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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Whatcha building right now?

    Quality is very good Henrik, nice ejection seat and good outline and detailing and a good decal set. It's a real MkVI without the brake chute. Worth giving a try and not too expensive No good as a MkIV though as it has the wing with sawtooth. Pity for you and the Swedes, don't know any good MkIV except for very old Frog/ NOVO kit from a MKI....... Hou doe, Derk :yes:
  2. I like the spider too......... :whistling: Hou doe, Derk
  3. Nachrichten in deutschland

    Gute Nachbarn denken und schreiben so manchmal das Gleiche :yes: Uebrigens soll die Errinnerung am Holocaust unbedingt am Leben bleiben und das wird auch gelingen: zB. meine zweite Tochter, 15 Jahre alt ist darin sehr interessiert, hat ein paar namhafte Bücher darüber gelesen, und wir werden diese Sommer sowieso das ehemalige Durchgangslager Westerbork in Drenthe NL besuchen und später auch Auschwitz. Ich war Anfang siebziger Jahren als Reiseleiter mit Amerikanischen Schüler in Dachau (nicht sosehr Holocaust aber trotzdem) und habe buchstäblich mehrere Tage stundenlang darüber mit den 16 - und 17 Jährigen diskutiert. Nur soll dieselbe Holocaust für die Israelier keine "Freibrief" sein für Grausamkeiten gegen die Palestinenser, das stimmt einfach nicht und war nimmer richtig. Vielen Dank für die Reaktionen in diesem hochinteressanten Thread..... Hou doe, Derk
  4. Nachrichten in deutschland

    Habe eigentlich das Deutsche Forum neuerdings wieder entdeckt, und ich finde es äusserst interessant was hier passiert. Wenn's mir gestattet ist mal mit zu machen als guter Nachbar: leider haben wir über dieses Vorgehen bei uns auch nichts mitgekriegt. Ganz kürz soll es meiner Meinung nach mal Schluss sein mit der Meinung dass die Deutschen wegen dem Zweiten Weltkrieg alles was die Israeli's machen kritiklos hinnemen müssen. In Deutschland hat man sich auf jeden fall ordentlich entschuldigd und im Ganzen und Grossen seit dem Krieg sehr gut benommen (im Gegensatz zu den Japanern, wo das alles SEHR mühsam vorgeht, und meine Familie hat im Krieg in Indonesien und Thailand so manches mitgemacht in den dortigen Lager) Was in Gaza alles passiert ist und war grauenhaft, übrigens auch auch was Hamas betrifft, aber was die fundamentalistischen Kolonisten am Westbank alles machen lässt sich vergleichen mit was in den Jahren bevor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Deutschland passierte mit den Juden. Offenbar hat man in Israel ein paar Sachen vergessen : "wat men niet wil dat men zelf geschiedt, dat doet men ook de ander niet" (auf Holländisch ) d.h. auf Deutsch "wovon man nicht will das es man selber passiert, das macht man auch die Ander nicht" (Uebersetzung auf Steinkohlendeutsch, aber ich mache es so gut ich kann). Und zum Schluss soll es auch nicht länger so sein dass alle Kritik auf Israel unverzüglich geleichgestezt wird mit Antisemitismus, genau so wie bei uns in Holland !! Hou doe, Derk
  5. Whatcha building right now?

    Same here, must be more than 100 unbuilt kits, mostly 1:72 jets and historic Klu stuff...... Some 95 finished models, some 1:32 (F16, F4F, Mirage IIIE, A4E, Tornado and MiG 21 PFM) and the rest Cold War and more modern stuff, enough to put up a sizable "airshow static show" or NATO Tactical Airmeet somewhere back in the late eighties or beginning of the nineties. Often modified or with special decals. Oldest models from beginning of the sixties. Right now (very slowly) working on a Klu Hunter MkVI 1:72 of Revell For the record: one of the biggest model shops of W. Europe just a few miles away: Aviation Hobby Shop at Aalsmeerbrug... By the way: some beautiful stuff you all have !! Hou doe, Derk
  6. Thanks Paulopanz, I always like the camo MiG's ... Hou doe, Derk
  7. Just saying buh-bye!

    Have fun makker, speciaal Kopenhagen is TOP...... And if you get anywhere near Stauning (W. Jylland) vist the aviation museum there, it's very nice. And don't forget the Aeroseum (I think it's called) at Save / Göteborg...... Hou doe, Derk
  8. You ARE a perfectionist Henrik........ Hou doe, Derk :yes:
  9. Another remembrance......

