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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Demotivational Posters

  2. Demotivational Posters

    One of the favorites...
  3. I second that to the fullest!
  4. Supreme Court upholds right to own guns

    Yeah but in my IMHO, owning a gun in the District legally will not make any change at all. People from out of state (and the District seems to be full of them now days...ooh great) always bring their guns in, hell when I ride the metro the metal detectors go off constantly. Last week and man ran off a Metro bus, starting shooting at two guys at a bus stop, and two guys returned fire. Stuff like that happens in that part of the city constantly, been happening like that since the gun was in place. So this ruling does not change much as far as District residents go, because they will always be harassed or have their rights curtailed by the city government in some other form or way. The main worry as of late (since my father, sister, and her former husband) are(were) all city cops, was some out of state puke or bouncers getting froggy with DC police at a night club and bucking off a few rounds. The criminals and cats that hang in the street already have guns and everyone knows it. And they do not venture up into the affluent neighborhoods of Georgetown, Chevy Chase, Dupont Circle, etc. unless they are going to night spots. Even then they will not mess with the people up there, because they know Secrete Service or D.C. Police would have them in sling. They go back to their home neighborhoods or into Maryland to rob people. Btw a good number night club owners, liquor store owners, and club bouncers carry guns into the District as well (some are off duty cops working part-time.) So the gunlaw does not change much, it just gives the people, who need may need them the most (private residents) the right to carry. To be honest, I think the only people who really need to own guns in the District are the poor folk who live in the rough areas of NE and SE (Montana Ave, Bladensburg, New York ave, Barry farms, Suitland, and Anacosita.) They have to deal with the mess first hand and on a daily basis. Some of those areas were so rough, the police stopped doing patrols altogether in them at one period.
  5. Supreme Court upholds right to own guns

    Well growing up and living in and around the District (and coming from a family that was born and raised in some of the roughest areas of D.C. and Maryland) and having family who were DC police I can tell you all this... The criminals in D.C. have always had easy access to guns. Even with MPD (DC police) and about 6 federal agencies/protective services patrolling the streets. The DC government is corrupt on the bureaucratic level (since the late 70s-80s), the mayors have been hit or miss. After all of the drugs, crime, murders, robberies, etc. the DC government is now trying to reform the city into "Happy" place basically a San Fransisco of the east Coast or Manhattan Jr. Why? Because of late more "yuppies" are flooding into the city. Especially since Anthony Williams (last mayor) got the tax rated hiked on residents and lowered it on businesses and commercial enterprises. Since then all of the rift-raft and criminal type stuff has been pushed out into Southern Maryland and Northern Va. Many people, especially the people who come to D.C. to live for short periods of been complaining about this gun ban forever, because criminals can easily get guns and regular citizens can not and decent citizens are always treated as if they are criminals by the DC government. Why, because all the Feds regulate guns whenever you cross the city into their territory, the criminals and rift-raft do not hang out over there, they hang out where people live (city controlled areas.) Furthermore, all you have to do is waltz over into Virgina or Maryland to Walmart and get a shot gun and cut the barrel off. D.C.'s murder rate and crime is still pretty low, compared what has happened in the city in the past. The riots, crack wars, and during the term of Mayor Barry, the city saw much much worse. Finally, a lot of the criminal who are "DC based", now commit their crimes over in Maryland along the border areas in NE or SE. Infact, a few months back a mass murder occurred in the neighborhood right next to the DC Police Academy. The gun ban has been in place for ever, but got recent attention because the DC government has started using sweeping powers to do things that are questionable. Closing down night clubs, bars, and restaurants at random, quarantining neighborhoods and stopping and searching anyone that goes into them, and a lot of DC police officers have been terminated and or tried for wrong doings and blatant civil rights violations. Furthermore, a lot of DC bureaucrats have been canned for the same thing. It is good that they are finally trying to clean up the city (after 35+ years of not giving a rats ass unless it was near Downtown and Federal Government territory), but DO NOT turn my city into San Fransisco II or Greenwich Village!!!
  6. Supreme Court Rejects Death Penalty.......

    Ok, so they do not want to cut down on the allready overcrowded prison population which cost 50K a year to house. Ok, so they want to put axe murders, serial killers, gang leaders, drug lords, and baby rapist in the same cell blocks with lesser criminals like petty thieves, small time robbers, etc. (who could be rehabilitated and join society) so said high risk/high security criminals can go ahead and victimize the other prisoners and turn the small time prisoners in grade A nut cases who get released into society due to their short time. Ok, so they rather give Hanibal Lecter the same time as a someone who stole a pack of bubble gum. Yet states and the federal government complain that there is not enough room in prisons and that they need new ones. They complain that recidivism is high and small time and harmless criminals go into jail but come out hardened serial killers (Humm I wonder why...) Prisons (and the governments that run them) have to spend time and money investigating and cracking down on rings of gang leaders, murderers, and rapist who have influence (and control) inside and outside the prison. Now I do believe in fair and just punishment, I believe in treating people humanely, I whole heartily believe in protecting rights and I believe that once you serve your time/punishment then you have served it. But come on..., they are giving some of the most deranged and evil people a "pass" for their wrong doings. The death penalty is completely justifiable. Makes me madder than the people who protested about the murders and terrorist locked up in Gitmo! Rant off...
  7. 3 in 10 Americans Admit to Racial Bias

