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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Favorite Jackie Gleason Quote

    Enough said...

    Amen to that, I'll drink to that one.
  3. Uploaded by the Warbird Factory Excellent video, you can even see the bridle get pulled back after each launch. Man this is better than looked at naked ladies and beer.

    I had a protein shake this morning, and a bowl of chili for lunch.

    Well if you makes you feel any better, someone stole my dog, a pure breed we had for over 5 years, someone came by and stole him. Probably to sell him to a breeder...While I am sad about the dog, I really just want to find the person and have a wall to wall counseling session with them. I remember when my mother board blew, when you think things can not get any worse, they do...it's called life. But things to get better...you can count on that. Besides having the stafford loan people after me and still looking for the crack head who took the dog..meh typical day Never take advice on dating women from women (especially friends), your man hood and common sense sound be able to handle that. Sounds like to me this broad has loose joints, and even if you did get her, I'd bet a king's ransom she is not even worth the trouble and drama...stop digging at the bottom of the barrel and get a pair. Females come and go, and are a dime a dozen, however a "woman" is something you do not around ever corner. There will be others... Remember there is always someone else who has it far worse than you....far worse.
  6. 100 things I learned from airplane!

    61. JJ Evans is one hell of a mechanic. 60. Looking back on history, Doctor J was a better flier than Kareem Abdul Jabbar 59. Just because you have a drinking problem doesn't mean it isn't safe to drive. 58. When the Sh!t hits the fan, it really hits the fan! 57. Punching out Buddhist is fun 56. Getting in line to slap someone around is more fun 55. In some states pleasuring inanimate object is not considered bestiality, unless said object gains pleasure from it. 54. Once you go black you are never coming back. 53. Always bet on the steak, ya digg...
  7. Documentary's about aviation.

    To be honest, unless it goes from TV to dvd there are not too many documentaries made anymore about aviation, especially military aviation like there use to be. The ones that are made are definitely made for a audience that suffers from ADD and is use to watching quick blurbs on MTV news. Dogfights was one of the few recent series I actually liked. I remember back in the 80s and 90s there use to be in depth vhs tape made about specific types of airframes, especially from the Cold War and WW II. They were in depth and usually 30-60 mins long. Discovery Wings did a good job of covering these subjects. My suggestion is go on Amazon.com or Ebay and do a search for the type of airframe, period of history, or conflict you are looking for. I recently just reordered a bunch of out of print VHS tapes made in the 1970-80s which centered on the USAF, Red Flag, and Fighter Intercept Squadrons. Many of them where mint in box and did not cost anymore than 5 bucks.
  8. Ultra Durable my ass

    Ultra Durable my ass.... Ohh your talking about a mb not latex..nevermind But yeah You need to look into a new powersupply or case. I think what maybe the problem is that part of the case or a piece of metal is touching the motherboard while it is booted up. In addition make sure you have a decent PSU and ram which is in the proper config for the board. Ram put in the wrong way or not rated for the board can easily fry it.
  9. I agree, while this airframe is still in use around the world, it would great if it could open back up for other countries or even our U.S. Federal agencies or State. That rugged yet simple airframe can be used for everything for environmental issues (fire fighting), observation, intel gathering, or sar (to get a fix on places when C-130s are not available). This would also be a great Airframe to help the Iraqis get back on their feet.
  10. The quickest way to do that is just find a plane that carry all, i.e. F-18, F-4E, A-7D and fly that plane for the mission. Usually you can arm the rest the planes with weapons that you can carry (that is of course if the plane's pylons can take the load).
  11. Lol! dude are you serious, that is wild, but hey work hard play hard. A few days ago I saw a Prowler from I guess VAQ-209 do a low break over my brother's house with gear down, to be honest I got
  12. PLANE Stupid

