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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Achmed.......

    Did you see the episode with Carlos's brother came to America and participated in his first...ahem..."cock" fight"
  2. Achmed.......

    Parts of his acts are funny, parts are just...meh Give me Don Rickles, Richard Pryor, Red Foxx, or George Carlin any day of the week. I am person who loves un-pc and humor that goes after every stereotype and race on this planet. But banning him? Well its South Africa...(yeah I know the nation's disturbing history), but I do not vote there, their decision not mine. I doubt the man has a racist bone in his body, and even if there was the far of chance he does, who is anyone to tell him he can't have one for it boils down to personal choice? I have been in comedy clubs and seen and heard far worse (jokes that deliberately target and single out a group with violence and hate.) But hey, South Africa is a sovereign state and they play by their own rules. I am more concerned with the pandering and censorship that occurs within U.S. borders.
  3. A screen shot I took in Operation Flash Point, and a few addons I have collected over the years.
  4. Well Perhaps this is a fitting tribute...
  5. Well Perhaps this is a fitting tribute...
  6. Yeah, the Marines are still going to use them for heavy lifting. the MV-22 has been pushed so hard because the the CH-46s needed to be replaced and they needed a heavier/faster transport than the Uh-1N/Y. Before the Mv-22 came online the Marines would have to call up for Ch-47s to shuttle them around Afghanistan and Iraq, then again because of the nature of warfare and new global commitments (that are constantly changing) everyone has to share.
  7. I am sold!

    After tonight's VP debate there is only one logical person to vote for! The ticket which will make this country great and lead us into the future That person we must kneel before is... The Mighty Zod Kneel Before ZOD for Change http://www.zod2008.com/
  8. Good airframe and the taxpayers got triple the return on their investment. Machines do not last forever and the more you push them closer to the breaking point, the more you endanger lives. Hopefully the Osprey and possibly the HH-47 can fill the gap.
  9. I am sold!

    Yes but look at his hair cut, this is surely not a hair cut one would like to kneel before, what is his purposed tribute rate?
  10. I am sold!

    Yes but those in the heartland have been known to kneel before him as well. He had a strong showing in the "poles" in Southern Alabama and West-South Manchester- North New Delaware. Also he has a strong endorsement from the United Associated knee Pad Union and his overseas experience in both Krypton and Quebec which make him a strong candidate. Next week he is supposed to wrap up his tour of the cement factories in Wyoming. *Dude I am seriously trying not to explode from laughter after what you typed
  11. I am sold!

    Hot? Regular? or Decaf?
  12. I am sold!

    That is true, but Lex may try to undermine Zod, and I really do not see Lex a loyal Zodian. No matter, if he disobeys Zod, he will be crushed. Lex is an efficient man, and ruthless man, the type of man that Lois has been longing for, however his lack of experience with long hair has me concerned.
  13. I am sold!

    I dunno, he looked pretty weak against Flash Gordon in the primaries, do I really want that type of person in office?
  14. Who have You Met In Person?

    Soo... Strip joints are out of the equation?
  15. Paul Newman Dead

    The man lived a full life and stayed in great shape up until the end. Slap Shot and Cool Hand Luke...two of the greatest movies ever. God rest his soul
  16. free FPS, have yall seen this?

    I have been playing it for a few weeks. It is pretty decent. Do not expect Ghost Recon, Battlefield, or even America's Army type of play. More just bunny hopping and run gunning. As you gain experience (and points) you can rent weapons for maxim period of 30 days by cashing in your game points. You can also unlock things as you progress in rank. The game is not laggy, loads fast, and with 16 players (max) it runs pretty fast. The maps are small and are good for run gun type matches.
  17. Pres. Debate

  18. Hey Dave, that sucks, I hope you can get everything back in order.
  19. I have always wondered that myself, our community has drawn an unprecedented amount of hackers who seem as if they are specifically targeting us.
  20. "How do you fly it?" High and Fast I use a lot of barrel rolls, yo-yos, and scissors. Yeah the F-8 could out turn any fighter in the US inventory at the time, but don't try getting into a turning fight with a mig (well maybe a Mig-19). Speed is life....
  21. Laser Cat

    Indeed it was...
  22. The F-22 can fly faster, further, carry more weapons and fuel, and most importantly it can fly harder. The F-117 was not made to be flown as hard and as long as its pilots flew it. Furthermore it could only carry two weapons. Now do not get me wrong it had a great combat record and could drop a PGM down an air vent, and was great for aerial "sniping". But due to its limited numbers, lack of speed and maneuverability (due to airframe) the F-22 and F-35 are logical replacements. If only there is a way the DOD could get money for more... Btw, Migbuster is right, no one (outside those who are supposed to know) will never know the RCS of stealth aircraft and its true capabilities, or the true cabapiliites of most modern non-stealth U.S. military airframes for that matter.
  23. Documentary Is A Must See...

    Good find, a lot of this footage is similar the Documentary First Strike and The Day After, which can be found on youtube. Both show a USAF SAC response to a Russian attack.
  24. Got a new job today...

    Congrats My sister and father are both LEOs (father retired). I have been trying to get a position with the feds for past year and half...keeping up @$$ed out. Good you are doing something for the community and the good of your state. Stay safe.

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