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Everything posted by Derk

  1. My Cat Marty

    He'll be waiting for you up there and he'll welcome you when it's your time. And the biggest honour for him would be if you get another cat, meaning that he did well...... And remember: he'll be with you for the rest of your life, when you think about him he's simply there !! Good luck, Derk My cat Sientje died May 2006, 15 years old. Think about her every day. Now we have Sijtje, I hope she'll make 20 years or more..........
  2. You sure did, any weight in the data.ini is in kg. But: int. fuel F-5E/F = 677 USgall. =2559 liter= 2073 kg int.fuel (N)F-5A/B/CF-116 = 583 USgall. =2203 liter= 1786 kg Tiptanks = 2 x 50 USgall. = 2 x 189 liter = 2 x 153 kg. This makes a total of 2093 kg for the (N)F-5A/B with tiptanks and it depends how you fly it. The tip tanks cannot be jettisoned as the (N)F-5A/B needs either the tank or the missile launcher on the wingtip against flutter. In the SF2 CF-116 the tiptank seems to be an integral part so probably the 2093 kg is ok. In the NF-5A the tank is optional, so I think 1786 kg is correct. Fuel is JP8. According to Canadian Profile Canadair CF-5 by Bob McIntyre, the tip tanks give taxi and take off + 2 to 3 minutes flight. Apart from that they have an aerodynamic effect (less drag, no wingtip vortices) and - like in the F104 they act as endplates on the wing giving a marginally better turning performance. The NF-5B never had wingtip missiles as it was never used - like the NF-5A - as an interim fighter on QRA duty during the transition from the F-104G tot the F-16A of the first two KLu interceptor squadrons at Leeuwarden airbase. Other info is from Joe Baughers website and from a Dutch book on the NF-5 by C.J. van Gent. This whole thing is explicitely NOT meant as whining or rivet counting, but please, please, please consider it as an attempt to contribute to an even better airplane. Hou doe, Derk
  3. Great, would be very nice !! Maybe a few things from the NF-5A might be usefull, as the NF-5B does differ from the CF-116D: litlle edit in the flap setting, so that they can be used as manoeuvering flaps and the internal fuel should be 1782 kg instead of 2200- (which is the amount in liters). The last goes for all the A & B models of the F-5. Does make a difference in the FM for such a lightweight. And Ravenclaw has all the squadron badges and other details available.for the NF's. AFAIK the NF-5B never used wingtip Sidewinders. TuAF is still using the NF-5 (also in the Turkish Stars team !) Hou doe, Derk
  4. ..... and it comes with a great lot of info. Correction to my first answer: the CF5-B / CF116-D did NOT have the manoeuvering flaps, Hou doe, Derk
  5. Wonderful place, always cold beer at hand !! Hou doe, Derk
  6. If you're really looking for the NF-5B, how about the Canadian CF-5B that is available? In real life at least that one comes closer to the NF-5B (more powerfull engines), and the somewhat different flap setting (manoeuvering flaps) can be taken from the NF-5A. Matter of some very simple ini. editing. Hou doe, Derk
  7. This was supposed to be it: what goes up must come down, EE Lightning at max altitude, quite a feat for a '60 plane Hou doe, Derk
  8. What a shame!

    We had the same s**t in Iraq....... Took a year to get the Marine cleared ( accused of murder because of a possibility of a ricochet that killed a looter) and after that the then they tried to get him sentenced again !!!. In the end everthing was ok but his career took a beating and it took one of our best laywers (an ex Marine too) to get him out of trouble. The law can be a rough and ignorant lot, not caring at all about the damage they inflict before judgment. Same happened with one of my clients . There never was a process let alone a judgment, but the damage amounted up to E 15.000.000,= . The guy lives in Thailand now, his bussiness in real estate completely ruined..... Hou doe, Derk
  9. Thanks a lot, got it working nicely in WOE, great addition, Hou doe, Derk
  10. Everyone thx a lot, works fine !! Hou doe, Derk
  11. As we have seen something of a revival of the original "obsolete" F16's by Swede/Dave etc. with the reintroduction of the Viper Pack from Avsim and the RNoAF skins by Baltika, I wonder if there is a standard BAF skin anywhere. All I could find was a lot of skins for the TMF F16.... Thanks for helping Derk
  12. Quite a struggle though.......and I'm not experienced in this .. We'll see, thanks for reacting, Hou doe, Derk
  13. Im back for good..run away !

    Those were a VERY enjoyable 9min 51 seconds........ (before being executed ), but I do stick to 29, toy boy or not...... Hou doe, Derk
  14. Im back for good..run away !

    Twenty nine forever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's a lot better than bluntly asking a lady about her age...) Hou doe, Derk
  15. Im back for good..run away !

    Things will be more colourfull anyway now that you're back..... Hou doe, Derk
  16. Beautiful..... removed the Block 10 entries but forgot to replace them with F-16MLU, works like a charm now. Here you see them, defending their homeland ....... Slainthe to YOU ,, Derk PS: Hope your Sunday was as beautiful as you expected it to be, congrats !!!!
  17. Looks pretty enough on a Block 15/MLU but can't get squadron badges nor numbers...... (WOE Series 1) Hou doe Derk
  18. Russia buys French Ships

    The're looking at Dutch stuff too..... Amphibious transport ships, first one to be built in NL, next three in the Rodina Hou doe, Derk
  19. Well done, next plane AN 225.... (multi engiend AND commercial) Hou doe, Derk
  20. Think it's Ravenclaw's / Sushake's good old NF5A....... (and not FC's) Hou doe, Derk
  21. Sorry, forget about the whole thing. Issue was covered in June 2007 over at Thirdwire. AI are different from the aircraft you fly and will NOT run out of fuel. Pity is that running out of fuel of AI was removed from the game after a lot of complaints (!) by players. By creating unlimited fuel the engagements can last longer and that was it. So be it, no issue, sorry to have bothered you all, Hou doe, Derk PS: one thing I'd like to know though : in what sort of units is the TSFC calculated in the data.ini. For the Fulcrum they are 1.260 for mil.power and 1.970 for full a/b i.e. a factor of 1.563, while in real life the consumption in full a/b is a factor of than 2.68. (in kg/Kn/h) higher than in mil. power.......
  22. Family Size

    Small bottle ........ Hou doe, Derk
  23. F-14 VS F-15

    Can we please have the music with that ? Derk
  24. Thanks to all you guys!

    Same here, thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Derk

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