    After a raid on Essen in the night of May 23th 1943, Halifax II HR 836 of no 51 Squadron, RAF Snaith, was attacked over my village Oegstgeest near Leiden in the Netherlands. Oberfeldwebel Heinz Vinke, flying an ME110 nightfighter from Bergen Airfield near Alkmaar, a very experienced pilot, put an end to the flight home of the brand new Halifax, out on its first mission. At 02.24hr in the early morning of May 24th, the big bomber crashes in the Morsebelpolder, less than a mile from where I live. The crew doesn't stand a chance: Fl.Off. John Edward Rigby (pilot, 21), Fl.Off. Thomas Herbert Green (bomb aimer,25), Fl.Sgt. Henry Graham Freeman (navigator, 24, RCAF), Fl.Sgt. Merto Earl Zapfe (tail gunner,20, RCAF), Sgt. Allister Milner Hood Black (mech., 25), Sgt. Aubrey Edgar Perrin Rochester (radio,gunner, 33) and Sgt. Henry John Gibbs (gunner, 18) all die in the crash. The plane buries itself very deep into the peat and only the tail remains above the ground. The Germans bury Green, Graham, Zapfe and Black at the nearby cemetary of the 700 y. old Groene Kerkje ("Green Church"). Very litlle is found of Freeman , Gibbs and Rigby and in the official Groene Kerkje War Cemetary of today their gravestones are standing very close to each other. Only part of the wreckage was removed, the rest remaining too deep under the ground Almost 66 years after the crash, 8 days ago on May 4th, the occasion was remembered....... At the exact spot of the crash, a beautiful monument was unveiled, in the middle of what is now a road in the modern Haaswijk neighbourhood, where Freeman, Gibbs and Rigby remain buried for ever in the wreckage, almost 7 meters deep under the ground. In a moving ceremony, in the presence of members of the squadron- including the commanding officer Wcdr Richard Matthews and family members of the crew from the UK and Canada, the Mayor of Oegstgeest as well as family members spoke a few words and Gr.Capt David Paton cited a poem by Laurece Binion on behalf of no 51 Squadron (nowadays flying ELINT Nimrods out of RAF Waddington): "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old" "Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn" "At the going down of the sun and in the morning" "We will remember them......" A pair of RNlAF Historic Flight Harvards performed a flyby. May the crew rest in peace, they will be remebered........... Derk see www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mCRO77RaQQ&feature=channel and www.youtube.com/watch?v=79Bve8Zi2pI&feature=channel or just look under Youtube with tags "Halifax" and "Oegstgeest"
  10. Just a few handy things: 1 US Gall. = 3,78 liter 1 kgf = 1,234 liter (see below) 1 lb = 0.4536 kgf data.ini uses kilos but it does depend on the sort of fuel used in connection with the available volume Official KLu doc. ferry flight Cold Lake - Leeuwarden on 24-04-2006 gives the F16AMLU 7294 lbs int. fuel = 3308 kgf (JP8), or in other documentation 6949 lbs/ 3103 kgf (JP4, back in the '80's ?) depending on the density/specific weight of the fuel. JP4/JP8 have density/spec weights of 0.76 and 0.81 respectively. Hardly any F16 and some other planes as well have the correct internal amount of fuel in the SF/WOX family... In lots of cases liters, kilos or even worse pounds are mixed up Hou doe, Derk
  11. Unbelievable

    Sad.... Derk
  12. Speaking a Saxon dialect Dutch, people from the N. German coastal aerea's up into Denmark can understand me, so we do have a lot in common. As for Emmen: great zoo indeed !! Hou doe, Derk
  13. Thanks Henrik, looked the whole thing up at Google Earth, quite incredible, especially the site in German. Been at Nordholz NAS where there are also some remains of Zeppelin activities. Hou doe, Derk
  14. Good you got it back . Stationbuilding of Tonder indeed has a very definite look of the Prussian State Railways.... (by the way, abslotely love Denmark, wonderful holidays near Ringkobing couple of years ago in the loveliest house of West Jylland called Enemaerket, look it up on Google under Hostahave...) Over and out, Derk
  15. What did you do in World War II daddy?

    Must say this is getting quite moving. Hou doe, Derk
  16. Lunch Around the World

    Russian eggs Hou doe, Derk
  17. Hey Henrik, Where was the first carrier launched ground attack (in other words where do you live in Denmark?) Hou doe, Derk
  18. What did you do in World War II daddy?

    My dad didn't fire a shot on Java in the Neth. East Indies, was captured by the Japanese and slowly being killed by them, working on the Birma Railroad, untill he was saved by Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Never fully recovered, he died at the age of 65 in 1968 in direct connection with the hardships he had to endure in Thailand Hou doe, Derk
  19. Looks like you've got a winner here. Gonna try it out and if it really looks like the picture it's gonna be great !!! :yes: Hou doe, Derk
  20. My KLu adventure

    Good to hear from you again, well done too, and try a Budweiser for a change !!!!! Hou doe, Derk :yes:
  21. Or grappa...... get well soon, Hou doe, Derk
  22. Happy Birthday Ravenclaw

    Forty nine forever !!!!! Kongratuliere Volker ...... Hou doe, Derk
  23. Thanks Eric, FC, Dave and Vampyre, Hou doe, Derk

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