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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Slovakian MiG-29SD(AS)

    Beautiful pic's by the way. It shows so well how difficult it is to keep even those simple formations: everyone is throttling up and down in order to maintain position. In a diamond formation of F4K's I 've seen no 4 even use afterburner to stay in place...... How doe, Derk
  2. Slovakian MiG-29SD(AS)

    I know a guy who was an experienced Viper pilot (he did the official RNlAF F16 demo back in the nineties, is now flying airliners). In those days he flew trials against the GAF MiG 29's which at that time had just been taken over from the former LSK and were being tried out against comparable stuff from the NATO allies. It was the first taste for the Luftwaffe of modern manoeuvreable fighters and they had to develop their tactics. He told me that in his cockpit he could actually SMELL the Fulcrum in dogfights because of "rich" fumes being produced by the RD 33's...... Hou doe, Derk
  3. Unless you're a commie: in case of bailing out over your own country or Socialist Brother Territtory, you would be shot for treason, cowardice, sabotage and destroying properties of the Revolution, the Glorous Working Class and the Rodina. And if you're allied, you have a foreign accent and/or LOOK too much like a commie and would come down in western territtory, the nearest farmer would probably work you over with a pitchfork in the best Battle of Britain traditions................ Hou doe, Derk
  4. Slovakian MiG-29SD(AS)

    Looks like they 've got J79's..... Funny that the Russki's put in those smokey engines after all the experience in Korea and Vietnam where the disadvantages of the US planes in this matter stood out so clearly.... Hou doe, Derk
  5. Flight mode easy doe help ..... Hou doe, Derk :yes:
  6. My KLu adventure

    And for the record: that beer at Woensdrecht must have gone down EXTREMELY well Hou doe, Derk
  7. My KLu adventure

    Looking forward to seeing both the bus, including lion, AND the jet in a synchronised show at the next Open Days at Volkel I volunteer to drive the bus. PS: great paintjob on the F16 too, it was in all the papers today, anything for a skin??? Goes great with the new smokewinders in the game.. Hou doe, Derk
  8. England, Wales, SCOTLAND (over the whole place and by motorbike......) Ireland (including the North), France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkeye (sailing), Germany (inc. DDR), Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Austria, and yesss: Moncao, Liechtenstein & Andorra, Danmark, Sweden, Norway (North Cape), Finland, USA (fieldhockey in Boston), Canada (Alberta & BC). This year no summer holidays because of Credit Crunch. o ja, en natuurlijk Nederland....... (anybody visiting Amsterdam , drop by) Hou doe, Derk
  9. Pretty, but how come you've got the square trees too ??? Hou doe, derk
  10. If I would be the Pope I would buy the TMF Tomcat's Hou doe, Derk
  11. Looks pretty enough Henrik !!! Just wonder if anybody ever hit anything with those unguided rockets.... (in real life and in the game) Hou doe, Derk
  12. Funny thing to streak through the glens of Scotland..... Been there in the autumn with just the first snow on the mountains, some parts really have the feeling ! And nice litlle castles every now and then ...... Thanks a lot, Derk
  13. That would be VERY good news !! I don't get Gepards airbases going in the latest WOE terrain with all the mods and patches, and the rather "American" looking standard WOX airbases simply do not look that well in W. Europe. Though very nice to shoot up, I never saw a base with a fuel tank park that was not under the ground ....... The standard W. German airbase is a lot better with the dispersals ,shelters and maybe Zulu facilities , especially when trees are included. The only really wortwhile aspects of the standard WOX airfiels are with the multi, runway ones, where the pattern vaguely reminds of the WW II RAF and Luftwaffe bases on which so many NATO and Warpac bases were constructed after the war. Looking very much forward to the new airbases !! Hou doe, Derk :yes:
  14. Wonderfull, thank you, another very interesting F104 nation. As far as I know they have restored one to flying condition in Norway !!! Hou doe, Derk
  15. As a happy user of tweaked old Wpssgt Vipers in the A, MLU and C models , I have a nice 331Sq RNoAF skin. Don't remember where it came from (probably from the now defunct Skandy's Skins website), but it does not work on the TMF F 16's . Looks very nice though on the original Vipers, medium res and good colours etc. Hou doe, Derk
  16. For which kind of F16 ? (TMF or the older one) Hou doe, Derk
  17. An F-22 has crashed

    Rust in vrede Derk
  18. My KLu adventure

    Please put om wings so we can have it flying at the next Open Dagen......... Veel succes en studeer ze !!!!!! Derk :yes:
  19. Wasn't it so that the bulged bomb bay doors actually contained fuel ? Hou doe, Derk
  20. Now that's a VERY NICE SURPRISE !!!!!!!! Thanks a lot, Derk And: WARNING: to suddenly stop smoking may have adverse effects on your temper.
  21. Thx again Henrik (and for the F104G too for that matter) Pity that we don't have a MkIV with the straight leading edge and without brakechute available. Sweden, Danmark,Holland, Belgium and the UK would love it. We even used them in New Guinea against Indonesian intruders back in the sixties. Was quite a job in the hot tropical climate with the low power of the MkIV..... Seems there is one available in SF2 -Spinners did skins for it- but importing the lods would most probably mean a violation of the rules.. Maybe someday by TK ?? Hou doe, Derk
  22. Mange tak Henrik !!! (if thats correct Dansk.....) Hou doe, Derk
  23. Hi Veltro, If it is of any use, we also have this..... Hou doe, Derk :yes:
  24. AND they didn't have the gunfiring gasingestion problems of the Avon..... Hou doe, Derk

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