medium altitude was introduced, together with the arrival of the MLU. As all MLU variants, including the dual, are able to work with recce pods, the specialised role of 306 Sq. came to an end, also because the squadron was heavily taxed as it had to be part of just about every deployment (the other squadrons could be rotated) and now all KLu squadrons have some pilots qualified for recce missions, the interpretation etc. being centralised at Volkel AB. Afaik the BAF and probably the RDAF also have F16 recce capabilities, both having flown Mirage V and SAAB RF 35 recce fighters respectively before the introduction of the F16 Hou doe, Derk
  12. "Wow, now our mothers in law can make a flight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hou doe, Derk
  13. Hey Paulo, Thanks on behalf of all Dutch "armchair aviators" (as Dave called us after bringing out the F16 MLU) for your monumental effort on our Hunters, which, by the way, found their way into many airforces after having been retired by the KLu: Abu Dhabi, India, Chili, Iraq, Jordania, Kuweit, Quatar, Singapore and Switzerland flew them for years afterwards. It was a great pleasure providing you with info !!! Hou doe, Derk
  14. It stayed for a couple of days because of a landing gear malfuntion. Drove past it every day as the A4 motorway passes very close to one of the Schiphol platforms...... see also http.www.youtube.com/watch?gl=NL&hl=nl&v=AxtrW6m_p2w Hou doe, Derk
  15. An uncle of mine was a district commissioner ("resident" in Dutch) at Manokwari during the conflict. The UN, with support of the Americans, forced the Dutch out and the Papua inhabitants had the choice between independence and becoming a part of Indonesia. the referendum being held after the Indonesians (then under Sukarno) had moved in.... The results were hardly surprising......... Before that, one of the members 0f 322 Squadron had designed and applied the Papua flag on the tail of his Hunter as a morale booster for the locals to give them the feeling of being protected and stimulating their positive attitude towars independence. It is understood that they loudly cheered during fly-by's. The flag had to be removed after a very short period in order not to "provocate" the Indonesians, the showing of the flag being too politically sensitive (the typical Dutch attitude of extreme political correctness). During the conflict the Hunters only flew patrols and never intercepted any Indonesian aircraft, always being too far away, radar coverage being done by R.Neth.Navy destroyers. The AURI used C 130's and Dakota's for paradropping. A B25 (ex Dutch) was shot down with gunfire by a Navy Neptune (they used a gun equiped nose and were called "Nepfighters) ) and the rescued pilot turned out to be an old mate of the Dutch pilot, having been in the same training course after WW II and the independence of Indonesia. The story was that it was quite an happy reunion with beers etc. Hou doe, Derk
  16. My mother didn't need such a big plane, it's more something for a mother in law..... Hou doe, Derk
  17. Lovely good old Brit F4's, great pics. (but maybe you should give it a try with clean exhaust, the F4M &K were rather non smokers.....) Hou doe, Derk
  18. Thanks Lindr & team, for both BN's Hou doe, Derk
  19. Cats Happen

    quote name='Caveman' date='10 October 2009 - 11:58 AM' timestamp='1255201126' post='346701'] ok Derk i just HAVE to ask what kind of cat is that??? my son and I love it To be honest I haven't the foggiest idea what it is, probably some crossbreed with whatever ...... To add to the fun some more pics: Miaaaaaauw, Derk
  20. Cats Happen

    How about this one ??? From Russia with love !!! Hou doe, Derk
  21. U.S. President wins Nobel Prize.......

    Makes sense . Hou doe, Derk
  22. U.S. President wins Nobel Prize.......

    Well, so far so good. No " I'm hit" or "taking damage" (yet) on this side. But there's one thing I am genuinely interested in: is a lot of the posts here so negative because of the " premature " thing or is it because of pres. Obama, in other words how would the reactions have been if George Bush would have recieved the prize let's say 8 years ago..... In the mean time Obama doesn't feel very much at ease with the prize either so this whole thing is rather academic. The Nobel Prize comittee indeed pulled a strange trick..... Hou doe, Derk PS: thanks everyone for your patience and allowing me to intrude on internal US matters.....
  23. U.S. President wins Nobel Prize.......

    Eh eh, maybe the prize is a bit early or premature, but the general "Obamabashing" over here is in my eyes just as premature. So, realising I'll probably going to be shot down in flames for this on these forums, but willing to take the risk: congratulations mr. President , and I'm sure you are going to proof that you are a worthy winner of the Nobel Prize for peace !!!! Hou doe, Derk
  24. A new adventure in my life

    Well done, good job, life will never be the same anymore, enjoy it !!!!!!! Derk

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