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Everything posted by Derk

  1. The Russki's must have conquered Friesland....... That's where the cow comes from. Never saw or noticed it in the game though, or does it come with the SA-10 ?? Hou doe, Derk
  2. American North West - 4 Seasons Rebuild

    Sort of rediscovered it !!!! WOW, thanks again Kevin !!! Hou doe, Derk
  3. Thanks Lindr, another fine Flogger !!! Hou doe, Derk
  4. And as a very modest suggestion LEEUWARDEN and SOESTERBERG AB in Holland, . home of 322 / 323 Sq and 32 Sq USAFE respectively and prime interceptor bases with alert facilities and a long history ..... Aerial pictures are still avalable though not on Google Earth. (there's a big row in Holland about it ) And if you can use Gepards and HGBN's airfields you're a real hero !! The standard WOE airfield does not look very European....... Gepards NATO and WARPAC airfields, which were lost in the latest patches, were revived recently and are available again (albeit minus the static planes), but he did not include them in the File Anouncements.... Hou doe, Derk
  5. Girls are far more lethal than the missile... Hou doe, Derk
  6. And so it begins....

    Give my regards to Dirk !! Hou doe, Derk (living very close to Katwijk) :yes:
  7. Robert Prest: "F4 Phantom" Pilot life in the RAF Phantom scene Hou doe, Derk
  8. My KLu adventure

    Vol gas vooruit, Good luck, Derk
  9. Love it (UM), thx a lot. Please go on and create a few more Floggers !!!! Flight modell is sweet . Gonna look into it though and compare it to the Doc Nele thing and all the stories lately Hou doe, Derk
  10. Dave, Can you define for once and for all what and who you consider to be a modder ? Guess it has to do with publishing mods but I would like to know for sure Thx, Derk
  11. Bit of careers help

    Serving with the military for a couple of years is considered an asset in this country. On gets used to a kind of disipline and it also helps to build up a network of people one knows and who can be helpfull in the future. Normally there are also possibilities for further specialisation, training and education and - assuming you didn't finish university at an age of 50+, it looks like a very good opportunity to acquire your first job experience, which is worth its weight in gold (as we say it) andmakes it a lot easier to get into another job after some years . And that is a very big advantage !!! Good luck, Derk
  12. Thanks Ordway, for both Flogger pits and the great explanation. Looks like another couple of designers must be decorated by the West for producing such a "difficult"plane (except for the MLD probably) which, in combination with the standards of training of the average Warpac pilot , resulted in a not so dangerous adversary for our Cold War pilots..... : Hou doe, Derk
  13. Do you ever sleep ????? Thx a lot, Derk
  14. 10 new airbases for SFP1/WOE

    Hallo Gepard, Thanks a lot for the update !! Missed your set of airfilelds sorely after the latest patch. Very glad to have them back as the Thirdwire standard airfiled is definitely uneuropean........ Just one thing: I think that this rework needs a proper post in the File Anouncements as I found it more or less by accident and I guess there's lots of people still playing SF1/WOX in these days where all and everything new is for the second generation Vista powered SF2 etc. .............................. Thanks again, Derk
  15. Hi Volker, Looks a lot like the good old US M117 750lbs gp bomb....... Hou doe, Derk
  16. Same here Fubar....... Had a look at some airshow movies of the Fresco at Youtube and it seemed that at least there is SOME manoeuvrability left at higher speeds. Hou doe, Derk
  17. Thanks for the tip Fubar. Guess that maybe the designers of the Fresco should be decorated by the West ? Hou doe, Derk
  18. OK. flogged then, but severely. Wonder though what the progress was compared with the MiG 15 (more stable gun platform maybe) and weren't there more simple solutions for something that only performed well at something like 300 - 350 kts ? A prop fighter could almost do that...... Maybe I'm gonna look a bit more into some different flight models from the archive, because I can hardly imagine that in real life the Fresco completly refused to pitch up and roll at speeds over 450 kts...... Hou doe, Derk
  19. Glued his what, where?

    Well, it IS an option to buy yourself a new car when you have saved enough to get married......... (and it is far cheaper in the end) :yes: Hou doe, Derk (happily married....)
  20. Having flown the Fresco again (WOE), the designers SHOULD be in Siberia ....... Hou doe, Derk

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