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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Zulu Alert

    Take any "alert" sortie run out of Keflavik, Soesterberg, Bittsburg, Galena, or King Salmon during the "Cold" period. Now what if no one blinked or one side misinterpreted the other side's actions??? Would any of us be here today?
  2. Marine professionalism at its best

    Looks like a test, they have competitions were drill instructors will grill service academy cadets, JROTC, and even veterans and prior service.
  3. Zulu Alert

    You have to look no further than Korea to see an example of "Pot Shots" which were taken after the ceasefire (the war has not ended yet). But how many of those types occurred directly between US and Russia?
  4. for Air to Ground
  5. Happy Birthday Ironroad

    Thank you very much and a big thanks to all of those past and present who have enabled me to enjoy this day in freedom.
  6. 65 years ago

    Sir I am going to have to disagree with you there. I hope to remind that the the Japanese came a hairs close to NOT surrendering in light of the two atom bombs dropped. There was an attempted coupt de tat (following the tradition of coups that initially lead to Japan pursuing a policy of world domination and extermination) on the Emperor, his council, and his loyal generals AFTER the second A-Bomb was dropped. The elements that dominated the Japanese Military/Government was ready and willing to fight down to the last man, woman, or child (whomever was left.) Their goals were simple: Take as many people as they could (both military and civilian) and force the Allies to negotiate a peace treaty, and or DIE in glorious battle.
  7. That's what I did, right out the box the F-14B works fine with in pre SF2 installs. A few ini edits and I was able to configure it the OIF way Great job with all of those involved, been waiting years for this beauty.
  8. Why me?

    Having had similar situations happen to me I can tell you this. C-Y-A This one should be a no brainier, run like hell. I have personally know dudes who have been... Stabbed Have kids and unsure about who the father is (*oh I got a few stories about that issue) Screwed in both criminal and civil court Lost their jobs (*some other bs reason he got strung up, but everyone knew the real reason.) Went ape s**t/suicidal (because the person who cheated with them, in turn cheated ON them, yeah big surprise ) All because they willingly and knowingly choose to walk into a minefield blind folded instead of getting a girly mag and going into the bathroom. Really not much you have to research, the scenario plays out the same no matter who you are dealing with. Person is unsatisfied with current relationship or status.. Person looks for something else to fill the void.. Person drags you into their bulls**t.. You become just as miserable as the person. Person uses you till they get what they want and or enjoys the company of your misery. I have known many people, especially a lot of females, who have pulled similar stuff. Guess what, I wished them a good day, and told them don't f***ing talk to me anymore. *It is a blessing in disguise because you get to see the true worth and mentality of that person. Life it too short to be wasting time with bulls**tters. That's her problem, not yours... Messing around and doing your thing is fine, hell who doesn't like it, but there is also a time to grow the hell up and avoid unnecessary drama. This broad should have not have gotten married if she wanted to mess around or she should take her ass to a movie if she wants entertainment. *Do you really want to deal with someone who has issues, is married, and is full of problems??? Seriously, you need to not make this your problem quick fast and in a hurry. ** I am not joking when I say this** but because of today's PC standards, the mentally defunct and unstable are allowed to pass for being normal. (Before they would be locked away or under someone else's care). People are afraid to call them out of offend their sensibilities. What you are dealing with is an emotionally unstable broad who is trying to pull you down into her self-made mess ( been there, done that, wised up early-on, and I RAN LIKE HELL!) Now what did Fastcargo say about possible repercussions, especially things like false rape?? If she were single, and had her head on straight, I would say strap up and go in. Because she has "issues"... Let the childish broad waste someone else's time not yours. You would not be friends with a guy after he robbed you (*of a wallet, cash, manhood, etc...), so why take such a big risk here? I would hate to see you get screwed, every-way till Sunday, over some tail. Just not worth it...
  9. Finally in a better mood after a long week... This is what made it better, tweaking this... Anyone care to take a look up into my tunnel???
  10. GYPSY 101

    © 2010@Ironroad

  11. Wings spread... Flaps... Speedbrake... Trim center... Flight Controls....err.. Fuel... Hydraulics... Ejection seat pins removed and seats armed... Navigation IFF master set... Panel lights... Lights.... Nose is cold... Number 1's good Number 2's running fine Canopy down and locked?????
  12. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    FACT: Contrary to popular belief Chuck Norris and Mr. T have only fought on two occasions... The first time was on August 6, 1945 and the second fight occurred just 3 days later on August 9. Realizing the futility of their fight both men now play golf on the the third of each month... Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his father did. Every election day Chuck Norris writes in "Ronald Reagan; 1981 Edition" as candidate on his ballot sheet. No government official has had the balls to tell him that his ballot is for the State of Texas, or that he is voting in the Russian national elections. Mr. T and Chuck Norris high-fived once. Outside of the blast radius the survivors claimed they saw the world "EPIC" appear within the immediate shock-wave. It took three different women five years to give birth Chuck Norris. The schematic for the original "reactor" called for Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, Sean Connery, and John Wayne to sit in a small room and play cards. The amount of "Awesome" captured within the room would be enough to power the entire western hemisphere for at least 10 years or more. Due to budget cutbacks the scientist had to settle for nuclear fission instead.
  13. Next d-bag of the week?

    You made clear and valid points in your first post, so no need to feel that you condone deviant and destructive behavior simply because you do not believe submitting allowing someone put their hands on you.
  14. Next d-bag of the week?

