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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. I tried using that dang thing in game against a Mig-17 with DET 11. The only thing that missile is good for is playing a game of lawn darts. I got so mad I went in close and used my tail to cut his wing off.
  2. This Gave Me Goose Bumps

    Beautiful My god be with them
  3. EYE SPY

  4. The Mirage Factory is the best thing before and after sliced bread. For group of fellas who have regular lives to take time out of their day to make such things simply astounds me. I will keep saying this till you get tired of it... Thank you (That is not only for the Mirage Factory crew, but the rest of the modding community as well.)
  5. media unbiased?

    In all fairness, I had some support for mangina, I mean Obama in the beginning. I thought, "now here is a straight player who could not only bridge racial gaps, but cultural, and social ones as well." I knew he was a little too left for my taste, but I was interested to see where he was going to go. To be honest I was torn, I did not want to Clinton in office and I really liked McCain's center to center right style, especially his record in the Senate. The problem now as I see it, Obama is a mangina plain and simple. Now I respected him for running a decent and clean Campaign against Bill, I mean Hillary, but this man is starting to show his a$$ (lets not even get into the Wright fiasco.) He is bending over backwards to get media attention, his wife can't keep her cool (and runs him around like a child), and he has gone the extra mile as of late to not only trash men but disrespect our men and women in uniform. Ok he is against the surge and the war...fine(although all evidence has shown that he was wrong) but you do not take your anger and arrogance out on the people who keep you safe at night. He wants to court Clinton's block, fine play politics, but you do not go that extra mile to put down one group in favor of getting a "treat" from another. You do not want to wear a flag pin, ok maybe it does not go with your dress, I mean suit. But do not give some bs excuse of why you do not want to wear one. You have "daddy" issues, cool, but did you have to trash fathers on Father's day? Your wife has a alpha personality, fine, but how about she not use every family interview as an excuse to emasculate you, and lets not forget how she will loose her temper when the audience or commentators do not first "hail the queen." It is those little nuisances which have turned me off from him. And if you are a supporter of Obama, that is fine, it is your vote and you have every right to exercise as you see fit, and you should not have any shame (unless you do not vote or you let the media choose for you.) But when voting for any candidate on any level, make sure you pay attention to the little things, and not the media glamor and hype. Also do not forget, just because the media publicizes a race does not make it any more profound. Local and state elections have a more immediate impact on your lives. In closing, If Obama just happens to get elected I can live with that. But rest assure, I will help to vote in a Congress that will fight him tooth and nail to the bitter end.
  6. media unbiased?

    On point! I could not have said it better. As for Obama's interactions with the troops... Funny he has no problems going out of his way to greet feminist, shake the hands of college students (I have been to one of his rallies where he was mobbed), and go out of the way to please media talking heads. His actions towards our boys is disgusting. But then again he is a lawyer by trade and a college professor. Talk about arrogance and staring one's nose down at people...
  7. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    Noo... There doing a remake of Red Dawn too?? .... Ok maybe I will just take my anger out on something else
  8. Here we go again...

    The Russian government is like your skizo ex girlfriend. They want to be everyone's friend, they want to be a world economic leader, but they still want control over the Caucuses and Eastern Europe. Putin (Medvedev) detest Communism, but he wants a strong and autocratic Russia. I think it is more saber rattling and more cries for attention. In all fairness, before the Oil giants came into Russia and before the central government got strong, during the 1990s the U.S. and E.U. did not take the Russians seriously, not there is a rift.
  9. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    The last time I saw CG done very well in a movie with flight scenes was 13 Days and We were Soldiers. Black Hawk Down had excellent chopper ops, but other than that... A little 3d here and there is good, I do not think anything has come close to 13 Days (hoped they would have used the recon scenes more), but even if the 3d or even the actual cinematography were excellent, you can not pick up Top Guns storyline after 21 years and expect magic out of it. You could bring in Brando, Gable, Stewart, Wayne, Marvin, Sinatra, McQueen and Brownson, and you still couldn't get anything out of it. So much of it is cliche now. Btw, what class would one put Flight of the Intruder, I liked it, but I do not understand how the managed to get a "love scene" in the movie.
  10. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    This is horrible and after reading that article I want to throw up. A Top Gun sequel... Now I admit the first Top Gun sucked in realism department but it did have excellent filming, decent flight scenes, and the crew worked very well together. This is going to be a flop! Just like when they tried to do a remake of "The Dirty Dozen" 20 years later (IMHO befouled one of the greatest films of all time.) They are either going to try and do every flight scene in 3d of poor quality and lets not forget that Top Gun (as movie goers know it) does not even exist anymore. I can see it now, crew shows up and says "Hey can we get some shots of your Tomcats in front of the Fighter Town USA hangar?" The MP kicks the camera man in the nuts, slaps the taste out of the producer's mouth, and then chokes Tom Cruise. So....better luck with Fallon or Lamore with Hornets? This is why I have stopped going to the movies, do not listen to any new music that comes out, and really do not watch much tv. It is all remakes and rehashed garbage with hopes of using a "name" to sale a half-baked idea and more advertisement contracts. What pains me ever more is that no matter how much crap the media puts out (knowing that it is crap) people still but into like mindless drones.
  11. tomcat Canards

