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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Oh my god... Rest his soul and be with his family <S>
  2. Another Great One Gone...

    The man had a full life and a distinguished career as a civil servant. I'm sure he is having the time of all time reuniting with his family whom have already passed. God be with those he left behind...
  3. New background! Btw Gustav, found some history behind that excellent shot... http://www.leatherneck.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4028
  4. If I see any McChord Green Dragon skins I'll freakin loose it...
  5. Ahhh the good old demonstrator, always wondered the the operational mudhens never picked that up, not even the training boys from Luke :-(...
  6. Fight's On

    A new video I just uploaded
  7. That is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on...
  8. Don't hate me because my install is beautiful *snaps fingers* Btw, I have always be curious about this, how do the Aim-120 and Aim-7 warheads compare?
  9. Personally I have ensured that the Aim-120 never gets deployed in my install. I never fly anything post 1960-70s and no mission past the early 1990s. The only plane I do fly in the 2000s is the F-14 and it never carried slammers.
  10. There are no digital flight controls (so to speak) to assist in moving these lumbering century series beast around the air. They use a lot of runway, eat up a lot of gas, and go very fast in a straight line. Not like an F-18 where the computer will assist in a stall or departure, not like an F-16 where you can turn so tight and fast your eyes wind up where your bawls are. Each plane has its own strengths and weaknesses. I turn in the F-8, but I climb and dive in the F-4. I lug iron down fast and low in the F-105 and strafe and rocket in the F-100. At low speeds the planes will feel heavy and will drag their butts around the air, especially on landing (hence the high landing speeds and the use of drag chutes in just about every plane from the era.) On take off you have to ease and finesse the airframe into the air, not jam the throttles forward and pull back as hard on the stick as you can. These planes have a lot of power and speed in them, but do not expect to be able to pull 9gs+ or go above 600-700kts at sea level. The only way you can really get max performance out of these birds is having a clean load out and low fuel. Even then just hope the mission you are flying does not throw any migs or sams your way ;-)
  11. Naval Res from Andrews AFB I just got...
  12. O.M.G.

    Soo wait a min this is not a show about Octomom? Whatever the case maybe the government takes people's kids (and their personal lives) for far far far less, isn't this exploitation of children??? 8 kids, that dad is going to get gang raped in civil court. Child...I mean, give wife whatever she wants, support out the wazoo. I'll get started on the time machine plans now, only if you let me choke him before you did the deed.
  13. That is the best shot I have seen in...dear lord! If the contest was still going on you'd win hands down.
  14. The Movie "Behind Enemy Lines" (Wilson/Hackman)

    Yeah Bat 21 took the Hamilton incident to a stretch at the end. If they would have stuck to the original story, it would have been just as good, I mean come on, when is a seal team in a movie not good?
  15. The Movie "Behind Enemy Lines" (Wilson/Hackman)

    To be honest with you, I kind of got bored during the movie, great sound effects and liked the parts where he was evading capture. I still can not figure out why an Admiral would fly into combat ( I thought it became touchy after few deaths and incidents during the Vietnam era), and why would Marine Hueys take off from a super carrier and not a LHA/LHD?
  16. What does it feel like to be shot?

    What does it feel like to be shot? Do not know, and do not want to know. Not something to glorify or take lightly, it is REAL. There are a lot of people in military uniform, with police badges, and or that live in some of the roughest places on earth, I doubt they would like to know either.
  17. It appears that you are having trouble with the basics of flight, something you have to master before you really settle down with any good flight sim. Take offs are not too hard, slowly push the throttles up to full power (or after burner) set the flaps down, release the brakes and wait till the plane's nose starts to rise (basically the plane starts to lift itself off the ground). After that pull back gently on the stick and airborne. Raise gear and keep the flaps down until the plane has gotten enough speed and atl (basically when you feel like you are high enough) *Once you get use to takes offs you will be able to better gauge the plane's speed and the length of runway the plane needs to lift off. My suggestion is go into the game options and have your plane start on runway, set gameplay to easy, and fly recon missions from the drop down mission type list. After you get use to handling the planes and how the workings of the game, start setting the game options to "normal" or "hard" one by one. I must warn you that some 3rd party/downloaded planes operate better with "normal" flight model selected in the options menu. The best advice I can give you is that pulling back hard on the stick and trying to corner them like they are modern fighters with digital flight controls (ie F-18 or F-16) will get you into a roll, buffet, or stall in a hurry. Once you start flying other planes in the game, especially the F-4, F-104, or F-105 you will find that speed is life! They are not nimble, but they have a lot of power and can climb very fast in a hurry. You will also find that with weapons and gas they use a lot of runway to take off and land. Dog fighting is an art in this game. You do not have load out of a modern fighter, nor the computers to help you out. You don't have the gun coverage of a P-51 or the turn rate of FW-190 (at least stock without mods). However what you do have is speed and power. You can disengage and re engage into a fight at will. You can climb very high and go very fast down low. Your missiles are not going to track like a modern Aim-120C and you have to be in perfect piston before you get tone with an older Aim-9. (Forget about it with a Aim-4 ). The migs can out turn you, but you can out climb and power them. The heavy American planes bleed energy in turns but pick it up much quicker. Even the fast AI Mig 21 (which was one of the fastest fighters of its time) can be over powered and out paced. Just take your time, be patient, and have fun. You will get the hang of it in no time. Do not be afraid to ask questions, someone around here almost always has an answer. Good luck and be easy.

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