    Everyone, male, female, or otherwise, has the right to use necessary and proper (not overly excessive) force to defend themselves. I have personally (not second hand stories or spun up scare tales) seen it go both ways. Cowardly men severely mistreating women, but also (and just as frequently) women using their "gender" as an excuse to engage in destructive and overly aggressive behavior (and crying foul when they get checked on it.) Both groups sicken the hell out of me, however only the first group suffers any consequences (and rightfully so) from their screwed up actions. "Men are not supposed to strike women" I call nonsense on that. For if that rule applies, then women are not supposed to hit men (or other women for that matter). However we know that to not to be true. Unfortunately we live in a society that whole heartily excuses (and condones) the destructive actions of one group (often the excuse is "someone else made me do it") while it also bring fire and brimstone down on another group for doing the similar things.(Please tell me where is the equality, respect, and equal treatment???) As for Tito Ortiz perhaps is a complete abusive a$$ or he could be victim in this particular case. Did he act wrong? Maybe or Maybe not Did his wife act wrong? There is that possibility as well Unfortunately, regardless of what comes to light on this particular incident it appears a legal decision was already made the moment after this occurred. You know the answer, and you know who will bear the entire burden/blame regardless of who did what to whom. It is the way our society works...
  15. The Bolt

    Yeah never order direct from GM for parts (unless it is covered by warranty). Those cheap bastards just turn out more crap to replace the cheap crap they already knew was going to break. I remember last year I had to get a steel wheel for my GM after a monster pothole bent the wheel and one of the support bars to the strut. Arguing in some hot ass junk yard and twisting an extra full spare out of a man because he over charged is no fun (got my wheel though.)
  16. The Bolt

    That looks like a break caliper or related bolt for the area down around the rotor or bearings. You might want to take a look at your struts and wheels.
  17. Perhaps he is thinking of the XF-103 Thunderwarrior. Until the F-111 came along the F-105 was one the fastest airframes at low level. It could easily outpace anything down low. I have heard stories of them out running F-15s during exercises in the 70s to early 80s. Now the Thud could carry Aim-9s for self defense, the plane does have a few air to air kills, but trying to go out turn with migs....
  18. I need some advice on my next purchace!

    Late to the party but my Thrustmaster Fox 2 Pro (the t-flight is just an upgraded version) just died a few days ago while playing Arma 2. Good stick, been with me for over 6 years (I think I had since the days of CFS 2). Was the first force feedback stick I owned and because of its USB it was easy to move around and set up over the F-15E Flight stick and throttle that used a gameport (still sitting in my closet collecting dust.) The "twist" in the stick allowed me to get a little bit more maneuverability in dogfights, and made flying choppers (especially in Battlefield 2 and Operation Flash Point) a breeze. Survived many moves, falls, and drops. What killed it my massive tower had been sitting on the cord for God knows how long and finally shorted out and eventually severed the usb cable. It did not have the button my did or the program-ability of my older F-15E Hotas , but it did last for long time and took quite a beating. (Actually it would work perfectly fine if I could just patch up the usb cable.) Downsides -drivers (having taken that stick from windows 98, to xp, and 7) it seems like post XP Sp2 the drivers got real finicky and only the default windows ones would work. -Precise calibration, setting dead zones, and trim can be difficult, due to the "twist" of the stick (which can be disabled by using a small flathead screw driver) and the lack of a dedicated driver and program to calibrate and program buttons. -Wide base, very good and stable on a desk with able room, but poor on smaller surfaces. If you are looking to get a cheap Hotas setup this maybe the route to go, I believe the newer models have more buttons and an actual throttle not a small "thumb slider" like mine.
  19. Tragedy in Haiti

    A few states/local places are sending their local first responders down to help. I hope the Fed gears up more people/aid to go. I have a very dear and close personal friend whose family is unaccounted for. God bless those people, because for years they have been living just 6 in above the dirt to begin with, and then this happens. Gents please give were and how you can (even three pennies helps), the Red Cross is always taking in donations for just about anything be it blood, money, food, or used clothing.
  20. SF2 tomcats

    You have to drop the files in the aircraft folder if I remember correctly, or else you get the pilots hanging from the plane.
  21. SF2 tomcats

    It's all in the TCS my friend. F-14s initially came with the ALQ-100 ecm antena under the nose. Then later a IR blister, the television camera set (TCS), and finally a infrared search and track system side mounted with the TCS (only found on the "D"). To further complicate things, some F-14's (depending the squad, the era, and whatever other factors)had aerodynamic cones installed in place of the chin pod electronics. Raveclaw's mod was a cosmetic upgrade which simulated these various pods. All depends on the squadron and the years you are trying to represent. Good stuff IMHO.
  22. The Sheeple of Black Friday

    Did not go out and actually had to work today. Had been checking sales online and at retailers, there was not a single thing on-sale, especially in electronics and computers. I remember I got a whole system last year off New egg for under $350 last year at this time. This year, the average price of 1 gig of ddr2 is $40 at various retailers (use to be $25.) The only thing that most retailers are selling are refurbished and last year's 26in TVs. Hopefully Micheals will have some coupons so I can rack up on some model kits.
  23. Three kings scam

    That is a damn shame... Hopefully the nature of the email would tip people off (especially US citizens) as being fake simply due to the risk of being investigated by several agencies and serious jail time if something like this were to actually happen. Not only would the person hiding the money face serious federal charges, but any co-conspirators as well. God bless the warfighters and support personnel pulling their time away from home, Happy Thanksgiving.

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