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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Cats Happen

    A classic !!! Derk
  2. Saabs Cobra

    Looks like at least a draw because at least one Apache won't fly again....... Clip doesn't show what happend to the Draken though with the Stinger going after it..... Nice flying and nice filming anyway Hou doe, Derk
  3. Cats Happen

    My cat is very much like this one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombay_(cat) Great friends with our two Newfoundlanders. As for a cat thread: fun ( and a nice counterweight against one about shooting deer .. ) Hou doe, Derk
  4. My KLu adventure

    Gefeliciteerd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess FC could tell you a few extra things about the Talon too..... Someday we'll have a beer on the whole thing , Hou doe, Derk
  5. Cats Happen

    Good to hear, I'm happy for you, life is better with a cat around...... Hou doe, Derk
  6. Saabs Cobra

    The Draken rocks !!!! One of the better Mach 2 fighters of the sixties and seventies. Beautiful clip too, including nice shots of Ängelhol AB / F10 Wing and a lot more nice SAAB stuff on the same Youtube page .... Thanks a lot, Derk
  7. Sorry, due mille grazie ( uno mille for Wrench also!!)
  8. Oempffffff .... Mille grazie Veltro !! Derk
  9. SFC Jared Monti

    ............................................... Derk
  10. You're very welcome Paul, good luck and ciao !!!! Derk
  11. Not for faint hearts : see Youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh2YSzBdWFg for a hair raising event at Bruntingthorpe, not in the nineties of the last century , but in 2009 !!!! The pilot, who had flown the plane operationally, was 70 years old. Found it while looking at displays of the Vulcan, which I've seen twice this year, and found out that way that the Vulcan WAS NOT THE ONLY V BOMBER THAT TOOK TO THE AIR THIS YEAR ........... If this item has been shown in these forums before: sorry... Hou doe, Derk
  12. I am REALLY glad the Victor made it, first of all of course because of the crew, second because a fantastic plane stayed in one piece and third because of the uproar that was prevented with the CAA, the Gouverment, and the interference by all and every public institution that would have considered itself involved..... As for the Vulcan, it is of course fantastic that it is back !! At Volkel Open Day 2009 I had the privilege of a little chat with Martin Withers, the display pilot, the same guy that flew the world famous Black Buck mission to the Falklands ........... It is really amazing and the people and institutions that brought it back in the air -for the amount of about E 10.000.000,= (!!!) - deserve to be decorated ......... And it's nice to have both the Victor and especially the Vulcan available in this sim and to be able to fly your own little display........ Hou doe, Derk
  13. You could hear a pin drop....

    Nothing much against the French or the English (they both fought for our country and I love to go there) or whatever other country , but the "pin drop" stories are beautiful !!!!!!!! Hou doe, Derk
  14. No wrinkles, no face - or booblifts, no make up, no bad teeth, just plain and simple beauty forever !! Derk
  15. Planes like this make you dive into Wikipedia and whatever there is more in order to find out more about it !! Thanks a lot, Derk
  16. What's the terrain Carlo ? Hou doe, Derk
  17. Hi Paulo, Please check you mail, Hou doe, Derk
  18. ... the next model in the works is Swedish Mk. 50 alias J-34. . Hawker Hunter Mk 50 Export version of the Hunter F 4 fighter for Sweden. Swedish designation J-34, 120 built. NUMBERS: 34001-34120 SERVICE: 1955/1969 UNITS (Wings): - F.18 at Sodertorn 8/1955 - 1961 disbanded - J-34 to F.9 - So, please Swedish people (or anyone else) tell me something about and post or send me some screens or Guess "Södertörn" means Tullinge Airfield ?? If you need any help concerning the KLu Hunters please say so, Hou doe, Derk
  19. It can all be summarized in the single word: MERDE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No need to translate that, Hou doe, Derk
  20. Edit: they are lousy bombs BECAUSE THEY ARE FAR TOO PRETTY TO DROP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hou doe, Derk
  21. After a lot of instantaction.ini editing, comparing with SF and WOI, and a couple of nice tours through the KB, the only thing left is to ask: I am stuck with the inclement weather when flying instant action in WOE lately. Solution is probably simple but I'm obviously missing the light switch and can't seem to find it, any guru with a suggestion ???? Thanks in advance, Derk
  22. Thanks Kevin, did exactly that a couple of times without result, but problem solved by importing an instandaction.ini from a backup. Don't know why but it helped. Thanks just the same, Hou doe, Derk

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