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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Merrill Lynch CEO

    The could have just given me 10 dollars and I would have been happy.

    Depends of the emachine's mother board takes only IDE or Sata. Emachines, more than likely you need to find a E/IDE drive to get things running (they come real cheap.) If you get a new hard drive you need to transfer all of the old stuff from the previous emachines drive (with the exact same drivers and specs), or else you are going to have to reinstall all of your operating system and drivers from anew. You could try a recovery disk as well (most emachines I had came with one.) For your other emachine, you can run a few virus and adware scans for free. I usually go online and use Trencmicro (google search), then go use spybot search and destroy, followed by norton or AVG (which are trial based). That usually wipes out most of the stuff that tries to dial out and or uses your system to download and make new viruses. Finally follow it all up with "hijack this". Downloads.com has section with a lot of free and trial based anti-spyware and ad ware utilities. If your system is really crapped up, then just wipe it, or do a recovery (using the disk) and start over. Btw, if you are going to reinstall windows, I suggest you make a copy of your current product key using this http://magicaljellybean.com/keyfinder/. That way in case you loose the key or have a problem with your recovery you will still have your valid product key.
  3. Talk about a bummed day.... not anymore

    Congrats and good look! Meanwhile the job hunt for me continues, and right now I have a bigger problem on hands (literally, they are covered in car fluids and battery corrosion) a bad alternator. No fun checking under the hood when it is sleeting outside.
  4. O.J. Simpson found guilty

    Yeah his "book" writing reminded me another case back from the 50s, when the murderers of that young Emmet Till were let off the hook (due to race) and then wrote about the murder. Although he is supposedly not being punished for the case in 1995, the man should have known better than break the law twice. Karma...
  5. Talk about a bummed day.... not anymore

    You are not alone I do know how it is for you military guys, but applying for stuff on the civilian side of the fed is equally frustrating, especially during "budget" season. Over nighting documents, KSAs, etc. only hear that the announcement was canceled. Faxing stuff and it gets lost Faxing again and it does not get uploaded/filed emailing it and hearing no reply for months Driving out for exams, interviews, etc. only hear you are not "competitive." Having your calls re directed, re routed, and sent back to the person you called only to get a nasty and tort reply "check X", "we are not looking for Y" or "we do not do Z", hmmm the irony is I was told to call XXX-XXX-XXX if I had a question and since X is so vague what am I do? Lets not forget the "thin" letters. "I love you...but I am not in love with you, gross!" Good stuff and at times makes you want to go punch out that squirrel you see in the park every..smug little bastid thinks he is so hot with his nutts. In all seriousness, keep going, sometimes to get what you want and need you have to hammer that round peg into the square hole till it is jammed up in there good. And you are not in this job search and frustration alone.
  6. Before and post patch you could not take off vertically with a full load and fully fuel, the plane would lift off while loaded but it would flop about and or not really go anywhere. I think you need to have 50% fuel (no heavy ordinance) to do a pure vertical take off and the nozzles need to be directed almost to completely downward (the readme gives a better explanation). With a full combat load you can do a short takeoff run. Just direct the nozzles between 25% to 60% down, go full throttle, and the plane will lift off a short/confined area with no problem.
  7. Useless Factoid of the day

    "Va" Literally means He, She, or it is in the process of going. (Spanish verbs can stand alone and be conjugated to mean an entire sentence and be fully understood "va" is a derivative of "ir" or to go. For clarification nouns are used. I.e. Ella no va a la casa de su novio. = She does not go to her boyfriend's (fiance translated literally) house.) Anywho, "No va" can be understood as "it does not go" and be grammatically correct, just not clear. I won't get into reflexives and the "tu" commands form... Sorry for the lesson, I just try use every excuse to practice my Spanish grammar.
  8. Useless Factoid of the day

    "It is impossible to lick your elbow. " ---Waits to see how many will try
  9. OMG!