    What really bothers me is that whenever there is an illegal "immigrant" protest in this nation as of late (usually with in the past decade) the mass of immigrants fly the flag of the nation they came from. Now I am all for immigrations and new people coming to this country (I am for it to my core, even though my ancestors have been here since the beginning.) But illegal immigration makes a mockery of this country and it is unfair to the masses who come here and have to wait in line to enter, wait for a work permit, and then wait X amount of years to be naturalized. And they have to suffer because certain groups of people (within and outside of this country) refuse to follow the rules that everyone has to abide by. I have friends who legal immigrated here over a decade ago yet they still are wait for their papers to processed. They have been here long enough that they are starting to lose their accents and pick up ones from the regions they live in. Illegal immigrants on the other hand want ALL of the benefits of being a U.S. citizen but none of the responsibilities. All they want to do is make their money, use our services, curse America and complain of how their country was so much better. "Jobs Americans" do not want to do...please American will do them.
  8. George Carlin Dead At 71

    Yeah I hear it this morning, that was one funny, no BS, straight to the point man... "Right before they give a lethal injection, they use a F!@#$@ alcohol swab!?" "Life can be boiled down to this... You get up go to work Come home Eat Take a good Sh#! Then go to bed Repeat...."
  9. Where Do You Prefer To Get Your News?

    Varies, often I just click on the news link under google or yahoo and just browse. Mostly I listen to talk radio (WTOP in the DC area) and or read the paper.
  10. 3 in 10 Americans Admit to Racial Bias

    Agreed, TV news is what it is, entertainment. The talking heads are doing nothing but lying themselves when they try to come off as neutral and "fair and balanced". Those 24 hour news cycles are nothing more TV ads and Entertainment/hHollywood news that use controversy to keep people watching. I prefer to read the paper (but even the Washington Post and NY times has slowly turned into Vanity Fair and Entertainment Weekly.) All news sources have an agenda, make $$$$, which IMHO is all fair, good, reasonable, and encouraged (people have to be paid), but do not try to dupe viewers with that neutral/balanced crap. As for the issue at hand, everyone has some sort of biased or preconceived notions of people (it is part of being human and living in a "fad" driven society). Also to expand upon Rug's excellent post, there are racist and narrow minded assholes of every stripe, but not all racist fit that classic mold of an old white man sitting on his porch in Georgia with a shotgun in his lap. There are some people in society who are just closet racist but do not have the balls to admit (personally I have more tolerance of a person who is open and not ashamed of their narrow minded views from 1906) There are also a lot of people in the minority who are just as bad (mindset wise) as a member of the Klan. I have known some people that detested anyone else who was not from their country or region. I have personally known Latinos that hated blacks and whites (and vice versa), Asians who disliked whites (vice versa), and on and on. Granted, being realistic type person I man do not expect (nor care if) everyone to join hands in a big world wide chain and sing "We are the world" and afterwards go pick daisies. But in this world, this global world, you better learn how to at least work with and or respect others who are vastly different from you if you want to survive. Your opinions are your opinions, but common sense, common courtesy, and logic should always trump all.

    Number 10, ROFL!
  12. Teenage Wasteland

  13. Gettin' Married tomorrow!

    Congrats and good luck!
  14. Why the temperance movement failed.

    I'll gladly take the liquor.
  15. The Final Countdown

    part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChMxzchKxp4...feature=related part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hQh9Vjl1Q0...feature=related part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWsLpmSNGuM...feature=related part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4Xe5GTKrCA...feature=related Part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQogLGrrRQw...feature=related
  16. You Want Fear

    All I can say is... Duck, Cover, then kiss your butt goodbye Amazing pic btw
  17. Snow!

    Hell yeah it was 105 here, worse as you got into the city the concrete heated things up worse. The suburbs are cooling off but the inner city is hot and humid because of the storming and the heat from the streets.
  18. Hillary's Downfall

    he..he.. look what I just found
  19. Hillary's Downfall

    ROFL! Dead on! *The office of ironroad does not fund or endorse this message
  20. The F-14 carries a long range loadout of 4 Aim-54s on the centerline pallets, 2 Sparrows (or phoenixes or sparrows) on the wing root stations, and two sidewinders on the root rails and two fuel tanks. It can also carry four semi recessed Aim-7s or a carrier load out of two Aim-54s on the forward pylons with the rear pylons empty (so the plane could bring ordnance back on board if needed.) Also the plane can carry two Aim-54 forward and ONE aim-7 on the last semi recessed Aim-54 pylon. For recon, the TARPS pod is loaded on the rear right AIM-54 station and usually had some weighted Aim-54 pylons forward (in the 1990s I think ECM was loaded on the forward pylons.) Now the original F-14 by the mirage factor has been configured as a early block F-14, so it is A/A weapons only and uses Avioinic 60.dll There are several members who have moded that product turned into the F-14+ and teh F-14D (with Lantrin and LGB/bomb capability.) You can also do it yourself all you have to do is adjust the data.ini to your liking. I have 3 different sets of F-14s in my install, early block A's with the high vis markings. A+/Bs, with improved engines and markings post mid-80s and recon capability. And A/B's which are all around strike fighters.
  21. No water needed, your supposed to lick'em
  22. This monday I saw a BUFF leaving Andrews and it broke low and slow over the house, beautiful sight.

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