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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Funny thing is that AFAIK the MiG 17 was developed from the MiG 15 in order to get better high subsonic and transsonic behaviour. According to Mike Spick ("Jet Fighter Performance") the Russkies succeeded quite well. Reading all the posts however he must have been mistaken and the MiG 15 must have been something really horrible...... . It looks like a miracle that the designers weren't shot or ar least kicked into the Gulag Archipel by Uncle Josef or his successors...... Interesting just the same !! Gonna do some more Fresco flying....... Hou doe, Derk
  2. Got it going with th desert.cat and it runs fine so it's probably indeed the BaseSize thing.... Hou doe, Derk
  3. How nice of you to ask after all those months, but solved a long time ago, don't worry.... Hou doe, Derk
  4. Happy Birthday Soulfreak

    Kongratuliere !!! Hou doe, Derk
  5. So we got any Bikers out there....

    All right, you asked for it with all your high tech, multi cylinder, fuel injection, super power, Japanese guided missiles... This is from before a lot of you were born, when piston engined planes flew war missions, from before rock & roll, from before Korea, when Europe was still a shambles from WW II, in other words an 1951 250cc BMW R25 2, and the smaller one is from 1969, from the days of the Vietnam War, a 50cc two stroke Austrian Puch MS 50V ....... Hou doe, Derk
  6. Now that is FOR CERTAIN a good story, that should maybe in an aviation story book... Hou doe, Derk
  7. My other SAAB is a car...

    Right on the spot, might be a very good idea !! Derk
  8. Thx Veltro, for the 747 too, quite an experience to fly that one. Funny thing is you can look into the interior of the 747 !! Hou doe, Derk
  9. My other SAAB is a car...

    Back in the beginning of the seventies I owned two 2 stroke SAAB 96's in succession. Don't regret it for a second. Basically the sort of car that won the Rallye Monte Carlo twice. In the design after the Second World War, SAAB put in a lot of aeronautical engineering and aerodynamics. Makes a lot of sense and in my opinion more aircraft factories should take a look at carbuilding !! The result was a very streamlined car with a very light front end because of its extremely simple 3 cylinder two stroke engine (made an engine change all alone by just pulling out the 70 kg engine without a crane or anything) giving an absolutely tremendous roadholding, just a matter of NOT braking before a curve. In this way they were a lot faster than heavier and much more powerfull cars. :yes: Those were the days !!!! Lovely site by the way about SAAB's history. For the fanatics, look at Youtube under "2 stroke singing" and turn up the volume...... Hou doe, Derk
  10. She has Arrived

    Hello litlle girl, welcome to the world !!!! Derk
  11. My KLu adventure

    HERE COME THE JETS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck, Derk
  12. The Ashes 2009

    The British are VERY good losers as long as they win ...... Derk
  13. For the F16 demo lovers see "Home of the dutch F16 solo display team RNlAF" as well as Youtube, and for the F16 AND Vulcan AND Hunter addicts see under Youtube "Volkel Vulcan Demo" where Sqldr Martin Withers formates with the orange demo F16 and the beautiful new Hunter F6 of the Dutch Hunter flight.... Have fun, Derk
  14. ID this plane!

    AFAIK it's called Skyfox and it's an adaption of the good old T33, trying to get some new lif into it... Hou doe, Derk
  15. Thank you Volker, hervorragende Arbeit !!! Ciao, Derk
  16. Happy Birthday Nicky

    Gefeliciteerd on behalf of the NL members Hou doe, Derk :yes:
  17. Viggens at Capun's site......... Hou doe, Derk
  18. 16 Reasons

    With beer there are at least 25 reasons.... Hou doe, Derk
  19. Hey Henrik, Time for Danish Mk4's !!! Very special planes. One landed at the runway without it's pilot, who ejected a few miles back !! Hou doe, Derk
  20. Strange aircraft sightings

    July 8th 2008 we had the giant AN 225 at Schiphol over here. Due to a steering fault the landing gear was damaged and it took 5 days to fly in replacement parts and repair things. Biggest plane in the world, 6 engines, twin tails, used for transporting the Russian Space Shuttle. Parked at the apron right next to the highway. Drove past it every day on the way home The Antonovs, especially the 124's, have been regular guests over here for years, also for flying out Air Force and Army stuff to Afghanistan and Iraq. Hou doe, Derk
  21. Help

    Suske, a famous Belgian cartoon hero, or Kuifje, another very famous cartoon character. Jefke is another good Begian name, as is Gaston !!! Maybe you should ask Sony for a real Belgian military hero. There are several of them from the time of the Romans, but they have very long single names, hardly anything a dog will listen to........ Good luck, have fun (tomorrow we're going to have our second Newfoundlander, a puppy named Lilly) Hou doe, Derk
  22. 16 Reasons

    My secretaries in the office commented that in aircraft the black box is easier to find because it gives signals..... Again apologies for any offence, but they really said that (chuckling........) Hou doe, Derk
  23. My Friend Goose Posted This Ages Ago

    Woof, looks like a good idea. I have a Newfoundlander, with the second one - a 10 weeks old brown puppy- coming on next Friday, so there's plenty of dog food around.Its even diet food !! Will one loose double the weight with two dogs ? Hou doe, Derk

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