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Everything posted by Derk

  1. 100 things to do before you die

    11) Visit the North Cape 12) Have a ride on a steam engine 13) Have a good Scotch malt 14) Drive at 125 mph + 15) Count rivets Hou doe, Derk
  2. Madness in the Netherlands

    Our "Koninginnedag" (or Day of the Monarchy), where literally millions of people in the big towns as well in the tiniest villages would celebrate in small and very big parties, with everyone wearing orange, and where the Royal Family would attend in two places somewhere in the country, will never be completely the same again. The Queen was practically in tears when she adressed the people during a short speech at the television yesterday evening..... Number of dead is seven now with maybe more to come. And except for one (the killer) all completely senseless. Life can be cruel. Derk
  3. Modern Planes in Kubinka

    Agree with that too..... , same goes for the F4 Hou doe, Derk
  4. Modern Planes in Kubinka

    Think SU 25 is a lot prettier than the A10...... :yes: Hou doe, Derk
  5. IN ENGLISH PLEASE !!!!!! You're supposed to say "cheesehunters" !!!!!!!! Hou doe makker, Derk
  6. WOW ............and in the vid it says the magic words "two weeks" Hou doe, Derk
  7. Great !!! And we have the airshow smoke mod too now...... Flying an airshow routine is a challenge on its own !! Hou doe, Derk :yes:
  8. VIVA NEPTUNE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hou doe, Derk
  9. T-38 spanks F-22

    It's the gun silly...... Hou doe, Derk
  10. Could this be the official Combat Ace shirt

    How about boxershorts "Remove before flight" :blush2: Hou doe, Derk
  11. Love the Wolfhounds F102 !!!!! Derk :yes:
  12. Saw them "alive", 32 FIS had them at Soesterberg. Subsonic under all circumstances (don't know in a dive though) Hou doe, Derk
  13. How about 250 F16 MLU's.... (dumb remark since it was removed, but in real life it's there, from Kirkeness in the North to the French border in the South, in greater numbers than for instance the Mirage 2000 or Tornado ADV, multirole, BVR capable, alive and kicking and continuously being upgraded in 4 airforces) Hou doe, Derk
  14. You mean this one by Sixgun ??? Hou doe, Derk Formations1.1.zip
  15. Beautiful !!! The CF/NF5 rocks !!!! Hou doe, Derk :yes:
  16. AFAIK the CF5 never actually used Sidewinders. According to Canadian Profile (SMS Publishing), 2 of them could be carried on the wingtips, but the whole book does not show any pic of it. The Dutch "sister plane" NF5A used wingtip AIM9J's while on QRA-duties as interim interceptors during the transition period from the F104G to the F16 for the Leeuwarden based 322 / 323 Squadrons. Took a lot of testing though on the Dutch modified wings of the NF5 (manoeuvering flaps, later used by the F5E) in order to find out about flutter...... Hou doe, Derk
  17. Will you ever stop ??? The world is running out of planes......... :warning2: Sat in the cockpit and had a litlle briefing of an 32TFS Dagger back in the sixties, just before the planes were moved to SE Asia and replaced by F4E's, Thx, Derk
  18. Downed a couple of MiG 17's in a Tiger Moth...... Hou doe, Derk
  19. Can I have a new nose too ????? Hou doe, Derk
  20. Grrrrrrr.... you beat me to it and found the solution I've been torturing my brains for all night. Issues with e.w., internal fuel , cg and engines (from Mirage F1) solved though....... Rather nicer to fly at the correct weight (about 50% lower) Tomorrow is another day..... Hou doe, Derk
  21. Most probably matter of renaming the fuel tanks. I pm'ed Veltro about it and I'm going to try out a solution tonight, together with a couple of other small issues (if someone else will not be quicker than I am....) Hou doe, Derk

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