    Supposedly Marine Corps Aviators did some training in VF-124 RAG.
  12. Depending on the weapon's pack being used, most modded airframes can carry ACMI pods and inert training missiles. If the plane can not carry them go into the ini and do some self editing on the weapon's stations. I think it is EP to add to the sidewinder rails so planes can carry ACMI pods. I really do not see how the current ones in the last weapons pack can be improved, they resemble the things in real life...blue tubes or gray tubes with blue bands on them. If it is visual aspects you are talking about, all you have to do is open up the CAP or ACMI files and repaint them yourself.
  13. BUFF Goes Down...Silent Post

    God be with them and the rest of the personnel in Guam.
  14. I dunno, maybe it was not not an oversight because with the hordes of commands (only second to Falcon 4 with mods installed), I guess it was easier to let the user define keys to avoid confusion. I mapped my keys similar to the way I mapped them in other sims. The only essential keys are gear, flaps, dive brakes, chocks, and feathering of the props, it you want to get technical I guess mixtures play a roll too. Does anyone know of any down loadable key broad or joystick profiles? That might help some.
  15. You All See This From Over the Weekend?

    Yeah I read it in the paper and read it online, they all seem to focus in on the deaths, which IMHO those men should be given all the praise and honor available, but they are not focusing in on them as heroes, rather as meaningless deaths.. (Like Walter Conkrtie did after the U.S. kicked ass during Tet.)
  16. Demotivational Posters

    Sometimes I make, but most of the time I look at them, nothing like passing the day looking at quirky sayings and funny truths. I just made two... for all of you tomcat lovers out there The last one I will not post because this is a family board, but I will provide the link http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/5312/buddytanking4nz7.jpg Anybody have any ?
  17. Phantom Iranian Missiles...

    The way the media is hyping this thing up they may actually start a war (due to media exaggerations and hype), but then again it is probably what they want (That way they can find someway to blame the West and exploit the hell outta refuges and civilians caught in the crossfire.) Your not lying about that, do they even have a way of tracking/guiding those rockets?
  18. With LGBs, GPS, and TV bombs you can not pull any gs before and during release (it think it is more like 3), or it will go flopping about like napalm and won't guide (in Sims like JANES you can toss em). If you release to close it won't guide. To steep of a dive, it will go wide. In order patches if you let go to far, the weapon would just detonate in air, now if falls. You need a laser pod or laser ability (like Mig-27) to successfully drop one. With a pod or laser ability you can lase any ground object in the game that you can lock up with the "e" key. TV bombs, tv missiles, and JDAMs can be loaded on any plane than has the data ini configured to carry them, no laser pod needed.
  19. What an absolute crock of sh....

    Pardon my grammar but... "No it aint..." Taking leather, wet towel, or a switch (tree limb) a$$ is all perfectly fine, doing it excessively and unwarranted it the problem. Whipping your kid for spilling milk (or even getting angry at him/her for it) is wrong Whipping your kid for shooting the dog, setting the house on fire, or bringing drugs home isn't... I got actual beatings on the rare occasion, when I did stuff that I knew and everyone knew was wrong (premeditated and seriously wrong). I got "smacked" or put in time out for things like cursing or talking back. All in perspective... Now on the second part off course, kids will be kids, and kids just want to have fun and play. Kids have not changed since the beginning of time, they have and will always be hyper active, they will always get into stuff, and they will always push limits. But....since society has changed...it is still up to the parents (not government, non-profit, or some pseudo doctor on TV) to teach them what those limits are (as far as behavior goes), what is right and what is wrong, how to think for themselves and how to be responsible for themselves and own up. Entities like the government can and should set guidelines but not do the job that parents have to.
  20. Inching up to the cat

  21. And a bonus video...
  22. Pretty good at showing the investigative procedures, did not like the fact that they spliced old 1950s and 60s footage with modern footage and had a few tech errors, but still good none the less. part1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6l1rwQJjYg...feature=related part2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MVXRng2VCc...feature=related part3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuTq6d51JfY...feature=related part4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvZH7wtzY_Q...feature=related part5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK7RGpSlJ7Y...feature=related
  23. Demotivational Posters

    Go right ahead case, btw, there are more F-14 affocinado website, I know the Tomcat Association and also M.A.T.S has one, just never joined. They were where I got the inspiration from. P.S. I'm working on a few more of VF (VFA)-211
  24. What an absolute crock of sh....

    When I was little there were things I could not watch and there were things I could. When I got out of line I either got the "belt" or I got things taken away from me. Those kid's parents are to blame for not giving them a good "wall to wall" counseling session. I believe this why so-called generation X and Y are fully of clueless and mindless brats who can not and will not think forthemselves (they let the Entertainment/Celebrity world do their thinking for them.) They learn from when they are childern... "You do wrong"...blame someone else "You screw up"... blame someone else "You do not get your way"...then blame someone else "You break something of value"...don't worry daddy will buy a new one Beat your kids and or put them in time out...that will settle half of society's problems right there. Even todays young boys have turned into "daddy's girls".

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