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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. I did not know footage in such clarity existed, I don't care for the music, but the footage is amazing, have never seen detailed photos or film of either the Thunderbirds or Blue Angles while they Flew the F-4 E/J . F-4J http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFxrSYqQFGs A-4F http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEd2PKPvBWQ...feature=related

    I dunno what brand he was using, but if it is a Dell... All I can say is right now have another Inspiron sitting in the corner collecting dust because the battery cells are dead, the power cable has shorted out, and the a/c power jack on the mother board is done. One of many...
  3. Abbotsford Airshow Pics 2008

  4. Newest James Bond Trailer

    Sean Connery, followed by Rodger Moore, then Pierce Bronson, and finally Timothy Dalton (although he looked like Bond was supposed to look but his acting was kinda....) This James Bond does not do it for me, he is too gruff and does not have "Bondness" about him, but maybe they have changed him since Casino Royale. If they are restarting the Bond series (well in sense to go with modern times), my guess is this supposed to be Spectre he is going up against.

    Did you have on a watch? or grip the prongs of the cable while pulling it out. In any case something might be wrong with the cable's shielding and YOU NEED TO GO TO A DOCTOR NOW!
  6. Aww man, great pics and thanks for sharing. Mostly see heavies around here, either commercial or C-17s, Kc-135s, VC-25s, and or the Marines coming up the river from HMX-1. Don't see the DCANG much anymore, been like that for long time, probably due to them having to climb up and out as to not "disturb" the peace and keep us safe.
  7. Prehaps maybe you or another person with military experience can answer this question that has always been on my mind. Why weren't more than about 60 KC-10s built? I know the USAF was doing major upgrades to the KC-135 around the time they came online, but doesn't the KC-10 have a greater capacity?
  8. I pray it does not come to that Storm, but it seems that politicians on both sides of the fence do not give a crap until the media gets a hold of it and blows it up or Monday morning quarterbacks and pundits have had their turn to offer suggestions "after the fact." The guys in the know (whose life work is military service or procurement on the civilian side) always get shut out by those on a "whim". I guess what they say is true, this country is driven by reactionary politics not preventative. I just hopes this matter gets resolved quickly and discretely, because you can't expect 40+ year old airframes to do everything including fixing the kitchen sink.
  9. F!*&!# Amazing

    Just found another one I think they were filled with oil for the smoke generators
  10. He could get a older F-105D blk model and paint the tip of the nose cone black instead of the entire section...it might help as a place holder, although the strike camera will still be a give away.
  11. Not funny but funny

    Uhmmm now that you mention it.... The helmet in your avatar and the big red arrow I'm just saying
  12. What happened to the ones hosted here? There have been Several A-5 and A-5 mods A-5B with canoe and strobe addon which converted it to the RA-5C. Combatace hosted a whole slew of A-5A and RA-5C mods with huds (and downgraded pits for the A-5A).
  13. Television

  14. Ohhh...teasers You modders are worse than hotchicks at the bar... Btw, isn't nuclear winter a farse....or is it??
  15. I think it's about time....

    http://www.micom.net/oops/USAF%20Training.wav Wait Wait Wait.... You gotta listen to this...
  16. A really bad week...

    I feel your frustration and pain, but thank god you got her to the hospital before something worse happened, like a stroke or heart attack. Things will work out I can guarantee you that...
  17. Musharraf Resigns...

    That should be the biggest fear with any state in flux like that, especially when it is use to swinging between military control and civilian military control. Personally I do not fear a state actor having nukes (because if they use them or even think about it their regime will come to an end, and maybe even their chunk of the world.) I fear a state getting nukes and then "conveniently" loosing/misplacing them.
  18. Musharraf Resigns...

    It just got real... Somebody bottle up those nukes.
  19. Doomsday

    There maybe wars in the future, but I do not think the Russians will take it Nuclear Keep your eye on Pakistan though...
  20. Task Manager Disabled....

    Task manager not back even after all the registry edits, deletion from window's system 32, and all the scans. There is still a program out there that has taken and highjacked your browser and windows. Boting in safe mode and doing several adware/spayware/viral scans is the only way to get it. Best advice, update with the latest MS service pack and security updates is a sure fire way to keep it from coming back. *Run a virus scan in safe mode *Run an adware/spyware scan in safe mode *Do a registry clean in safe mode You are going to have to run several spyware/adware programs back to back (in addition to a virus scan.) Start here http://housecall.trendmicro.com (one of the best free/online adware/virus scans) Then do a google search for "spybot search and destroy" Finally download "Lavasoft ad-ware" These should be used to supplement your base firewall and virus scan program. You can run these in regular mode, but in some cases the scaning and deletion of System 32 files (while booted in regular windows) may cause your computer to freeze, crash, or the scanning program to lock up. In addition most of these programs can not delete spyware/viruses that are running in the background. Since task manager is not working, you will have to go into ms confing to do a customized/selective windows start up in order to stop windows from automatically starting them. Anything that is not a window's function, stop it. Finally here is some stuff I dug up that may help, it involves registry edits http://windowsxp.mvps.org/Taskmanager_error.htm http://www.pchell.com/support/taskmanagerdisabled.shtml
  21. The King of Comedy is no more

    I was skeptical of his death, because I heard a lot of rumors earlier on in the week about his death (as well when he was first hospitalized a few years ago), but sadly they are true. God rest his soul and be with his family. First George Carlin, now him... http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/10/arts/tel...n/10mac.html?em
  22. Forgive them great tomcat in the sky for they know not what they do... Forgive me for anticipating Sid Dog's work, for I have sinned...
  23. So what do you fly?

    http://www.anft.net/f-14/f14-detail.htm Everything you could ever want to know about the Turkey
  24. So what do you fly?

    F-14 (with some of own ini edits, fubar's edits, typhoid, and ravenclaw's stuff thrown in) F-8E F-4D Loran RF-4C and that is about it....

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