    That mission got passed off to the helos and the P-3 in the early 90s, the Viking had been relegated to refueling, surface warfare, limited EW, ELINT, and limited strike. The plane was cracking up and some real stress and airframe problems. It was not a matter of wanting to retire the S-3 but having to. Viking "Sundown" was an emergency program initiated around the time before their last deployment. For a straight wing hoover, that plane could maneuver, I remember seeing one come out of Andrews AFB on a hard break, then on another occasion at NOB Norfolk. Bricks were shat....
  13. I did not think the Raven could carry any anti radiation missiles.
  14. I took ate the rear end of a Soviet Bomber's gun once or twice, then there was the Geni incident, lets not bring up the Geni incident...
  15. Watch for Eels and Laser Cats in this video... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rP2h16m8X1Y
  16. That's easy, however the scooter vs sluff requires careful thought. To add on what most of the here have already said, not sure which version of the A-4 you will be flying (sidewinders anyone?) The A-7 carried Aim-9s operationally for last ditch self defense, if your goal is bomb a lot of stuff, do interdiction, and ironhand, the A-7 is your plane hands down. It can carry just about anything in the inventory and well ahead of its time in avionics. Personally, I never dogfight in the A-4 or A-7. If flying either plane the most I will do is use the A-4's maneuverability to try and shake them off and head for the weeds, although it is not to hard to get your nose up on a turning enemy right before you bleed speed. A-7, punch off the two winders, hope one hits, and run as low as I can. If it is a late model sidewinder, there is a good chance for a hit.

    I got what I wanted, giant 8 foot candy cane sitting upright, and a lot of dollar bills. Now just like the toys that require batteries, I have to go out and get the strippers.
  18. Clean Install of Strike Fighters Project 1 Latest Patch Latest DX9C (Nov 2008) For some odd reason the game will not load past 30%, and I had a similar problem with my older system pre latest patch (although it just load ultra slow, after I updated to XP service pack 3) I turned graphics options way down, ran a clean install, and even did two separate installs. Window's XP Sp3 DX9C 4gb DDRII pc-6400 Geforce 9600gt, latest forceware Amd 6000+ Just gets to 30% and hangs indefinitely.
  19. Yeah I need to stop pussy footing around and get these adapters so I can run my old 60 gig ide drive as a back up, already lost a lot of great mods, personal repaints, and self ini tweaks after my last MB bit the dust and I upgraded.
  20. I know my system can run it, when I first got the game many years ago, I was able to run it at almost full with the machine I was using back them. This title has been with me from from four different setups, and I have played it religiously because of it's ease of setup and load times. One of the few PC games you can just "jump in" with out long load times or a heavy toll on even the oldest of systems. Must be driver or software issue on my end, just have to go through the task of pin pointing it. I tired forceware 181 and 180 series drivers, can get it to load after a long and drawn out wait. Will be defragging and rolling back tonight.
  21. Yep, at here and at Thridwire. Will do some more searching in case I missed anything. I did a search on the TW forums and all evidence pointed to graphic settings being jacked up to high and number of objects loaded. That is why I turned everything down to low. Even turned the resolution down, still can not pin point the problem. I wonder if it is an issue with Service Pack 3 for XP.
  22. I can not give you exact numbers, but a good chunk of the missions were flown in points South or areas outside North Vietnam. In theory (well in Pierce Arrow, Flaming Dart, Rolling Thunder days) attacks on North Vietnam start of as retaliatory (very specific targets) and eventually escalated to a wider number of targets/areas (but they were still tightly controlled and selected). Even the types of airframes allowed to fly over North Vietnam were strictly controlled, i.e. B-52s did not really go up North until the 1970s. This is further was compounded with political moves, such as time targets were hit (which almost always had to be approved by the Johnson Admin) and "bombing halts". You have to remember, all bombing of North Vietnam stopped in 1968 (although recon and limited interdiction continued), it did not kick up again until 1972. In areas South bombs/sorties were called up as needed (when weather/conditions permitted) to stop communist advances, take out targets, or protect friendlies. Bombs came down more freely and frequently down South. For instance, take a look into Operation Niagara in where everything with wings was loaded up and called up to protect the areas in around Khe San. Planes were orbiting for miles up and miles out. Sometimes tons of bombs would pound empty jungle other times massive strikes (in conjunction with troops) would be needed to take out enemy weapon's storage/caches and bases of operation, and do not think the AA and flak was just up North, it might not have been as dense, but especially towards the end of the war the NVA managed to get some anti air equipment (even sams) further south than usual. Throughout the war, small arms fire as a constant threat to aircraft flying FAC or CAS.

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