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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Well look at the types of missions each missile was (later variants) were designed for. The phoenix was fast, very fast, in fact it was designed to be so big and fast that its own radar could track the target after X amount of miles, big enough to carry the gas, and fast enough so the targets would be clobbered before they could take evasive action. Downside was mobility and weight (both the missile and the plane). I know that when launching off ship and Aim-54s were carried they generally carried only two on the forward pylons so they could bring them back aboard. Theoritically the only time an F-14 would carry a full load is if a massive strike/vampires were possible. The Aim-7 has a longer combat record, with other fighters and the F-14, I believe the VF-32 got a Libyan mig with one. I have heard of an Aim-54 being launched once during desert storm and missing, however not to sure of the Iranian's experience with the missile. Maybe someone with "been there done that" experience, ie Typhoid, can chime in and better explain.
  2. Hmmmm...good pics

    Nothing new, during the cold war the Russians where reported to have copied stolen microchips right down to the Texas Instrument symbol. The Communist have known to leave nothing to chance and who knows, maybe it is the lettering and symbols that is the key to making all this hardware work.
  3. Ah, you've got to love the internet....NOT

    That is 10000% on point good sir.
  4. Ah, you've got to love the internet....NOT

    I don't worry much about that stuff, especially youtube, which moderation is leftist. State your comment/reply in a clear and concise manner and cover all points, let the idiots flame on. I can tell you that on youtube, the variety comes in many flavors. You have the guys who try to take any video (especially airshow clips) and instead of enjoying and commenting they try to turn into a political debate, ie my country is better than yours, America sucks/kills, etc. It goes on like a broken record. You have the guys who make obviously idiot and outlandish comments, not because they themselves are stupid or ignorant, (hell they could be rocket scientist), but because they are bored at work, have some down time, and want to get a rivet counter's panties in a bunch. You have the know it alls, have not been there, nor done that, but they have READ it all. You the guys who were actually there or have been there and done that, but people either try to pick fights with them, they get nagged/hounded to death, or in some cases they try to bully/throw their "perceived" weight around. If the internetz were true, all fat chicks would be "curvaceous", all 15 year olds would be straight up homie Gs with jail time. Congress, the Executive, and Federal Court system would cease to exist (apparently there is a overabundance of lawyers, judges, presidents, and law makers running around.) No one would ever need to go to temple, church, mass, or mosque( since everyone has the patience/knowledge/wisdom to be a holy man and theologian.) Any overweight midget could bang Ana Conracova And everyone is a athletic superstar who could Walter Payton, out coach Pat Riley, is faster than Michael Phelps, and can whup Chuck Lidel.
  5. Whatcha building right now?

    On a side note a cheaper way to do panel lines, works very well on Navy gray aircraft when you are trying to do weathering and corrosion. I use a fine tipped brush to paint over the bare model with slightly thinned acrylic copper, steel, or brass colored paint. Then I go over the entire model with a light coat of gray primmer.
  6. Whatcha building right now?

    F-14A+/B Revell 1/48 kit All it is is a Revell F-14A with a few pods added, the nose is all wrong and I need decal set/finish. I may go to Michael's and get the F-14D (which I built before, but lacks the proper pods and A/G load out) and or the F-18E (which lacks any type of armament) I can tell you guys, it is getting harder to find 1/48 kits and more expensive. Everyone wants diecast and or nothing to do with plastic/resin all togther. Even the hobby stores (both online and in person) have jacked up their prices and slimmed down their selection. I remember when even the drug stores and some bargin bin stores had isles dedicated to just model planes and trucks.
  7. EPIC!

    One of the best Blue Angles' clips I have ever seen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByRvLvb-ZRE
  8. EPIC!

    The slot, Having three lumbering beast blowing black smoke in my face and almost beating the top of my cramped canopy with conventional flight controls.... I would either have to be insane or be smoking that stuff...
  9. Do you mean RF-4s and F-4Gs? I have heard things about a few F-4Es flying over Northern Iraq from Turkey, not sure. By 1988-89 most of the F-4Es had been replaced by F-16s, even in the ANG and Reserves.
  10. Will be using that "IR" blister to hunt/scout for trucks coming down the Ho Chi Minh Trail...
  11. What is your porn star name?

  12. What is your porn star name?

  13. What is your porn star name?

    Lets not forget the list of moves... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1888183149674684788
  14. What is your porn star name?

    Even back when I was a little boy, I was always found of using the name "Cadillac Jones" if I ever made it into the industry.
  15. Which hog, the marvel of attack pilots and envy of the fighter crews that takes bird strikes from the rear, and can punch a hole in your granny's panties with its cannon, or the thud's bigteet momma?
  16. A JSF had un natural relations with a Hog. For some reason it is attractive...
  17. Break of Naval Air

    Watching that RA-5 flop about scared the freakin $h!t outta me. Aviation is a dangerous business that is not for everyone that is for sure!
  18. 3 officers killed in Pa. shooting

    Gents, now is a time more than ever to exercise your 2nd amendment rights and to prepare for any chaos/riots that may occur. I come from an immediate family full of cops, and while high taxes and urban renewal projects have put out since that the "cities are safe" because of posh living, the criminals can no longer afford to hang around there, tough gun control, and high police presence (see NYC and D.C.), a lot of the stuff that is going on is occurring well outside the city limits. On one hand you have seemingly "normal" people loosing it and vowing them kill themselves and everyone in sight, on the other a lot of criminals/gangs moved out and set up shop in the suburbs. Not a racial, religious, or class problem. It is a social problem and this generations inability to cope with what is perceived as "hard times". Fellas we maybe in for some rough and chaotic times ahead, peace be with you and everyone else.
  19. A very sad week for me (WARNING: RANT AHEAD)

    You have every right to be upset Mr. Mustang. I have known a few men who have been washed through the "system" in such a manner as well due to an angry or abusive spouse and many of them are now just getting it back together. It makes me sick how corrupt the civil court system is when it comes to fathers and men. It automatically assumes that all men everywhere are potential murders, abusers, and beaters, and that all women are potential hapless victims. Men, who often have no idea of what is going on get hit with child support payments for children that are not theirs (but a judge automatically grants payment to the scheming mother), have police called on them (in most states, regardless of who said or started what, when the police respond to a domestic dispute they automatically detain the male giving him a "record"), and are held hostage by excessive alimony and support fees to vindictive women. Furthermore the notion of "no fault" divorce really perturbs me. We live in a system where the male is always assumed as being the aggressor and in the wrong and it takes a load of overwhelming evidence (at the right time) just to give him a chance. Abuse towards male spouses is taken as a joke, the government wants to play daddy (keeping mommy where she is), and a father can not and shall not raise children on his own unless the mother is under some serve circumstances (i.e. she does not want the kids, has an addiction, etc.). It is a truly sad state we live in I am sorry your friend chose that route and you have to go through it as well Mustang,
  20. Just plain evil...worse than a guest who comes to your house, uses your bathroom, and doesn't flush, sigh....
  21. Bump that, we need more cowbell

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