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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Well, at least we joined again in the F 16...... But a Dutch Skyhawk is interesting.
  2. Well, the Skyhawk was in the running for the BAF (as wel as the KLu) as a replacement for the F84F Thunderstreak. And the Dutch MLD considered it briefly as a Seahawk replacement for use with the carrier Hr Ms Karel Doorman (which in Argentininan use actually boarded Skyhawks...)
  3. If cats are only friendly for selfish reasons like protection, food and shelter, how come that my cat Sijtje lies on my lap whenever I am seated in a specific corner of the couch (always facing me instead of looking the other way) when there isn't any food issue and cuddles with my two Newfoundlander dogs as well as coming with them for walks which doesn't have to do anything with food either. In my opinion cats can be very loving and affectionate, they just don't do it on command and are not so eager to please as dogs. .
  4. Airshow Mod - Terrain?

    War mich noch nicht aufgefallen, muss mich öfter bei den Deutschen herumschauen.. Eine Frage: wäre die Towervieuw nicht eine gute Idee, die beste Stelle um eine Demo an zu schauen..... Übrigens wieder ein tolles Terrain !!!
  5. Oh, oh, our good neighbours. The quarrelling about the languages is never far below the surface......... Just thge same I absolutely love the country !!!
  6. Misunderstood your question, sorry
  7. I am a left over dombo first gen moron but for single ship you can use the flight roster (don't know if that feature is in second gen too...)
  8. KPAF Air Demo 2014

    Never in the history of mankind was ONE asshole applauded by so many for so little....... I especially liked the AN2 biplane strikefighter......
  9. Exercise REVITA 2014

    Beautiful, pics on FB too. Back in the '70's while working as a tourguide in a village nearby I saw lots of Mirages & Hunters at Buochs, fantastic noise between the mountains. Makes sense to keep the base on care & maintenance.
  10. Have you seen this yet?

    Cheers !!!
  11. VERY interesting. May help the Kiwi's governement to realise that since the phase out of the Skyhawk, New Zealand lies completely open to anything ...... Two great New Zealand terrains already exist with plenty of enemy air activity and targets.as well as NZ F16 skins and of course Skyhawks ....
  12. Beautiful 'what if" Michael, thanks !!!!
  13. Two Ship A-10 Gun Run

    ...and they want this done by F 35's ???
  14. UK Elections soon

    John Cleese for PM !!!!
  15. Was MiG 23 ultimately a failure?

    At least in the sim the MLD is quite effective. But as said in the posts above the whole Warpac philosophy was strict guidance under all circumstances, not much initiative by the pilots. Wonder how let's say the MLD would have fared in the hands of well trained western style pilots (or Israeli's for that matter) with Top Gun or Red Flag experience.......
  16. russian victory parade 2014

    Hm... again. And what an incredibly bombastic a..hole commenting on the flypast..... Liked the mixed Fulcrum-Flanker formation though.
  17. russian victory parade 2014

  18. Thought maybe you WW II freaks might like this..... (and turn up the volume !!!!)
  19. Great, and it has a British engine anyway !!
  20. Good it wasn't a nuke......
  21. Historic air show in Iran

    Who says the stealth isn't there? It's stealth isn't it, real stealth !!!!!!!!!
  22. Remember the Fallen

  23. ...for the victims of World War II ...... two minutes of absolute silence at 20.00 hr. Cars, buses, trams, trains come to a standstill...... Beautiful fly past of the BBMF Lancaster at Markelo.........
  24. My brother in law took his jet training in the Magister in Belgium in the joint BAF/KLu/MLD program. Was going to the Seahawk but they were WFU before he had the chance to fly them. Many good stories.though....

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