    That is a harsh looking female...
  10. Why I dislike the new James Bond movie

    Ehh Palie...wouldn't make difference to me. Bond wouldn't stand a chance it takes a cool customer to blow a mugger away while eating an ice cream sandwich. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F_2eKJ5-L4...feature=related
  11. Why I dislike the new James Bond movie

    Moore was more (he he) of a comedian than anything. While I like Live or Let Die and spectre's jaws being indestructible , you all are correct, during the his era it was a gadget fest. Gadgets that could have easily ended the movie with one switch (the villain's hide out could been destroyed in a barrage of missiles from the sub car. Connery (the best bond) used gadgets to help him along (i.e. scale the side of the building or bust out of prison) but he was more of a hands on type Bond. Dalton was more of an intel operative and had the "Bond" look and was very serious and dry. *He is a trained classical/theatrical actor. His gadets were used in surveillance and gathering of information. Brosnan, took the concept of "Renaissance Man" to new heights. Most either love him or hate his guts, stating he was both witty, smart, always in control, and could charm the pants off M. Others will say is has an smart mouth invincible action star who should have been hospitalized from VD and hid behind his tech. Personally I think the tech in the last movie was a bit of a stretch. I say you have to look at the generation and demographic each film was trying to appeal to...in Bronsnan's case it was the 90s tech generation and women. Craig, I can not say to much about him. He is a great action and hands on star, however he still seems to gruff too me (and does not have that Bond look from the movies.) Is he closer to Ian Flemming's concept? More or less so, for he was an intel operative who access and knowledge of special ops during WWII, personally I still think that the studio is trying to capture this generation by going down the route of "Crank" style almost super human action that keeps going.
  12. COD 6 Confirmed! Exclusive Info

    Korea, Vietnam, or anything that is not World War II in the 1944 Belgium and France (I'll settle for the Pacific, North Africa, or Med.) I would love to see Korea done personally.
  13. WHOA Check This!

    When I was younger my family left the city and moved out in the rural south. Way out in the woods. Use to see a lot of air traffic, mostly low flying National Guard helicopters or Navy helos. Occasionally F-15s and F-16s would breeze through and buzz the local towns. One night when I was about 16 I came home real late and I saw what looked like a U-2 scooting over tree top level, could even feel the wind a few seconds after it passed by. The problem wad, the AFB and Naval Bases were over an hour and some change away, the plane was quiet as a mouse peeing on cotton, and even planes on final do not get that low that far out.
  14. EGO driver

    Needs a lot work, I cut the entire introduction out so the video starts mid-way. Have to re-do the credits as well. Also it is my first video.
  15. Cleveland Rocks!

    Can't be any worse than the Redskin's and Ram's game.
  16. Worst Modeling Experience

    I don't condone violence..but then again did you at least karate chop the coffee table? Or go outside and play skeet shoot with the good china?
  17. I see the red stripe on the tail, but I can't tell if those are Lancers. Anybody know?
  18. Photochop this!

    Putin at a live puppy once... That's it, the man seriously devoured a live puppy.
  19. Photochop this!

  20. Worst Modeling Experience

    Best work, a 1:48 revel F-105D, I painted most of it by hand, and with a can of flat olive drab car spray paint. I guess I had magic in my hand that day, because the paint came out even, coated the entire model, and I was able to successfully spray paint the bottom half with light grey. The rest I finished off with tan testors paint. The only problem, the right wing did not properly glue together. Worst... A Revel F-15 from Kadena AFB in 1980s ghost grey... The paint spilled on the model, I attempted to recoat it, no avail. Could not get the camo patches to come out right, was painting outside but the fumes got to me (and really do not remember the rest of that after that.) Was doing a 1/32 B-52 from Fairchild AFB, the wings would not hold, the engine mounts were all fouled up, and the paint I used was way to glossy (and therefore smudged.)
  21. Century Wings is reported to the have the best models in the business. Unfortunately they are very expensive 50-70 bucks. They have A-6s, F-8s, A-7s, and F-14s. http://www.flyingmule.com/range/diecast-mo...ntury-wings/72/
  22. O.J. Simpson found guilty

    He was not the first murder in U.S. history to get off and then write a book about it, but by god I hope he is the last.

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